I can see the finals

Chapter 313 Roll Point

Chapter 313 Roll Point
In addition, from this small detail, it can also be seen that Yang Li's command level is really bad, far below the minimum standard of a professional player.

He can't see what kind of fashion the other party is wearing, and he doesn't know who the other party is. He can use his brain to think about it... and he can guess it, right?
Group A only has two teams with random birth points, so besides them and Dark Fairy, who else would choose such a remote location as a birth point?

The enemy is 100% a dark fairy tale, so it goes without saying?

Yang Li's first reaction when he saw someone was to hide instead of rushing forward to find him. This undoubtedly shows that his understanding is not in place, and it is difficult for him to bear the heavy responsibility of commanding in terms of brain power.

Of course, the facts are not absolute. If you want to come back with a reason, you can always find it. After the game, he can use the excuse of "Even if the opponent is a dark fairy tale, but I still don't know he is Ding Wen" to get rid of the blame. After all, the dark fairy tale [-] Personally, he can only beat Ding Wen.

But that was the post-match splitting session. Now Yang Li still didn't expect that they were a dark fairy tale. He was a little panicked and speeded up the search for supplies in the room, and from time to time observed Ding Wen's movements with perspective to prevent him from touching. Come and do yourself a favor.

"There is a 2+2 piece of equipment five meters outside the door."

Yang Li's luck was not very good. He didn't find any 2+2 equipment in the room. Through his perspective ability, he saw a piece of intermediate equipment that matched his profession not far from the door, but the problem was that he He didn't dare to go out, and was very worried that Ding Wen had a remote job, and he had already found it.

As soon as he went out, he walked a five-meter pass. Lu's body was too big, and he was easily dropped in seconds.

Fortunately, he still knows the term 'body position', and he is not a complete novice.

At this time, after searching the supplies in the house, he squatted cautiously behind the door, while continuing to observe Ding Wen, and on the other hand, he was also paying attention to the information from his teammates.

The development zone is not like Jiamu Hospital or department store. It is a general term for a large area. According to the personnel search positions established before the game, the five people are scattered very widely. The positions that appear in the game are all the planned precise coordinates. , Yang Li's four teammates, the nearest one... is 300 meters away from him!
Therefore, Yang Li's side was restricted, and it was difficult for other teammates to quickly support him in the first place, and it was also impossible for him to arrive in time to help him kill.

Not to mention, they... are also facing different enemies!
The Crypt Crypt was the first team to drop.

The preparation time for the first stage was 9 minutes and 34 seconds, and only 26 seconds had passed since the player appeared. Fang Luoqing took the lead and killed the enemy she was in charge of.

"Player Dark Fairy Tale丨Aladdin knocks down the visitor from the Crypt丨Worm with the Yeming Scimitar!"

"Player Dark Fairy Tale丨Aladdin uses the Yeming Scimitar to eliminate the Crypt Visitors丨Worm!"

One of the worms exported by the crypt visitor was beaten and patched.

As soon as the news of the elimination came out, Yang Li's pressure doubled immediately, his heart felt flustered, and his eyes were fixed on Ding Wen, not daring to move for a moment.

"Damn it, it's a dark fairy tale!" The teammate scolded, then asked anxiously, "Where is my opponent? Where is he?"

"I can't guess, it's too far away!" His wording means that he can't guess, not that he can't see, and to a certain extent, it can also cover up his ability to see through.

But the contestants and spectators are not fools. Even if he uses the most appropriate vocabulary, everyone knows his perspective ability.

Due to nervousness, Yang Li's voice was a little distorted, trembling: "Who can help me, I have someone near me!"

"Are you talking nonsense?" The face hugger was anxious and angry: "Don't you realize that we are being targeted? We are too scattered, and everyone has enemies around them. How can we help?"

"What should I do?"

"You hold on first, I will try to find someone on my side."

Fang Luoqing, the most powerful fighter in the dark fairy tale, is located at the Worm, about 300 meters away from the Face Hugger. As long as what the Face Hugger encounters is not a cigarette, he has confidence in the rest of Li Hei and Ponytail. Three-way odds.

But obviously he is a little optimistic and a little conceited. The culture and atmosphere of this team are not very good, as if they are working behind closed doors. They don't care about the outside world, or they only care about big things.

So the concept of the face-hugger was still stuck a year ago, the idea that a low-ranking rookie is not as good as an old player, and naively thinks that he is a big winner against Shang Li Heo and Ponytail.

His location is in the electronic factory in two-thirds of the development zone. This is a factory area that has not been renovated in the future. The walls are bare, and the ground under his feet has not been paved with tiles or other floor tiles.But because there is nothing, the workshop in the factory is very spacious, suitable for running and short-distance sprinting.

After a short search, the face-hugger found that the dual-class equipment was basically formed, that is, the long-range imperial mercenaries lacked bullets, and only had a 2+2 Mu Nanchun light sniper with insufficient ammunition.

The Crypters are different from other teams. Because of Yang Li's perspective, they will not be attacked by surprise, and they will not be short of bullets in terms of supplies. Therefore, with the tactical concept of focusing on sneak attacks and persuading fights, they have chosen long-distance occupations and been weakened. The mercenaries of the empire, according to Yang Li's command, shot black guns at any time.

Of course, there is not much room for light sniping in the workshop. It's not that you are too far away from the opponent. The basic combat method is the melee profession.

Face Hugger's melee class is Sunset Swordsman, and his equipment is the 2+2 Sunshine Sword. At the same time, he also has an amulet, which has both attack and defense. It is precisely because of the equipment that he is very confident.

"Where are you?"

Thinking in his heart, he quickly turned a corner and aimed at the long corridor at the end.


It was 8 minutes and 20 seconds, and more than a minute had passed, and he still couldn't find the enemy who faced him.

"You're searching for supplies, don't you have any equipment?"

He wondered secretly, analyzed the situation on the other side, and then planned to turn around and go in another direction.

Step, step, step.

At this moment, a person's footsteps from far to near gradually sounded in his ears.


The face-hugger's heart skipped a beat, and he looked along the source of the sound.

He had to determine who the opponent was first, so he ran away with Cigarettes, and stayed behind to fight Li Huo and Ponytail.

"Great, it's a giant."

Seeing the other party's forest suit, the face-hugger couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief, smiled coldly, drew his sword and walked from behind the wall, then pointed at Li Hei, showing his provocative intentions.

Li Huo looked at him silently, then moved his lips, and whispered in the team voice: "I found him."

Ding Wen: "Ten seconds?"

Li Huo shook his head: "No, five seconds is enough."

After finishing speaking, he also cut out a short knife from his backpack, the whole body was black in color, and it was also a 2+2 weapon... Ink knife!

In terms of equipment, he is on par with the face hugger, but he doesn't know if he has amulets.

He was a little far away from him, and Li Hei was the voice of the team, so the face hugger didn't know what he was talking about, but saw him open his mouth.

"Are you calling?"

When the face-hugger saw this, he immediately thought he was afraid, and called his teammates for help, so his confidence became stronger: "Unfortunately, your teammates are too far away, and none of them can get through!"

Come on, against a rookie like you, ten seconds is enough for me!
The face-hugger thought to himself, then strode forward and took the initiative to meet Li Huo!
(End of this chapter)

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