I can see the finals

Chapter 31 The Little Yellow Duck

Chapter 31 The Little Yellow Duck

"Brother, can't you react a little bit!" Little Xingxing was a little helpless to Ding Wen's plain expression, "After all, you are a top player in District [-]. I don't think you are looking forward to it."

"I don't chase stars." Ding Wen said truthfully.

If he has the reflexes of a pro, he's not necessarily worse than a pro.

Moreover, top players and top stars are also completely different. Although the difference between the two is only two words, but these two words are very different.

Both have strengths, but obviously the latter has more traffic and a bigger name, which is in line with the trend of fanatic fans chasing stars before the new calendar.

After all, he was a player from the secondary league. To be honest, if Ding Wen hadn't watched many games, he might not have known such a player existed.

He remembered that passing by on TV was a cute little fat man with very standard facial features, if he could lose weight, he would be a handsome B.

Of course, in the game he is naturally different from reality.

Maybe it's a new account, and it's because he hasn't played one before. When he passed by and entered Ding Wen's room, he was still wearing the system's default big pants, short vest, and he didn't even set his hairstyle. It was an ordinary crew cut.


He didn't have the haughty attitude that professional players have towards ordinary players. Instead, he was very polite and gentle, but he seemed a little listless. He didn't know if he was still sleeping, so he was forcibly woken up by Little Star to play the game.


Ding Wen also replied politely, and then yawned when he saw passing by, and said to Little Xingxing: "You haven't updated the data for today's training match, don't forget it later."

"Don't talk about this, let's play first." Little Xingxing said impatiently after seeing everyone.

"It's only one person short."

"Let's arrange a passerby."

"Alright." Passing by was still uninspired, and nodded lazily.

Ding Wen still remembered the points and rewards and didn't look at them: "Wait a minute, I'll go draw a prize."

"Then smoke it, I'll take a break first."

There was no place to sit in the room, so Guo Guo simply sat down on the ground, lowered his head and narrowed his eyes.

Ding Wen came to the wall where the record was recorded, and clicked on settlement.

The reward for the first win is 1000 points, 200 elimination points, plus the previous accumulation and the little star trade, just over 5000 points.

There is nothing to say, Ding Wen decisively used the points to unlock the right to use the trap expert, so that he can specify to use this profession in the game.

Little Xingxing saw what he was doing in front of the screen. As he had guessed, Ding Wen really played an auxiliary job, and he was also a trap expert in the hospital game.

"What is this?" Although Fang Luoqing has a talent for fighting, but she just started playing for a short time, and she is very unfamiliar with this profession: "Why haven't I seen it before?"

"Trap expert." Before Ding Wen could answer, he passed by squinting in the corner, but suddenly said casually: "A bottom support profession."

It turned out that he didn't take a nap, but was watching secretly.

Ding Wen's eyes flickered, but he didn't refute his words: "This profession is really difficult to play."

"Its requirements are too strict, and it is a one-time consumable." As an active top professional player, Guo Guo naturally has professional game knowledge, so he is very curious: "Why do you want to play this profession? In fact, there are many other occupations to choose from, such as prisoner, captain—”

"I'm sick." Ding Wen sighed, and interrupted him with a wry smile: "In the game, my reaction is very slow, and I can't play a personal job like a prisoner."

Passing by was startled, and finally regained some energy: "Is there still such a disease?"

No wonder he was surprised, after all, after the opening of the new calendar year, 90.00% of the diseases in the world can be cured. Those strange diseases that once made scientists feel troublesome, and even the root of the disease could not be found, are all gone now.

So passing by became even more curious: "Did you go to the hospital?"

"I go there every year, but it's useless." Ding Wen seemed to recall something, and his smile became more bitter: "Because no matter which doctor, they all said that I am not sick."

"Okay, okay, let's stop this topic." Seeing that Ding Wen's expression was not very good, Little Xingxing interjected wittily: "Don't you still have another chance to draw a lottery, and we will enter the game after the draw."


Ding Wen temporarily put aside his distracting thoughts, found the button for the lottery draw, and pressed it.

"Congratulations, you have obtained an out-of-print fashion—[Battle Duckling]!"

Ding Wen: "..."

What the hell?
"It's so cute!" Fang Luoqing, who was on the side, saw the yellow cartoon suit appearing on the screen, her eyes widened suddenly, and she couldn't help crying out in surprise.

"It's so ugly." Ding Wen looked disgusted.

Originally, he was looking forward to it when he heard the word out of print, but when the result came out, his anticipation disappeared without a trace.

Anyway, he is also a man, how can he play games in such a cartoon suit, without any murderous look.

But having said that, fashion with the word out of print in the prefix usually has an effect. Ding Wen endured his disgust, and then carefully read the line of small words below.

[Chameleon]: This costume has a certain ability to hide. When the player is in a yellow environment, the chance of being discovered by the player is reduced by 80.00%.

It seems... ok?

Ding Wen's heart moved. This fashion can play its role in a specific environment, such as land, walls, etc. It is very suitable for novices and lybs.

"Okay?" Lu Guo and Xiao Xingxing didn't dare to be interested in fashion, seeing him in a daze, couldn't help urging him.

"Okay." Ding Wen resolutely put on the fashion, without the previous disgust.

Immediately, a striking yellow 'duck' appeared in front of the three of them.


His attire was a bit eye-catching, Little Xingxing just glanced at it and then didn't look again, only Fang Luoqing's eyes sparkled, staring at Ding Wen intently.

"The preparations are all done, it's time to enter the game." Little Xingxing couldn't wait a long time ago: "You build a team to pull us."

"Okay." Ding Wen nodded, came to another wall, and clicked on the team mode button: "What map to play?"

"Whatever, you can play whichever picture you are familiar with."

"Then the lost city?"


The system prompts: "Player DW invites you to join the team."

The three chose to agree, and then, the walls began to crumble, and the room became nothingness.

After the familiar entry process appeared one by one, several people came to the separate space before the game started.

Since it is a team mode, several people gather together.

Before choosing a career, Ding Wen asked Little Xingxing: "How to fight?"

"How to fight what?" Fang Luoqing was confused.

Passing by, on the other hand, didn't open his mouth, normally choosing the right two of the three random jobs.

Among them, he is the only professional player, and he has always been the commander of the team. This kind of thing is naturally——

"You command." Little Xingxing looked at Ding Wen and said these four short words.

Hearing this, passing by was stunned, and looked at him in surprise.


(End of this chapter)

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