I can see the finals

Chapter 291 Opening Bash!

Chapter 291 Opening Bash!

Daji's complexion has not changed, but King Zhou, who is beside him with a deep temperament, has changed first.

Although he didn't hear the words he said, it was not difficult to know his mood at this time through his mouth movements and that long drawn bitter face.

Seeing Ding Wen drop these words and walk towards the venue as if nothing had happened, Daji suddenly shouted from behind.

When Ding Wen turned around, she couldn't help laughing and said: "That... Ding team, isn't it enough for you, why are you still..."

"No one stipulates that if you have enough points, you must rest."


"You guys have to work harder today."

Ding Wen waved to them, followed his teammates and turned into the stadium.

Depend on……

Daji immediately looked at King Zhou: "You...don't drive today."

King Zhou refused to accept it: "Why! I don't believe it anymore, I will be unlucky as soon as he plays? Let's talk about science, okay! Wait, I'll show you the game!"


In the arena, Dark Fairy Tales entered the arena three times, and each time was more enthusiastic than the last. Especially when Ding Wen reappeared today, the audience couldn't help but become more enthusiastic.Many fans specially made some exquisite electronic cards, engraved with the word Ding Wen in various fonts, and some said Team Ding. They were afraid that Ding Wen would not see them, so they held the signs high above their heads. Shouting and screaming.

Ding Wen's popularity is unconsciously approaching that of Wu Zhan and others. Even he himself is surprised. It seems that he has become so famous without playing many games.

"It's a bit fast..."

Ding Wen felt emotional in his heart. Facing the applause and cheers, he walked through the passage surrounded by people and came to the competition area.

Today's commentary partner is the first round of Qingyu and Bicycle, they are old acquaintances, and the host is still the same man, nothing has changed.

The third round of maps continued the three maps of the first round, namely the Lost City, the Old Sand City Site, and the Mayan Jungle.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Survivor only has six maps, but that the other six are not suitable for the game, so these six are usually played in rotation.

According to the tradition of PGK in previous years, before the finals, the official game will hold an All-Star Game and a single solo game. Last year it was Lena's Magic Garden, and this year it may be the abandoned Third Hospital. It is only in these entertainment modes. Others The map has the opportunity to appear.

Based on Ding Wen's performance this year, the All-Star is probably a certainty, but he doesn't know if he will be invited to the singles competition, and it is said that after this year's finals, there will be five friendly matches against other districts.

In short, Ding Wen's competitions before the Chinese New Year are very intensive, there are too many teams in the group stage, and there are still opportunities to take a break, but if he enters the semi-finals, he really has no time to relax.

"Hey, I'm so busy."

While thinking wildly, Ding Wen sat quietly in his seat, waiting for the game to start.

If he hadn't found a more suitable lineup for the dark fairy tale, he should stay in the background and enjoy the game comfortably.

"Hey, hurry up." Fang Luoqing's ears were so sharp that she heard Ding Wen's small exclamation, and then imitated his tone, sighing beside her, full of emotion.

"What are you doing, are you all old?" Yan Jian quietly interjected.

Ding Wen: "It would be great if your ears could be so sharp during the competition."

Cigarette: "It's not that the ears are sharp, it's that we are too close. Speaking of business, what is today's lineup? Did you choose according to the discussion last night?"

Ding Wen nodded: "That's right, let's put it together like that, and try the effect first."

"it is good."

The game starts and the players enter the waiting square.

Maybe it's because Ding Wen has already decided what to choose, and Ding Wen doesn't have to think about it, which saves a lot of time.So he rarely turned on the public microphone, hoping to hear if anyone was talking.

Unexpectedly, after opening it, there were actually people spamming each other friendly.

"Zheng Dayu, Zheng Dayu, your father is calling you, did you hear me?"

"Listen to you****!"

"Don't be worn out anymore today, you guys have fun, listen to your father, you understand?"

"know you**!"

As soon as the mic was turned on, the voices of God of War and the Trojan Horse came out. It was very lively. Ding Wen was very close to them. Not only could he hear them clearly, but he could even see the Trojan Horse bbling while waving its fists, beating God of War's face.

"Go away, you are all boring!"

Even though God of War scolded him so much, he didn't leave. He didn't know if he thought it was troublesome, but he still enjoyed it.

The two of them were too noisy, and Ding Wen quickly hid away.

But there are also people on the other side who are 'communicating'.

"Li Wang, where is your conductor? Why didn't you play today?"

"I am here."

"Fuck, who are you! Why haven't I seen you?"


Listening to their conversation, Ding Wen suddenly remembered a terrible thing at this moment, then turned off the public microphone, and asked in the team: "By the way, do you know the ID of Commander Wu Shuang?"

Cigarette: "Forgot."

Fang Luoqing: "Who?"

Li Hei recalled seriously: "I remember when we looked at the list last night, we were still looking at it together... It's so strange, after one night, I can't remember it. Sister Han, do you still remember? "

Han Gedan: "Ah... I forgot too."

It's really amazing that none of the five people remembered the ID of Commander Wu Shuang, even Ding Wen, who had a good memory, forgot it for a while.

He belongs to the kind of person who sees me and knows it, but can't recall it if he deliberately thinks about it.

In fact, there are several magical people in the Mayan jungle group, one of them is him, and the other is King Zhou.

According to detailed and strict technical statistics, King Zhou is the player in the group who died the most times due to bizarre incidents.

There is no reason and no reason.

Ding Wen still remembers the fourth match in the first round of the Maya Jungle. No one pushed him, and King Zhou slipped and fell off the cliff, which is outrageous.

That scene has been deeply engraved in Ding Wen's mind, and it will never be forgotten.

Many people don't believe in metaphysics, but it happens quietly around people all the time.

"However, he broke out in the last three games yesterday, and his bad luck was washed away. He should be back to normal today. I have to be careful about this person."

In any case, regardless of luck, the player King Zhou is quite fierce, especially since Diablo Fairy Tale replaced Han Gedan as the starter in melee combat today, so he should be more cautious.

The selection process ended in thinking, and all the players entered the game and arrived at their respective birth points.

For the birth point this time, Ding Wen chose the wild area on the river bank north of Area D to disperse the search.

The large area swept away in the first stage is the A area.

After appearing, he immediately said: "Normal development, we will move after the preparation time, pay attention, we control the river—"

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, his screen suddenly went black, and then, the game character suddenly quit the game and returned to the stage before the selection.

"What's going on? Was forced to retreat?"

Ding Wen took off the USB with a puzzled look on his face, looked at the teammates around him, and found that they had also encountered the same situation as Ding Wen, and they were all at a loss with each other, completely unaware of what happened.

"Everyone who is watching this game, including the players in the competition area, please don't move around, and don't panic. Because the player King Zhou of Jiuchi Roulin got stuck in a BUG, ​​the game character has no head, so the first game will be restarted .”

"In addition, please pay attention to all players, try not to punch the opponent's game characters while waiting in the square, so as not to cause some data confusion before the game starts."

(End of this chapter)

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