I can see the finals

Chapter 230 Appears!Mayan Jungle Division!

Chapter 230 Appears!Mayan Jungle Division!
"Of course I've seen it." Yin Ha didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "She appears in various magazines and TV stations every day, so it must be normal to see her."

"No, what I'm talking about is... hey, forget it." Fang Luoqing wanted to say something, but stopped abruptly, and then fell into silence, as if she was thinking about something.

This was undoubtedly another expression that Ding Wen had never seen before.

She started thinking?

God, she actually started to think about it?

Could it be... sick?

Ding Wen was worried, and wanted to ask his best friend, but after thinking about it, he couldn't ask, so he had to give up for a while.

But having said that, both Tiangong and Wuxing were warmly welcomed by the audience when they played, but obviously, when the Wuxing players came out, there were not so many fans screaming, especially men.

You know, there is a clear difference between shouting and screaming. Obviously, Jiang Tong has completely crushed the whole Wuxing team in terms of popularity and love from the audience.After all, there is only one Baimu in the latter who can be regarded as handsome, and he can be regarded as thin if passing through. As for the appearance of the others... it is a bit hard to describe.

Not every fat person is so cute and attractive.

Moreover, this is another era of looking at faces.If it weren't for Wu Zhan's greatness, strength, and many radiances, which covered up his lack of appearance, he might have been ignored by passers-by.

As for the game at the old site of Shacheng, it was beyond the expectations of many people. Tiangong, which is known for its stability, failed to win the first place in the group after five games today.

It's... It's No. 3!
Gravity took the first place, Hero took the second place, and Tiangong ranked third with 5300 points.

If you have to score strength, I am afraid that the old site of Shacheng is the most difficult group in the first stage of the first round. For Tiangong, there are many troublesome opponents. Gravity, Hero, and Funeral Valley are all powerful old opponents. .

However, their fans are not particularly worried about just finishing third. After all, there are 25 games in the first stage, which is a long competition system. They believe that with Tiangong's strength, they will be able to catch up later.

It can also be said that Tiangong is more casual than the five elements, and the degree of attention is not enough. The first stage is paddling, and the final points are enough to enter the second stage.

"Hero is considered an immortal veteran."

Haze was full of emotion: "When I was in high school, they were already in the league. I didn't expect that after 11 years, they could still maintain their form and never fall out of the top teams."

During the previous training, Ding Wen used Hero's team discipline to ask the members of the Diablo Fairytale team. The discipline of that veteran team is really strong, and the various combat coordination is also impeccable.

They were the heroes of District Seven in the past, and they are still the No. 1 forever in the hearts of fans.

"However, judging from this year's trend, it may be difficult for them. There are too many strong teams after the substitution."

Ding Wen didn't bother to listen to the constant emotion of the haze. Sometimes, the haze always reminded him of passing by, the same rambling, same long-winded.

"Old Pi, watch the video."

He waved his hand, indicating that it was time for Li Zhenpi to work.

"Try to hurry up and focus more on tomorrow's team."

"Ok, I know."


October 10th, seven o'clock in the morning.

All members of Diablo Fairy Tale got up on time, put on brand-new team uniforms, and headed to the competition hall with full enthusiasm, led by Yinha Li Zhenpi.

As soon as he came backstage, Ding Wen met Huang Quan's Bianhua.

He looked curiously at Bianhua who was looking around furtively: "What are you doing here? Isn't Huangquan the second half of the round?"

"I'm here to watch the game." Bi Anhua explained with a straight face.

"Then you go to the auditorium."

"You don't understand, I have other tasks."

Like a thief, she looked around from time to time, her abnormal movements were in sharp contrast to her shy and quiet appearance: "By the way, is the contestant from Jiuchi Roulin here?"

Ding Wen stared at her silently, then slowly shook his head.

He suddenly remembered that the 'Daji' in Jiuchi Roulin seemed to be from the No. [-] Esports Academy, and he was also a classmate of Bianhua.

So the latter asked the contestants in Jiuchi Roulin, probably they came to find 'Daji'?
Not long after, everyone from Jiuchi Roulin came to the backstage. When Bi'anhua saw it, her eyes lit up, and then she leaned over, not knowing what to say to Daji.Afterwards, seeing the latter with a livid face, he sent the Bianhua away.

Returning to Ding Wen with an unhappy face, Ding Wen asked puzzledly: "What did you tell her? How could she be so angry?"

"Hi, it's nothing." Bi'anhua blinked, and the unhappiness dissipated: "I just want to ask her if she is free after the game."

"and then."

"Participate in the annual class reunion!"

class reunion...

A vocabulary that is both unfamiliar and familiar to Ding Wen.

To be precise, it was more unfamiliar than familiar, because after he left the e-sports school, he didn't seem to attend a class reunion.

Hey, I don't know how they are doing now. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there has been no news of them in the past few years.

Seeing that Ding Wen was suddenly in a trance, Bi Anhua quickly reached out and waved in front of him: "Hello? Are you still there?"

"It's gone." Ding Wen lowered his head, not looking at her.

"Don't you want to know why she is angry?"

"Do not want to."

"Ah..." Seeing that Ding Wen blocked the conversation directly, Bianhua lost the intention to continue the conversation for a while: "Hey, you are really boring, can you die if you talk to me?"

"Okay, okay, let's go, we are about to compete, don't come and make trouble." At this time, Yin Haze stepped forward, just like Daji before, and also blasted Bianhua away.

"Really, she looks very quiet and quiet, why do she talk so much..."

Yin Haze muttered to herself, and then whispered to Ding Wen: "Brother Ding, did you see that?"

Ding Wen: "See what?"

Haze said unhappily: "It's those people in Jiuchi Roulin, okay, look at their arrogance, as if no one pays attention to them. They came later, and they greeted us in front of the team If you don’t hit me, and don’t show any superficial politeness, you are not angry.”

Ding Wen: "It's okay."

Yin Haze snorted coldly: "I don't care, when the game starts, you must beat them up hard, isn't it just making up two killer kings, what's so great about it!"

Ding Wen: "Ah."


After waiting for a long time, other teams came one after another. Ding Wen really saw the players who were going to fight today.

Although he didn't know any of them, out of politeness, Ding Wen greeted them one by one.

Of course, it was out of politeness. As for whether anyone would bully him, that was another matter.

Fortunately, most of the players are very polite, only a few players are very lonely, and somewhat despise this new army that has just been formed.

"Are you the contestant who was praised as being amazing and the finale of the promotional video?"

The person who said this was Wushuang's top player, God of War, and only a qualified player like him would dare to say such words arrogantly.

Like Ding Wen, he was also a member of the promotional film, but his appearance time was very little, and he hung up as soon as he came up, so he was extremely unhappy with Ding Wen, who was far less senior than himself, but made the finale.

"Little brother, PGK is not PGL." He said, and then showed a cruel smile: "This is a very cruel battlefield. So I hope to see you again in the second round."

Ding Wen had a half-smile, and couldn't tell he was angry: "Thank you for the reminder, senior, I will remember it."

"Pretend to be you." At this time, a man next to God of War punched the latter, and then looked at Ding Wen embarrassedly: "Don't mind, he has always had this personality, and he speaks without thinking."

"I don't mind." Ding Wen smiled and shook his head.

He has heard about Wushuang's God of War for a long time. He is even more straight-tempered than Wu Zhan.

After all, in this group of competitions, the Wushuang team...is not the biggest problem.

Ding Wen hasn't paid much attention to it yet, so let him talk if he likes to talk, and it's okay.

Of course, if God of War can read minds and find out that Ding Wen is even crazier than him, he doesn't know how angry he will be.

After this little episode, and after waiting for a while, the host's passionate voice finally sounded.

"Next, please let us give the warmest applause to welcome today's participating teams... to come on stage!"

(End of this chapter)

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