I can see the finals

Chapter 320 This is the Top Commander!

Chapter 320 This is the Top Commander!
"Is this the difference between top conductors... and ordinary people like us?"

Dongmian was stunned, and couldn't understand Ding Wenwen's choice of Atlantis. Maybe his thinking couldn't keep up, or Ding Wen and the others had new ideas, but anyway, the point they chose was seen by outsiders. Come on... it's really bad!
The worst level is still the kind that is unusually eye-catching, and you can see that there is a problem at a glance.

Of course, it doesn't mean that these two positions cannot be taken, but that Ding Wen and the others went too early, and they were not forced to choose when they were desperate.They entered Zone D not too late or too early. The fourth stage appeared. They transformed from a passerby. When they were in the next safe zone, they still had a good pick. The choice is definitely better than that of Zone C. team.

There are better options, but choosing the autistic point of these two garbage really makes people guess their intentions.

But if you can't figure it out now, it doesn't mean it will be in the future.

Soon, the fourth stage came to an end, and a large number of teams from Area C flooded into Area D. After Xichao, the west of the town ushered in the fifth team - Bingyu Dao.

They are still fully staffed, and they are one of the few teams that did not lose their players in the early stage.

In this way, there are four full formations near the town, the East Diablo Fairy Tale, the Middle Hero, the Northwest Ancient Civilization, and the last arrived Bingyu Dao.

Seeing a new team appear, Hero repeats his old tricks, but they don't know Bingyu Dao, let alone the habit of commanding Jasper Dao. No one even glanced at the fashions on them.

Just like when Ding Wen saw people 'disrespecting others as ugly', he ran away when he saw people, and retreated simply and neatly.

This not only caught Hero's team members off guard, but also made them feel lonely.

The Bingyu knife that was withdrawn took over the "Qingfeng Temple" released by the ancient civilization.

Before the war broke out, the town was still peaceful and peaceful, like an isolated area, without war or blood.

Dante Wenwen and Atlantis knew very well that this superficial peace... would be broken soon!
The fifth stage came, and all the area of ​​C area was wiped out, leaving only one D area among the five large areas.

Meanwhile, the first corner cut... appears!
Northeast cut!
The small town in the north of D area is not the extreme north, and several teams such as Diablo Fairy Tale are also there.

Immediately afterwards, several teams that were brushed away and could not directly enter the circle began to circle around the circle, hoping to find the weak side of the circle.

There are only four circles, east, south, northwest, and the other three aside, the north circle is naturally along the river, and it is also the best direction to go around.

So going around, the first team five successfully circled to the shore of the northern circle, but was then driven away by a container located not far from the south, and an ancient civilization full of staff through a long-range attack.

Ten seconds later, a second team appeared, but their fate was the same as the first, and they were forced to continue eastward close to the shore.

No matter which of these two teams, they did not choose to attack the container.

It's not that they have no idea, but that the container is surrounded by open areas, which is too flat and too long, and there is not only one team on the river bank, it is impossible to leave people to stand up and attack the container.

According to big data analysis, the winning rate of offensive rushing points when there is no point guard is only 25.3.

The first team that dares to stop will be beaten by the second team, and the second team that stops will be beaten by the team behind.

God knows how many teams there are around the circle!

Unless you can be sure that there is really no one behind you, the player with the gun will definitely die, there is no need to discuss it!
If you find another reason why you can't attack the container, you can actually find it.

Qingfeng Temple - the location that was abandoned by the ancient civilization.

The team in Qingfeng Temple can perfectly take care of all areas around the container.

Therefore, if you want to attack the container, you must not only bear the output of the team at this position, but also have to withstand the long-range firepower from Qingfeng Temple.

The 'bad point' chosen by Atlantis reflects its value at this time.

But there is one question that I still don't understand...why doesn't he want Qingfeng Temple?

After all, Qingfeng Temple is owned by the Kangte container, and now both positions are in the circle, and the former is obviously better than the container.

But the only contestant who can answer this question is still lying obediently in the grass, so the mystery will not be revealed for a while.

At least the two commentators haven't seen the way. They are still lamenting that the ancient civilization gave up a good position and left their team in a very embarrassing position.

The angle of view of the camera was switched, and we came to the side of the dark fairy tale again.

Really, if it wasn't for the constant reminder from the camera, I'm afraid many people would have even forgotten that this team is still playing.

They were so quiet, as if no one had ever been in the chaotic forest.Even if it was a cigarette as a dual guard, they didn't go out to place an order. The five people hugged the tree separately, one by one, like ostriches, almost buried their heads in the roots of the tree.

Obviously all the members are working as a lyb, being a "shrinking turtle", but it gives people a feeling of "a strong team reflects execution and strict discipline".

What's even more weird is that this is the fifth stage, and there are still no enemies around them.

Of course, the small-town Hero doesn't count.

In fact, if you look carefully, there are at least seven or eight places within 200 meters of the chaotic forest in the southeast and north directions. There are high points and parallel points. of.

It can only be said that Diablo's luck is good, there has never been a team to go to these points, so it has been lucky to survive until now.

"No, there must be something wrong."

The experienced hibernation seemed to have noticed something, thinking in his heart, and glanced at the panoramic map next to him from the corner of his eyes.


He couldn't help it, and let out a surprised sound.

Chunxiao asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Hibernation: "Come and see the panorama."

Chunxiao looked at it immediately, and immediately let out the same exclamation as him: "Can't they... come in?"

They deserve naturally the teams that are moving.

What surprised them was this. Outside the field of vision that the big screen could not take into account, the gravitational force in the east of Area D and the Rainbow Girl occupied two key large-scale points, and jointly sealed off the traffic from the circle to the inside. The team, forcing them to move in another direction.

These two teams are aborigines, and the first cut corner was given to them, so there is no need to move, and it is impossible to have the intention of going west.

There is no way to go back by the river in the north. Those who were driven away can only continue south, and then slowly find opportunities to infiltrate into the circle.

Maybe even the Rainbow Girl and Gravity didn't know about it. Their act of driving people away...invisibly helped the dark fairy tale in the chaotic forest.

At least at the first corner cut, no one must have come near the chaotic forest, because there were teams who wanted to come, and all of them were ruthlessly driven away.

"Isn't it? Could it be that Ding Wen knew the location of Rainbow Girl and Gravity, so he would have arrived long ago?" Chun Xiao was shocked. If it wasn't for looking at the panorama, no one would have discovered the connection.

Some people always say that top-level conductors playing games are like turning on the "insight" skill, knowing a lot of information beyond their field of vision, as if they really saw it with their own eyes.

This Atlantis and Ding Wen taught everyone a good lesson just through the "inconspicuous" position selection.

(End of this chapter)

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