I can see the finals

Chapter 295 Danger: Defensive Chessboard

Chapter 295 Danger: Defensive Chessboard

Survivors who fell and fell could not be supported, so King Zhou fell from the 6th floor, not only hitting his teammate's Trojan horse, but also dying on the spot.

Jiuchi Roulin one died and one fell, Diablo Fairy Tale only poured one Ding Wen, and the scene came to 4 vs 3.

After Biche complained about King Zhou's very special way of death, he suddenly said, "By the way, have you noticed something?"

Qingyu: "Huh?"

Bicycle: "Why did Ding Wen close his eyes when he bumped into King Zhou? Don't you think it's weird..."

Qingyu guessed: "Maybe it's King Zhou's game character...too ugly? Has it reached the point where the opponent can't bear to look directly at it?"

Bicycle: "Hmm...it seems to make sense, after all, King Zhou is the only player in PGK who doesn't wear pants."

Qingyu: "This..."

Regarding fashion, everyone has their own different tastes and styles. Some contestants find it troublesome and never change after wearing a set; That's King Zhou.

According to him, too many flashy fashions will affect the operation, and not wearing pants can make the players run faster. Anyway, the initial character also has shorts, so it is not immoral.

Of course, King Zhou's statement is not necessarily his own opinion, it is probably Daji, because the latter is a very superstitious player.There is no research data that shows that you can run faster without wearing pants.

Maybe it's just that the players feel faster, but the speed is still the same, especially in the e-sports mode, when all the effects on the fashion are cleared, everyone's speed must be the same, how can wearing pants affect the speed? science.

But having said that, it is really ugly to wear nothing on the lower body, very unattractive, only a pair of shorts, with two bare long legs exposed, Qingyu's joking guess is not unreasonable.

But no matter what the reason is, in short, Ding Wen did close his eyes when he bumped into King Zhou. As for the specific reason, I am afraid that only Ding Wen knows in his heart.

Going back to the game and why Ding Wen appeared on the 6th floor, it is actually very simple... He parked the boat at the bottom of the bridge very early, leaning on the blind spot of the bridge pillar, and avoided the wine pool and meat forest.

Under normal circumstances, the team blocking the bridge will arrange one person to bury it under the bridge, but Wushuang lost two, and there is no extra manpower to do this, and Jiuchi Roulin has been slow to attack the bridge head, clear or force Wushuang away. Therefore, Ding Wen has not been discovered since the end of the second stage until now.

Later, Wushuang observed the new team coming from the middle of the bridge, and saw Fang Luoqing's unique dog-headed attire. Knowing that there had never been any information about missing people in the dark fairy tale, and that there were not many people, they decisively withdrew from the bridge.

Then Ding Wen went ashore and entered the sixth floor before King Zhou and the wooden horse.

The previous experience was probably like this. Fang Luoqing perfectly used her powerful ability to accurately break the point, first severely injured King Zhou, and then knocked down the wooden horse, creating opportunities for other teammates to drive closer.

After the death of King Zhou, the Trojan horse was in a state of falling down, and the bleeding speed accelerated, but Daji and the others couldn't make it through at this time, and there was no way to save him. They could only let him lie on the ground and walk towards death step by step.

Speaking of which, the wooden horse was not in Ding Wen's plan, it can only be said that it was a coincidence that King Zhou fell and hit him.

But that's fine, once he falls, the close combat at Qiaotou is very fair, three-on-three, Jiuchi Roulin still has a chance.

Moreover, they are burial positions, not regular ones. If Diablo Fairy Tale is not careful, they will be ambushed and destroyed first. If it is more serious, all three of them may be killed, and none will be left!

"Don't panic, listen to your footsteps."

Daji knew that they had an advantage, and comforted her teammates aloud: "As long as Wushuang doesn't come to make trouble, our buttocks will be clean, and if they can't—"

Before the words were finished, the original weather suddenly turned gloomy at this moment.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

In just five seconds, the bridgehead was already wrapped in endless darkness, and the eyes of the three of them in Jiuchi Roulin went dark, and they lost all vision.

"Fuck, how many auxiliary occupations did they choose?"

Although the Trojan horse fell to the ground, he could still say: "Isn't Ding Wen dead? Why is there still a meteorologist?"

Daji said in a deep voice: "The meteorologist is their fifth giant, and his job is to assist."

She had a premonition in her heart, and she knew that the fifth position of the dark fairy tale would often be solo support, but the problem is... the meteorologist can't prevent it!

Shen Gongbao in position 3 chose Southwest Medicine King and Octagonal Chess Player, who didn't have the ability to counteract the opponent's meteorologist at all, so they could only watch helplessly when Li Huo changed the weather.

Of course, any two words may be somewhat absolute.

Because Jiuchi Roulin still has an advantage, and the advantage also... comes from assisting Shen Gongbao!
"The chessboard is ready." Shen Gongbao said steadily, "There are four in total. Listen to the sound later."

"Nice job."

Daji felt at ease, holding the slingshot tightly in her hand, ready to release the explosive kite to bomb the enemies on the chessboard when she heard the sound.

They didn't choose a meteorologist, but chose an octagonal chess player, the purpose is to match the new professional troublemaker.

As an old auxiliary profession, the coaches have naturally done a lot of research on octagon players, and have also found out many routines that perfectly match output professions.

One of them is the octagonal chess player plus the troublemaker, which is a newly created tactic after the version change.

The opponent trapped inside by the various effects of the chessboard can't escape the large-scale bombardment of the exploding kite no matter what. Even if they don't die, they will definitely be seriously injured. Next, they only need to make up a little damage to kill the enemy!

Now within 20 meters of Shen Gongbao, there are four chessboards around, and there is almost no room to pass, and Diablo Fairy Tale does not know that they have chosen an octagonal chess player, so judging from the scene, the situation of Diablo Fairy Tale and the three of them is very difficult.
Their only advantage is that they are not affected by the effect of night, and they can see clearly than Jiuchi Roulin.

But I can see it clearly, just to say that people can, the octagonal chessboard is transparent, and the dark fairy tale can't see it at all.

Cycling couldn't help worrying about the dark fairy tale: "It's hard, even if it's as strong as Ding Wen, it's impossible to guess what their assistant has chosen. If this accidentally enters the chess game..."

"Wait, look!" Qingyu seemed to have discovered something at this moment, and shouted in surprise: "Their course of action!"

Bicycle was startled, and all his attention was on the three of them.

The route they took was very strange. Instead of looking for the same number of people in Jiuchi Roulin, the three of them came to the road together by taking advantage of the dark night weather, away from the bunkers on both sides, and walked boldly forward without suppressing the sound of their footsteps.

Cycling immediately understood their intentions: "It seems that Ding Wen is still cautious. Taking the road is indeed a good choice, very safe. But then again, if they want to attack, they will always go to the players in Jiuchi Roulin. The problem with the chessboard It still can't be solved, not to mention they still don't know...the opponent has an octagonal chess player."

Qingyu: "Let's save people first. Ding Wen is still lying on the 6th floor. It's not impossible to pull him up and study slowly."

Bicycle nodded: "That's right, when you're not sure what the opponent's ambush means is, it's safer to pull people first. We can see that the direction of the smoke roll is also the direction of the 6th floor."

Qingyu: "Okay, Ponytail and Li Huo have already entered the building, they came to Ding Wen's side, ready to save—huh?"

Speaking of this, she suddenly stopped, as if she saw something that she couldn't believe, her eyes widened, and she looked at the screen in astonishment... What the dark fairy tale team members were doing at this time.

Li Huo didn't go to rescue Ding Wen, but... carried him directly on his shoulders!

(End of this chapter)

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