I can see the finals

Chapter 265 Before the 2nd round of battle

Chapter 265 Before the Second Round

Yang Li...don't remember them?
Ding Wen hung up the phone with a horrified face, no matter how calm and calm he was usually, he couldn't help being shocked by Yang Li's words at this time!

Since Yang Li really didn't remember them, Ding Wen felt that the follow-up call was unnecessary. This ordinary and peaceful apartment was far from being as simple as it appeared on the surface.

"Did you hear it?"

Ding Wen looked at Fang Luoqing, who also had a dignified face, and nodded deeply: "I heard that, but Yang Li...why doesn't he remember us? It doesn't make sense!"

As she said that, her eyes moved to the wall again. I don't know if it was an illusion. Those messy and dense characters suddenly seemed to move. The words are not words, but like wriggling worms grouped together. As if pieced together, it looks unusually permeable.

Fang Luoqing was startled, she rubbed her eyes and looked again, everything was back to normal, words were still words, the vision just now was really her illusion.

"By the way, I haven't finished what I said half an hour ago." She said suddenly.

Ding Wen: "Which sentence?"

Fang Luoqing: "His special ability."

Ding Wen: "What is it?"

Fang Luoqing: "Perspective."


Ding Wen couldn't help being stunned, and his heavy face deepened further: "Through things, or... through people?"

Fang Luoqing's answer was only one word: "Human."

Ding Wen frowned: "In terms of perspective, according to his current personality, he shouldn't hide it in the game, right?"

Fang Luoqing nodded: "You're so right, basically every player with a little skill can tell at a glance that something is wrong with him. Oh no, to be precise, something is wrong with the visitors from the crypt. If you don't listen to their first-person perspective In fact, no one knows that it is Yang Li's cause."

Ding Wen fell into deep thought: "What about the officials? Since the visitors from the crypt have a first-person perspective, it is impossible for them not to hear."

Fang Luoqing said helplessly: "So what can I do if I hear it? After the game, the official staff also randomly checked him, but he was just like you. He couldn't scan anything. The answer to the outside world was his feeling, his sixth sense. Tell him where there are people and where there is not."

As long as there is no abnormality in the scan, then there must be no way for the officials to take the player with the problem...

Whether it is Ding Wen or Yang Li, they each have their own reasons to explain. Maybe Ding Wen's explanation is a little more scientific. Most of the time he can find the circle by the law, and Yang Li is more. To be straightforward, the reason for speaking is the feeling.

Regarding the sixth sense and metaphysics, some people believe it, and some people don't believe it. It cannot be clearly explained by science.

When Yang Li claims that he has a sixth sense, but he can't detect any abnormalities, you have to believe it even if you don't believe it.

Ding Wen was silent for a while after listening, and then asked dryly: "I'm not worried about his special ability. What I'm really worried about is...his people."

After finishing speaking, he seemed to feel that the sentence was not finished and the meaning was not clear, so he said again: "It's not just him, but also... and us."

Yang Li's memory about them disappeared inexplicably, and it must be related to his special ability. He wrote Ding Wenwen and Fang Luoqing's names all over the bathroom wall, just because he was afraid that he would completely forget them in the near future.

But one thing is strange, he and Ding Wen are not very familiar with each other. If he is really afraid of forgetting something, then he should write the names of his parents and relatives instead of theirs.

Regarding this question, Ding Wen had many conjectures, and the most likely one was...they are very important to Yang Li.

It is so important that I know that I am going to lose my memory, but I am only worried about forgetting them, not the closest family members.

"Is it because... we are all the same kind of people?"

Ding Wen guessed suspiciously, but couldn't figure out the specific reason for the time being.

Seeing that he was frowning and remained silent, Fang Luoqing asked in a low voice, "Are you afraid of losing your memory?"

Facing this question, Ding Wen didn't know how to answer, so he could only ask, "What about you?"

Fang Luoqing smiled for some reason: "I'm not afraid, after all I have experience."


She did have experience. When the second personality often haunted her, she often forgot some things. Fortunately, she could remember Ding Wen, and later Yang Li. Since she didn't go out often, the influence was not that great.

"You haven't answered yet." Fang Luoqing pressed him again: "Are you afraid?"

"Afraid." After thinking for a long time, Ding Wen struggled to utter the word.

Can a person who has no memory rely on what others tell about his experiences? Can such a person still be considered a human being?
From a certain point of view, this kind of person is not just like a machine, what kind of code is input by the manufacturer, he will receive what kind of code, thus producing the so-called 'memory'.

Ding Wen didn't want to be such a person, he was afraid of forgetting, and he was very unwilling to have too many discussions on this aspect.

The matter of Yang Li probably came to an end first, the two of them are very good, there is no premonition or sign of amnesia, Yang Li will not remember if he does not remember, Ding Wen will definitely not come to the door, ask carefully , and then help him find a way to restore his memory.

If this person was Fang Luoqing, Ding Wen might still consider it, but he was Yang Li...a roommate who had only been there for half a year.

To put it in a cold and selfish way, that is... what he will become has nothing to do with Ding Wen.

Moreover, the competition has been so frequent recently and it has just started, so unless Ding Wen has no other choice, even if he has many questions, he can only suppress them for the time being, and wait for the game to finish.


When the two returned to the club, the haze hadn't risen yet, but Li Zhenpi was starting to work seriously.

"came back."

He looked up at Ding Wen, then lowered his head, and took out an exquisite optical transmission disc from the drawer: "Liushen, this is the data of the second half of yesterday's game, including the first-person perspective of each team. Do you want to watch it?"

"Let it go." Ding Wen sat down beside him.

"it is good."

The content of the disc is transmitted to the electronic device on the wrist, and then projected onto the virtual light screen in the air.

"Yesterday's No. 9500 was the crypt visitors. They scored [-] points in five games, setting a record for the highest score in the first round." Li Zhenpi explained in general while playing.

"The second is ancient civilization, with 8400 points in five games, and the third..."

Ding Wen moved his eyes down from high to low, looking at their rankings in turn.

With Yang Li's joining, Rainy Night Lost Track has become the most difficult group to play. You must know that there are only so many sources of points, and they are also fixed.

Crypt visitors scored 9500 points, and Ancient Civilization scored 8400 points. The two teams almost separated by nearly [-] points, making it difficult for other teams to gain points.

Ding Wen was actually quite surprised. He could imagine that the crypt visitor got so many points, but the ancient civilization even got an exaggerated 8400 points when there was a 'GB' participating in the competition. It was really beyond his surprise. outside.

How did they do that?
Curious, Ding Wen clicked on the team logo of the ancient civilization team and looked at the precise data of all their players.

As soon as I clicked on it, the data of the twins Gendaya and Mulia suddenly appeared in front of me.

"No way! They..."

(End of this chapter)

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