I can see the finals

Chapter 219 Crushing!God of training!

Chapter 219 Crushing!God of training!

The fall of the second floor is far easier than Bai Mu imagined, because the team stationed there is Luofengtang, not full-staffed.

They are the highest-ranked team other than the natives of District D. They took a boat across the river and landed in District D in the middle of the first stage. Since they were knocked out by Dark Fairy Tale two, they are not eligible to be sidelined and go directly to the deeper The position was advanced, but they did not expect to be favored by the circle, and they were given to the D area, allowing them to live until now.

Of course, that is to live to the sixth stage. Ding Wen's attack method is different from other teams. When the latter five people got off the car, they all skillfully avoided the long-range attacks of the villa group and entered the building smoothly. Using the advantages of numbers and team members They were swept away like a storm.

It was similar to attacking a gas station, and even more so, this time... no one was injured!

"No injuries again?"

The more Bai Mu looked at it, the more surprised he became, and his heart gradually became extremely cold.

"It's simply outrageous, the attacker doesn't even take away the blood?"

Although most of the teams in the training match are substitutes, this may not be the case in the main match, but it is still too outrageous!

Isn't a substitute a professional player? ? ?

They are also very strong, at least stronger than the PGL team!
Bai Mu didn't remember which time Qi Qi attacked without injury before, so now he just changed three people and started not to talk about science?

Isn't the game mechanism just useless!
Shiraki's complexion became more and more serious. In this training match, Diablo seemed to be invincible. There was no such thing as a group fight or an offensive and defensive side. It was obviously a unilateral crush!
"The next Heavenly Palace? No...not like."

The style of Tiangong is completely different from that of Wuxing. The latter has white wood and is stronger in operation, while the former is famous for its ability to fight teams and advance.

Just talking about this training match, the terrifying propulsion ability of the dark fairy tale is very similar to Tiangong's style.

Both sides have a super long-range point breaker, Fang Luoqing, and Jiang Tong. Any 'impregnable' building is no problem for them. As long as you dare to show it, you will definitely be gone.

And without the long-range attack vehicle, the attacking party will naturally get closer smoothly.

So, a team with a strong ability to advance...the premise is that the fourth position must be strong enough, not just ordinary strong, it must be super strong.In any case, the game mechanism is here, the defensive side always has an advantage over the offensive side, and the generally strong fourth position is not so easy to break through.

Of course, this so-called 'game mechanism' does not seem to exist for Ding Wen.

Compared with Tiangong with a similar style, Dark Fairytale's command is stronger, and it can also change the team style at any time.

Now that it's all over, it's impossible for Bai Mu to feel that...Ding Wen is similar to Tian Gong's conductor 'Tathagata'.

In fact, it's a little bit worse.

At this point, Bai Mu is still very confident. Tathagata belongs to the traditional type of command, with too conservative thinking and no spirituality.Therefore, Tiangong seldom exploded in a certain game. When getting high scores, it all relied on rushing to get a good position, plus elimination points, to get a high score of two to three thousand. As for a single game with four thousand points None of the above games.

"Good guy, if he is paired with Wu Zhan and Jiang Tong, then he won't be able to go to heaven?"

Tiangong can't explode, and the dark fairy tale is not necessarily the case. After all, he is Ding Wen, a conductor of the same type as Baimu. This kind of extremely creative and imaginative person, if every position is assigned to him with the top players, he will be able to win four games in a single game. It's really not that difficult.

Regardless of the ups and downs in Bai Mu's mind, the game is still going on.

The arrival of the sixth stage means that the game has officially entered the late stage. There are not many surviving players left, about thirty or so.

The pace of the training match is very fast. Some teams just like to practice team battles and find someone to fight.

Before Ding Wen stayed on the second floor for too long, an unknown team came around from the east and followed them.

Facing their fierce attack, Ding Wen just let go of the trap.

Then there is no more then.

Although all his resources are given to the psychic medium, there are middle and low-level traps. Cooperating with the psychic medium's paper figurines, the long-range attacks of other teams in the villa group, and the strong strength of his teammates, the simple two-story building Forged a tight and solid fortress.

This unknown team was halfway driving close to the point, first two fell down, and two more fell downstairs. As soon as the last one opened the door, he was immediately 'pressed' by the four people from the dark fairy tale who were eager to fight. Fat beating.

The five of them still didn't lose blood, as if all of them had been prescribed injury-free hangs. The medicine packs and medicine king professions on their bodies were a bit redundant, and they were not needed at all.

And Ding Wen chose to use the trap, which also explained one thing very well.

Although the trap can be recovered, the second floor...is the final round.

This is also the reason why he gave up the villa with better accommodation and larger area.

No matter how you say it, the essence of advancement is still to enter the circle, so if Ding Wen can grab the finals, he will definitely grab it!

After occupying the final circle, the rest of the competition will become very boring. Don't talk about the strength of the players and professional cooperation, but only say that the final circle is a housing area and a building, so other teams cannot have any chances.

The following is the target shooting time of Diablo Fairy Tale. Except for Ding Wen, everyone else in this training match must have had a great time.

Ding Wen didn't calculate how many head points they got, but it should be 20 or more.

But he didn't count, Bai Mu, who was watching the battle, did it for him.

At the moment when the training match ended, the system prompted the moment when Dark Fairy Tale won, and the final elimination score was fixed at... 35 people!
Of the 100 contestants, Dark Fairy Tale killed a full third, which is really frighteningly high!
"Well... I was talking about the outbreak just now, and they killed 35 of them directly..."

Bai Mu couldn't help clicking his tongue, and was also shocked by this number.

Still the same sentence, thanks to the training match, otherwise Diablo Fairy Tale would almost be able to get off work after finishing this match.

Exiting the game, taking off the USB, Shiraki looked complicated, and sat slumped on the chair for a long time without speaking, and he didn't know what was going on in his heart.

Until Wu Zhan pushed open the door, looked blankly at everyone in the training room with the same expression, and asked 'what's the matter'.

Only then did Bai Mu speak: "You didn't play the training match...it's a pity."

The coach of the Five Elements immediately got up, called up the video of the training game that had just been saved, and said in a deep voice: "Let's take a look, our enemy this year... has one more."


Back to the dark fairy tale, in the club, Yin Haze and Li Zhenpi only had three words for Ding Wen's performance this time.


Haze was so pleasantly surprised that he almost hugged Ding Wen to celebrate. Among these people, as the boss, he was naturally the happiest and the most stressed.

He was right about the person, the money was not wasted, and thousands of words could only be converted into the word NB in ​​the end. Apart from NB, he really didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this time.

"35! Brothers!"

What a concept!
Yin Haze never dreamed that this newly formed team would achieve such exaggerated results in the first training match.

If the competition can be played like this, let alone the champion of the seventh district, even the world champion...is not a fantasy!

At this time, Li Zhenpi suppressed his excitement, and then smiled wickedly: "I think the forum is going to explode. If you are interested, you can go up and take a look."

(End of this chapter)

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