I can see the finals

Chapter 327 The price of whimsical ideas

Chapter 327 The price of whimsical ideas

After hearing his proposal, the others were all moved, thinking that this idea seemed to be a good one, so the three immediately agreed and started to implement the tactics he mentioned.

Then, Mo Lihai and Mo Lishou in Zhennan slowed down their search speed, and there were no people who were in such a hurry to find Hero as they were at the beginning.

Naturally, Hero would not take the initiative to show up and come out to beat them.Xinyuxia and Dadixia have long been hiding, well hidden, just waiting for Tianjiang and Dark Fairy Tale to come to their door.

The later they are found, the higher the probability that the other two teams will fight. Only a fool can't stand the loneliness at this time and has to jump out and pretend to be b.

Then, the scene suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

Zhennan was silent, and even Mo Lihai and the two who were searching deliberately lowered their footsteps, as if they were the ones who should hide.

What are they going to do?
What is the so-called tactics?
The two commentators were at a loss, but fortunately, Mo Liqing explained their doubts with actions.

At 2 minutes and 30 seconds of the seventh stage, that is, 11 seconds after the two of Mo Lihai arrived in Zhennan, Mo Liqing, who pulled his teammates up, got off the lighthouse and drove alone to the southwest of the town.

"Southwest?" Looking at the direction he was driving, Dongmian suddenly seemed to understand something: "That's right! Mo Liqing chose Shadow Cat, he can climb walls!"

In the southwest of the town is a continuous group of houses, intertwined with more than a dozen alleys, narrow roads and complex terrain.

If the dark fairy tale wants to persuade a fight, there are three paths to choose from, east, west, and south.

The south is a 6-story building, which is also the approximate direction where the Hero players are hiding; the east is empty, and the terrain is much wider than the alley on the west; the west is the group of houses mentioned above.

According to the most logical guess, there is a high probability that the dark fairy tale will go west, or go directly to the 6-story building in the south. There is no way to go in the east, because there is a lack of bunkers there, so it is easy to be found. It's not easy to avoid.

Therefore, if Tianjiang uses Moliqing's shadow cat ability to climb to the top of the houses near the alley in advance, he can observe the movement to the west very well.In this way, Tianjiang can grasp which path the dark fairy tale takes, and it is clear at a glance.

At that time, through the path they walked, Tian will take advantage of the situation to make corresponding countermeasures, whether to continue to look for Hero, or let Mo Liqing take an eye, choose to stay still for a while, and always monitor the dark fairy tale.

As I said before, the vehicles of Tianjiang are well preserved, and each of the four has a car. Assuming that the south of the town cannot be controlled, they can leave the south of the town, stick to the western edge of the town, turn to the north of the town, and exchange positions with the dark fairy tale. Change.

After changing positions, their people and formation can also be separated, and the team is close to full, it is probably very difficult for Diablo Fairy to turn around and continue beating them...

It's not necessary either.

Because the seventh stage is coming to an end, and there are other teams to enter the circle, Diablo Fairy Tale doesn't have the energy to manage the generals, and time doesn't allow them to do so.

So Mo Liqing's brainstorm... is really very, very important!
If it wasn't for his whimsical ideas, maybe Tianjiang would have a life-and-death fight with the dark fairy tale in Zhennan.Of course, the main reason is that they are the disadvantaged ones, the ones who suffer, otherwise they wouldn't have adopted Mo Liqing's tactics and just went shopping with Dark Fairy Tale to the end.

After understanding, Dong Mian couldn't help sighing: "Mo Liqing's movement is very important. Although I don't know whether it is his personal idea or the attention of the team commander, but anyway, as long as Mo Liqing can successfully come to the house On the top of the group, at least the team can be invincible, can advance or retreat, very freely!"

Chunxiao also discovered something, but her discovery was different from Dongmian: "Wait a minute, did you forget something?"

Forgot what?
Hearing this, Dong Mian was taken aback for a second, but then he immediately came to his senses and exclaimed, "Cigarettes?"

Yes, cigarettes!
He only cares about lamenting the tactics of Tianjiang in a disadvantageous situation, but for a moment he forgot the boredom of "walking strangely" not long ago.

At that time, they were still wondering what Ding Wen's intention was and how to go to the southwest, but now...they finally understood.

"Isn't it? Ding Wen can count as well?" Dong Mian had an incredulous expression on his face, completely shocked.

It's like playing chess, the opponent has only taken a step, and even before he has moved, Ding Wen has already calculated his next few moves, and the arrangement is made in advance, which is a bit too exaggerated.

What kind of brain does he have?

Dongmian didn't expect to see Ding Wen's 'super power' immediately in the first game of explaining the dark fairy tale.

Being famous is not as good as meeting him. Only when he sees it with his own eyes can he deeply understand Ding Wen's terror.

Is this the only player from the No. [-] E-sports Academy with double perfect marks...

"Mo Liqing is about to end." At this moment, he only had this thought in his mind.

Mo Liqing had wasted some time pulling his teammates at the lighthouse before, and when he drove to the town, the cigarettes were almost here.

Of course, he is definitely not as fast as Mo Liqing who drives, but the latter has to get out of the car and walk on foot after entering the town. After all, cars can't drive in the alleys, and there is a certain distance from the entrance of the town.

Once they offset each other, the arrival speeds of the two sides are actually not much different.

In the game, the Heavenly General is still rigorously implementing tactics. When Mo Liqing arrived in the town from the southwest, the Mo Lihong hanging at the back point was still at the lighthouse to help him see his vision and report information to ensure his safety. Into the town, foolproof.

They seemed to have no problem with what they did. They were well-behaved and strict. After the tactics were deployed, they tried not to make any mistakes.

In fact, they didn't make any mistakes, and they did it perfectly, but Ding Wen was on the opposite side.

"Is it almost there?" The two people in Zhennan, Mo Lihai, were still waiting anxiously for Mo Liqing to arrive.

Hearing his teammate's question, Mo Liqing replied very calmly: "Don't worry, I should be faster than him, and I will be there soon."

"That's good." The two were relieved, and Mo Lihai didn't forget to remind Mo Lihong of the lighthouse: "You are dead, don't be distracted."

Mo Lihong was very speechless: "What the hell are you talking about? Is it my first day in the game, and I don't know how to die. But having said that, the slingshot is really a bit delicious——"

"The player's dark fairy tale丨The old boy who sells cigarettes knocks down the general with his son and mother's chain of guts丨Mo Liqing!"

"Grass! There is someone here?" Mo Liqing exclaimed suddenly.

"The player's dark fairy tale丨The old boy who sells cigarettes knocks out the general with pear blossom nails丨Mo Liqing!"

Ah? ? ?
How could anyone?
Before Mo Li's red words were finished, he was short of a word of strength, but at this moment, he could only hold back abruptly, and quickly asked, "How many people are there?"

"On a."

Hearing the number of people, Mo Lihong suddenly had a bad feeling, and immediately shouted anxiously: "Brother Hai, Brother Shou, hurry up—"

However, he couldn't finish speaking.

That is, less than 3 seconds after Mo Liqing was eliminated, a dull heavy sniper suddenly came from the inside of the town!
Even though there was a distance, this heavy sniping sound was transmitted to Mo Lihong's ears very clearly.

"The player's dark fairy tale 丨 Ala Bing knocked down the general with a heavy sniper at the military level 丨 Magic Ritual Sea!"

Depend on!
Can you hit me this far?

Or a headshot?

Mo Lihai fell to the ground in astonishment.

No need to remind, the next second, Mo Lishou beside him immediately got into the nearest house, then turned out the back door, and ran back and forth.

But as soon as he opened the back door, three crossbow arrows flew rapidly from the house across the street!
Mo Lishou made a stiff movement of pushing the door, although it was short and not obvious, but the opponent seized this small moment of opportunity, and three bursts of shots passed through his body mercilessly.

After three consecutive shots, the other party immediately closed the door and hid in the house.

"Player Hero丨Xin Yuxia knocks down the general with colorful glazed arrows丨Mo Lishou!"

At the critical moment, Hero made a move, which made the badly injured Tianjiang even worse.

"Md, it's over."

Mo Lihong of the lighthouse felt cold in his heart, and quickly retreated from the window, then got down on the spot, ready to honestly mix up the ranking points for a while.

But his wish...may be difficult to achieve.

Because to the south of the lighthouse, the sound of dense vehicles came faintly one after another.

The seventh stage is over, and the final round begins.

All the teams are rushing towards Dengtu Town.

They may not be able to successfully enter the town, but the lighthouse... may be a good temporary resting place.

(End of this chapter)

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