Chapter 255
Knowing that there is another new team arriving, Wushuang has the advantage in the wooden house, of course they have the right to choose, and they are in a hurry, but they are not in a hurry.

Hearing the sound of several cars gradually sounding, the remaining three, God of War, Mowing, and Zhulu retreated to the wooden house. Li Wang and Commander Wushuang who fell to the ground also slowly crawled into the house, trying to get rescued by their teammates.

However, Nihao Ding's eyes are very sharp. Through the smoke that was about to dissipate, he accurately saw Commander Wushuang wriggling on the ground with a strong desire for survival, and then mercilessly used the ion cannon to make up for it.

And the other King of Power climbed past the point, getting closer and closer to his teammates in the biggest wooden house in the middle.

Seeing that Wushuang was still alive and unable to come out, the three of Ding Ding Ding became even more anxious. They all pressed closer and circled the wooden house for half a circle, but they never found a chance to break through the window and the door.

They didn't have troublemakers, so they couldn't use explosive paper kites to bomb them. After they couldn't find a chance, Nihaoding suddenly had a flash of inspiration, as if they had thought of something.

"Come on, let's go to the small wooden house on the left!"

Since everyone in Wushuang is in the big wooden house, there must be no one in the small wooden houses on both sides, so you can go there first to hang out and hang out for a while.

No, it doesn't have to be just 'brace'!
The personnel of Dark Fairy Tale are all outside the 'Fifth Wooden House', and it is far away. Ding Dingding's move seems to fill up the defensive area of ​​the 'Fifth Wooden House', defending from a team It became two teams defending!

In this way, the cooperation of the two teams can firmly keep Diablo Fairy Tale out of the circle, and let them change from the dominant third party to the most passive one.

Nihaoding's idea is very good, and it was implemented immediately, and he and his two team members ran towards the small wooden house.

As mentioned earlier, the houses in the "Fifth Wooden House" are not closely connected, and there is a gap between them. Although it is not very far, the empty ones are actually too much.

The three of them ran for a few steps, and immediately shot the cigarette that had been hiding nearby. Because of the rich supplies, everyone was assigned top equipment, and his shot was directly a child-mother link!

The iron gallbladder exploded halfway, and quickly bounced towards the top two of them.

They didn't expect people to be ambushed at the close point of the dark fairy tale. They didn't notice for a while, and suddenly one person was hit on the head, and the other was hit on the leg or joint. With the negative effect prompt from the system, his whole body The man threw himself forward and knelt on the ground.

Among the three people, only You Hao Ding was safe and sound, and ran past the first passing point first, and entered the nearest small wooden house.

"At three o'clock! Help me fight!" the kneeling teammate shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Immediately!" You Hao stepped into the small wooden house and hurriedly looked for the window.

"Up north, down south...left west right east..."

His mind turned quickly, thinking silently in his heart, and at the same time, from the perspective of his teammates' positions, he looked for the three o'clock direction that his teammates said.

In the case of fierce battles or emergencies, generally no one will report the coordinates, basically the direction of the left and right or what time, and then the terrain with very obvious features.

The small wooden house where you are located has only two windows, one facing east and the other facing west. If the teammate is in the direction of three o'clock, it is a little bit northeast, so you have to go to the window facing east.

But when you walked quickly to the east window, you suddenly slapped your thigh, and suddenly realized: "Damn! Aren't we on the same straight line!"

Originally, he thought that at three o'clock on his teammate's side, he could reach it through the back window here, but after thinking about it carefully, the two of them are on the same line, and the distance is not too far.So the teammate's three o'clock direction...isn't it also his own three o'clock?
"I can't stand it! I got the directions mixed up!"

You Hao shouted anxiously, and then heard the system prompt.

"Player Dark Fairy Tale丨The old boy selling cigarettes knocked Ding Ding Ding down with a meteor hammer丨Stop it!"

The Meteor Hammer is a hidden weapon of Qianshoutang 2+2. It is relatively large in size and slow in flying, so it is a relatively unpopular hidden weapon.But hitting a person crawling slowly, the effect is still very good. With the high damage of the meteor hammer, it will instantly kill the people crawling around the top of the top in seconds.


"Do not impulse!"

In the big wooden room on the other side, Commander Wushuang who turned into a box saw God of War as soon as he heard the words "Dark Fairy Tale", he immediately became eager to try, and hurriedly dissuaded him: "I know you want to kill Ding Wen, but we are running out, you want to kill Ding Wen?" Calm down, the most important thing is to cooperate with the trap to defend the wooden house! Pull people first, there will be no time to mend our fallen people."

"It's disgusting!"

God of War resented: "They were the ones who hit our tires just now, right? Don't play, just play these dirty routines. They are carved out of the same mold as that kid Bai Mu. It's so irritating!"

The situation in this game is similar to that of the previous game, and it was the dark fairy tale who took the lead in making troubles, turning the "Fifth Wooden House" into a mess, otherwise they wouldn't have lost one of them.

The situation shouldn't have developed like this. They chose a trap expert, isn't it invincible in defense?

How did it become like this?
What's even more exasperating is that after hearing the news of the elimination, Dark Fairy seems to have become the last winning team again, and has become the oriole again, which must make it even more difficult for God of War to accept.

"Get ready, the opposing team is approaching!"

Cigarettes knocked down the top two in a row, and the remaining four also drove to the 'Fifth Wooden House'. From the sound of the car, they could clearly hear that they were parked very close to the big wooden house.

However, Ding Wen didn't seem to have any idea about Wushuang in the big wooden house. After listening to the car, chaotic footsteps sounded, but no one approached the big wooden house alone. surrounded.

"The player's dark fairy tale丨The giant eliminated Ding Ding Ding with a chasing knife丨Don't do it!"

"The player's dark fairy tale丨The tailor eliminated the top with the wind and shadow knife丨Over the top!"

Before approaching the small wooden house, Jiang San and Li Huo Shun took care of the fallen people. Even Fang Luoqing, who had a sharp eye, saw Li Wang who was about to climb into the big wooden house. I also made up for it.

Add another 300 points to Dark Fairy Tale.

Of course, Ni Hao Ding, who was surrounded by four people, could not escape the end of being wiped out. The four people in Diablo Fairy Tale didn't use any extra tactics, and directly relying on the advantage of numbers, they swarmed in and forcibly entered the small wooden house.

At such a short distance, the ion cannon, the big killer, couldn't play its role. You Haoding didn't even kill the first person, and then he was killed by four people in seconds.

Adding this 18 points, the number of eliminations of Dark Fairy Tales has reached a terrifying [-] in the first corner cut of the fifth stage!
1800 points!
It is about the same as taking a handful of small points to win, further consolidating the No. [-] ranking in the Dark Fairy Tale group.

In addition, the acquisition of points is far from over. After all, the dark fairy tales are still full, and... Wushuang only has three people.

Killing these three will earn another 300 points.

(End of this chapter)

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