I can see the finals

Chapter 227 Before the start of the game

Chapter 227 Before the start of the game

Killer King is a general term, not limited to the PGK league, but also includes a series of events such as platform competitions and world competitions.

Of course, with so many competitions, there must not be only ten killer kings.To be included in the top ten murder kings, the most basic standard is more than three times.

Before Jiuchi Roulin changed, one of the team's top players was one of the top ten... Zheng Hao.

ID is King Zhou.

Generally speaking, there are very few contestants with this kind of ID, such as Tathagata and Chang'e (Jiang Tong) from Tiangong. Although metaphysics is not advisable, if you don't have a certain strength, you can't control this kind of ID at all.

Even if you put aside the metaphysics, let's take a step back and say that if a player picked up this kind of ID, but he didn't play it well, the scolding he received would definitely be more violent than that of ordinary players.

You have the ID of King Zhou, but you can't even kill a person?

Dish B!

Do you get the ID right?
Is it fun to slap yourself in the face?

Scolding and so on.

Therefore, if Zheng Hao dared to use the ID of King Zhou, he had some hard power.

As one of the double thighs of 'Jiuchi Roulin', he fought in the PGK arena for five years, and countless strong men died under his hands, and the killer king was even soft-handed, as many as six times.With the addition of another thigh, 'Daji' whose commanding ability is second only to Baimu, Jiuchi Roulin has always been a strong team in the top ten of PGK.

Four years ago, before Shiraki entered the Five Elements, they even entered the world championship once and got a good result of 29th.

But the competition is for five people, and there are only two places in this year's World Championship, and double thighs can no longer guarantee that they can get a better ranking. Therefore, for the World Championship, the management of Jiuchi Roulin decided to buy the other two at a high price. The king of murder who is as famous as King Zhou.

"The wooden horse of 404, the earl of the old castle."

Li Zhenpi enlarged the heads of the two people to make the information below the players more clear, emphasizing: "One of the two has a peak ID of 2.5, and the other has a peak ID of 2.8. They are both extremely powerful players! Xiao Fang, don't be careless, they are far from being comparable to Mandala's decline!"

Fang Luoqing didn't know if she took it to heart, she just nodded, and then asked suspiciously: "Didn't it mean that if KD passed 2, it's not for sale? Why are they..."

Before Li Zhenpi answered, Ding Wen had already explained: "KD is just a standard, and the other standard is the player's role and influence on the team. Moreover, such players have the right to choose independently, even if the club does not want to sell them, they will treat them as It’s a treasure, but they can’t help but want to leave by themselves.”

Li Zhenpi continued his words: "Liu Shen is right. When the competitiveness of the club is not high and the players see no way out, in order not to bury their talents and for higher and more ideal goals, they will Leave the team and find a team that can give them hope."

As for the 404 team Trojan is in, it was Ding Wen's second choice before the haze appeared, and Trojan was one of the reasons why Ding Wen wanted to join.However, because of the appearance of the dark fairy tale, Ding Wen was not recruited by Port of Paradise, nor was he recruited by 404, which directly led to the departure of Trojan, the only thigh in the team and one of the top ten killers.

After all, 404's command is too stretched, so Trojan can't see any hope, so it seems helpless for him to leave the team, but it is also reasonable.

As for the other earl, Ding Wen is not very clear about it. The castle's ranking over the years was about 25 or [-], but last year it dropped sharply to [-]th place. Perhaps this is the reason why the earl left.

But no matter what, with these two powerful players joining Jiuchi Roulin, it has indeed become terrifying. With four strong points, plus another level of support 'Shen Gongbao', the whole team has reached perfection. .

Even compared to the five elements that make up the Galactic Battleship, they have not deteriorated much.

The ranking of the group is related to the team's performance, not the players, so if you consider this factor and then rank, Jiuchi Roulin will probably be number one, even better than Wushuang.

"In addition, this team is very special." Li Zhenpi continued to say with a serious face: "The female players in their team are also in command of 'Daji'... they are an output position, not a support position. It's Shen Gongbao."

"Haha, their names are so interesting." Fang Luoqing found it very interesting: "Is there still Jiang Ziya?"

"Eh..." Li Zhenpi's serious expression faded immediately: "That Jiang Ziya is a Conferred God player, and he is not in our seventh district."

"So the ID was robbed." Fang Luoqing was thoughtful.

Li Hei asked in a low voice: "So we have to be extra careful about this player, right?"

"No." Ding Wen said suddenly, with a slightly relaxed tone: "On the contrary, she is the only weakness of this team..."

Li Huo was stunned for a moment, and Jiang San also asked suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Ding Wen didn't answer, but asked instead: "Do you know why you usually command and play support all the time?"

Jiang San thought for a while, and his eyes couldn't help but light up: "Because playing support won't distract you, and you can think about more things!"

Ding Wen looked relieved: "That's right, Jiuchi Roulin seems to have perfect personnel, and even the command has output power, but her weakness is also on her body. I don't know if they will adjust after replenishing personnel, and I don't know if they Have you realized it, but if they are greedy and continue the previous style of play, then I think... Jiuchi Roulin is actually not that scary."

Again, the competition is for five players, and the emphasis is on reasonable configuration, rather than forcing the strong ones into it.The title of the Top Ten Killer Kings may seem bluffing, but it doesn't mean that if all members of the team are Killer Kings, they will be invincible.

Take the Five Elements as an example, they also have a killer king in their team, but Wu Zhan is the only one, isn't he also able to get a place in the World Championship every year?
Therefore, Ding Wen can't be intimidated naturally. Reasonable allocation is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is related to tactical play.

There are many DPS players in the team, and there are also many DPS styles of play. If you can't find a style of play that corresponds to the lineup, then no matter how many killers you have, it will be useless.

"Let's do the research on Jiuchi Roulin here first. Let's look at the player configurations of other teams. Old Pi, you can give me the birth point and early operation route of each of their teams in a while, and I will slowly figure it out later."

"Okay, then let me express my opinion first, and see if there is anything to add."

"it is good."

The next day, and even all the days before the subsequent games, the dark fairy tales weakened the time of playing matches at night, and focused more on various research and analysis.

Including but not limited to the Mayan jungle, it is not a big problem for Dark Fairy Tale to enter the second round, so they have to study well for all teams.

Ding Wen is okay, but Li Zhenpi is exhausted. Fortunately, with the help of the former, the analysis and research work is proceeding in an orderly manner.

On October [-]th, the day before the competition started, Diablo Fairy Tale did not play the training match, and took a day off to adjust the players' state and relax.

Everyone was very tired this month, with all kinds of training and matches, and even very little time to sleep.The match in the Mayan Jungle Division is on the second day, which is the 16th, so they rest today and have another day of preparation tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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