Chapter 269
The resentful girl has no offensive power at all, its ability is to create hallucinations and auditory hallucinations, it is purely used to manipulate people's mentality, when Daji saw it for the second time, she did not panic the first time.

Ignoring the resentful girl blocking the door to frighten people, Daji walked directly through its body and came to the road outside.

Of all the summoned objects of the psychic medium, only the paper figurine can be far away from the user, and the other summoned objects will not be too far away from the user. That is to say, the 'master' of the resentful girl... is nearby at this time!
But in the rain, Daji looked around several times, but he didn't see any trace of anyone. The psychic was hiding somewhere quietly. In such a heavy rain, without careful search, it was difficult to get him out of the house with the naked eye alone. Find out from the dark.

"The psychics in the city, are they on the same team as the dark fairy tale?"

Daji mainly thinks about this problem.

As the old saying goes, the support in the new version is very strong, especially the medicine king and the psychic medium, but in the final analysis, no matter how strong the support is, no one can choose two psychic mediums, right?

With so many supports, how can the team play with others?
Is it all about scaring?
Daji was a little dizzy, so she asked the dead King Zhou: "Have you seen Ding Wen's occupation clearly?"

King Zhou replied sullenly: "No, he was in the car at the time. When I turned around, he ran over me and killed me. I didn't have time to see anything."

As if it was the curse of the competition in this group, he was hit to death by a car again, and I forgot how many times it was. The three of Jiuchi Roulin went out to place orders. Why was it that he was the one who suffered while others were fine?
He was dissatisfied and angry, but there was nothing he could do.

It seems that it is imperative to go to the temple to worship. He didn't believe in it at first, but now he can't believe it anymore. Daji is right. To wash away bad luck, bathing alone is not enough. You really have to go to a temple.

However, the death of King Zhou was not without any benefits. At least Daji confirmed some information through his death.

If the psychic in the city is also a person from the dark fairy tale, and Ding Wen didn't choose this one, then Daji's speculation will come out.

The psychic in the city is Li Huo from the dark fairy tale. Daji knew that Ding Wen would attach an auxiliary to this newcomer, which would not only guarantee a certain combat power, but also add an additional auxiliary profession.

From the previous training games and the last round of the competition, we can know that Li Huo's cheating support job is usually the Southwest Medicine King, so he probably didn't choose this time, and replaced the Southwest Medicine King with a psychic medium.

After confirming this, Daji pushed down the logic, Li Huo appeared in the city, while his teammate Ding Wen was outside the city, separated from each other.

The reason why King Zhou was killed was very simple... because he escaped from the bunker.

Why did he leave the bunker?

Because he wants to support Daji and return to Fangcheng.

So, pushed to this point, everything is already very clear.

First of all, Ding Wen arranged for Li Huo to enter the city alone, so that it would not be easy to be found alone. Daji and Shen Gongbao didn't notice, so Li Huo sneaked in.

Secondly, Li Huo used the ability of a psychic medium to create the illusion for Jiuchi Roulin that the enemy had entered the city and was about to launch an attack.

Because they were not sure how many people were on the other side, King Zhou and the others cared about their teammates and rushed to support them. They finally escaped from the bunker and were found by the dark fairy tale team members who had been lurking outside for a long time, and then attacked and killed them.

Ding Wen's tactics are not complicated, but they are very effective. He seems to know Jiuchi Roulin very well. He knows all the people who should appear at each stage and at each point. Therefore, his lure tactics are very effective. success.

Wanting to understand this, Daji immediately said: "He wants to trick us out, don't be fooled, you immediately go back to the point just now, don't come to the city, I will go with Da Nian to find out the psychic lone wolf !"

The count still has doubts: "But King Zhou's position is very important. If we let it go...we won't be able to follow up."

Daji: "Look at the circle, the circle shape hasn't come out yet, and no one knows how to do it. We don't have to follow King Zhou's position. And it is definitely impossible for Ding Wen to be the only one in the dark fairy tale. I guess his team also In the vicinity, it is difficult for us to gather our forces and we cannot take that point back."

Earl: "Okay, I'll go back right away, you two be careful."



"Come on, New Year, let's go together."

Daji and Shen Gongbao met, and began to carefully arrange points around, hoping to find Li Huo.

The resentful girl didn't disappear, she stood silently in the rain, watching them spread out to the surroundings with herself as the center.

"I'm here……"

"I'm here……"

From time to time, it would whisper bitterly, although the voice was low, but every word could be transmitted to their ears very clearly, disturbing their concentration very annoyingly.

After Yuan Nu was discovered, her auditory and hallucination abilities were not as strong as they were in the dark. At least Daji and Shen Gongbao had a defense in their hearts, and it was not so easy to be tricked.

After searching for a while, and searching very carefully, the two of them still didn't even see a single person.

It was as if Li Huo had disappeared and completely disappeared in the city.

"Impossible, the summoned object is here, where can he go?"

Daji was full of suspicion, and still couldn't figure out where Li Huo could hide.

But at this moment, news suddenly came from the Earl.

"Help me, I hear a car!"

The old version of Lost in the Rainy Night only refreshed horses, but after the new version, vehicles were added, making this map better. You don’t have to use a weak oil lamp to see everything, and you can know that there are enemies by listening to the sound of the car near.

Daji guessed right, there was really only one person in the city, and the remaining four people were all outside.

"One, two..."

Listening to the sound of the car, the count kept reporting: "It's confirmed, two cars and one horse! They all came to me!"

"Okay... greedy!"

Daji's face was as cold as ice, she didn't expect Ding Wen to be greedy to such an extent, one point was not enough, one head was not enough, they actually wanted to eat the second person in Jiuchi Roulin!
No, according to Ding Wen's actions at this time, he not only wants the second head, but also kills the Earl by surprise, and the rest of the Trojan horse may also be his target!

"It turns out that this is the real purpose of releasing people in the city."

Daji knew that she had taken it for granted. If the people in the city didn't come to support them, none of the earls and wooden horses outside might survive.

If you step on it, you must be prepared to be attacked by many people, and you must also bear the risk of this behavior. This is impossible.

Ordinary teams don't mind, they attack the people on the point of the point, they are nothing more than a head-on blind attack, a single strategy, and if they succeed in rushing down and get the desired position, they will not be afraid of other points. idea.

But Ding Wen is different. It is such a tactic with no technical content, but he designed it to be extremely complicated. Before rushing to the point, he has to make various preparations. It is not even limited to one point, but I want them all.

Of course Daji couldn't let him succeed: "Don't worry, we'll start the car right away, you hold on first!"

The count said calmly: "No problem, my hiding place is not easy to find, and it can take a while. Come quickly, and you come with the Trojan horse. When the time comes, we will attack from inside and outside and kill them!"

Daji and Shen Gongbao stopped looking for Li Huo who was lurking in the city, and then got into the car, drove out of the city together, and drove quickly in the direction of the earl.

But they were only halfway through the drive, when the earl suddenly changed his words unexpectedly, and his tone was extremely urgent: "The sound of this car is wrong! Back off quickly! Their target doesn't seem to be me!"

Daji couldn't help being stunned, and didn't understand what he meant for a moment.

Seeing that Daji didn't respond, the count became even more anxious: "Go back quickly, their goal... is Xinyang City!"

(End of this chapter)

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