Chapter 284
Then the host asked a few more questions, and the interview was passed happily in a relaxed atmosphere.

Back in the competition area, Yin Haze and Li Zhenpi rushed forward. After a small celebration, Yin Haze asked with a smile: "By the way, Lao Pi told me just now, anyway, our points are almost enough, next I plan to arrange a substitute to go up and run in, what do you think?"

Ding Wen glanced at Li Zhenpi, without any hesitation, and readily agreed: "Of course, you are the coach, you can watch the arrangements, you can't just watch the substitutes, it's good to come up and get in touch with the team .”

There are three substitutes in Diablo Fairy Tale, none of them are particularly strong, but they are all veteran players with rich experience. Ding Wen took a long time to select the three of them.

Players are human after all, and human beings have good and bad times. Unless there is no one in the team, many strong teams will make substitutions and adjustments in the second half of the group stage to see who is in better condition.

In fact, even if Li Zhenpi didn't say anything, Ding Wen also considered whether to let a substitute play in the next few days of the group stage, but he didn't expect that he was such an nb, and he got the score of graduating in a little more than a day, and the replacement link was advanced advent.

The group advances to the semi-finals without points, and all points are cleared, so as long as the points are enough to advance, Ding Wen and Li Zhenpi exchanged opinions for a while, and decided to change players in the third game, so that the backstage substitutes could wait an extra game.

Of course, if the main force plays another game, it will also stabilize the score, which is safer.

After a brief discussion, Li Zhenpi decided to let Ding Wenwen take a break, and let Fang Luoqing play with two youth trainees and a substitute.

Of course, if all three of them die suddenly and fail to score a point, maybe Ding Wen will have to play in the third round, but fortunately, this possibility is unlikely, and there is no need to score too much in three games. Enough, no matter what, Ding Wen left too many points, enough for a few games.

Haze and Li Zhenpi returned to the backstage, and the second game began.

The last one was a special case, but this one is normal. The final round was far away from the birth point of the dark fairy tale. Ding Wen operated steadily, restored his previous style, and lifted the team into the top five. In the end, he won the No. A score of .37 kills ended the inning.

In the first game they scored a terrifying 5100 points, and with the addition of 1400 points in the second game, the two reached 6500 points. This score is considered to be off work early today. Regarding the "risk of zero points for three sudden death" so It doesn't have any effect either.

After Ding Wen finished playing, he came to the backstage with U-chips and cigarettes.

Dark Fairy Tale has three substitutes, one is the No. 2 combo position, the other is the No. 4 position, and the last one is the No. [-] support.

Among them, No. 2 is from the Wandering Land, ID is Exile, male player, 21 years old, similar to cigarettes, good at most professions, although there is no one profession that is particularly outstanding, but it is completely qualified to be used as a substitute.

The 4th position is from Shengtang, and the ID is inherited from Shengtang. He is the same as the Trojan Earl of Jiuchi Roulin, and he is on a short contract of half a year, so he was not required to change when he came to the dark fairy tale haze, so he continued to use the previous ID. Nursing.He is also a male player, a little bit older, 24 years old, he can even shoot sniper in the last version, but this version weakened the imperial mercenaries, and he has practiced spirit arrows. During the trial training, he was quite satisfactory, not top-notch but Stable enough that you won't miss what you should hit.

After all, they are substitutes. Ding Wen's requirements for them are naturally not as strict as Li Heo and Jiang San's. team.

The last one is the support position assigned to him by Ding Wen. Although he can continue to play as long as he is healthy, his substitute has almost no playing time. What's the matter, when it is serious, a substitute can be used to fill in the position.

She is a female player, not too old or too young. She just turned [-] this year. She was the fifth overall pick in the draft. After coming to PGK, she went through the youth training period. Due to the support position, her performance was neither amazing nor outstanding. Like Banish and Zuo Hu'er, they are well-regarded players, so Ding Wen bought them from Hero.

Yes, she also belongs to Hero. After Ding Wen bought Jiang San, not long after, he bought her too.

Her ID is very interesting, it is called ponytail, just like her person, with two big ponytails dangling, and she is also a cute and sweet type.

When I bought her back then, I was even ridiculed by Yin Haze that he bought her for the sake of looks, and that he was plotting something wrong.

This is of course impossible, Ding Wen is not passing by, when he is free, he will surround the young lady, like a fly.

The reason he bought the ponytail was because of hand speed and command.

As we all know, support is a very special position. Some professions can do it with hands, while others require hand speed.

The most classic, octagonal chess player needs the player's hand speed to be different from ordinary people. The representative player is Huang Quan's Bianhua, and her hand speed is very fast.

But here comes the problem, it’s wasteful to play support with too fast hand speed, so this kind of player will usually play output. It’s rare for Ding Wen to see a player with fast hand speed who is willing to play as a substitute, and has a certain commanding ability, how could he let it go , will definitely buy it immediately.

To put it simply, Ponytail is a weakened version of Bianhua. The attributes of the two are basically the same, with auxiliary and command.Of course, Bianhua's command ability is naturally better, but they are not even close to hand speed.

Without Ding Wen, Diablo Fairytale is a very ordinary team, but it will not be at the bottom. In case Ding Wen does not play one day, the ponytail can perfectly fill the vacancy of the support and ensure the normal operation of the team.

The above is the general information of the three substitutes. In the next three games, Ding Wenwen and Cigarettes will not play, so the ponytail is fixed. Exile and Zuo Huer will rotate to see who is in better condition.

In exile, Fang Luoqing still played 4, Zuo Huer played, and Fang Luoqing became 2. Anyway, she is very good, and can play in any position except support.

"You are all veteran players, I won't say things like don't be nervous, there is no need for that."

In the background, Ding Wen roughly chatted with the three of them briefly: "Also, Han Gedan has learned conducting, you listen to her command, you don't have to pursue the first few wins or anything, just do your best in terms of operations."

His last few words were addressed to Ponytail, whose real name was Han Gedan.

When some players' IDs sound strange or not easy to pronounce, they are usually called by their real names, which is normal.

Hearing his instructions, Han Gedan nodded seriously, expressing his understanding.

Before the game, Li Zhenpi told them everything he wanted to say, so Ding Wen didn't bother, and let them play with a simple sentence.

"Captain Ding, sit here."

When Han Gedan and Exiled left, Yanjian Xinyi waved to him and gave him a seat so that he could watch the game comfortably.

"It's the first time I can rest so early."

Cigarette is only 24, but his words always give people a feeling that he is very old. He is like an old man, lying leisurely on the folding chair, looking like he is spending his old age peacefully.

Ding Wen imitated him and sat down on the expensive folding chair, half lying down, looking up at the screen in the background.

It's amazing to watch others play against yourself, especially watching your own team.

"I hope it won't be too miserable. 1000 points in three games is enough."

Although it doesn't matter how many points they get, Ding Wen naturally hopes that they will get more points and gradually adapt to the game without him.

(End of this chapter)

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