I can see the finals

Chapter 215 Destroyed!advance!

Chapter 215 Destroyed!advance!
The reason why they couldn't find Ding Wen was simple.

Apparently, Dixian, the summoner best suited by the psychic... took the latter through the wall and left.

And it must be that after Mu Tongmu changed his face, he immediately went through the wall and went down the cliff, and then escaped.Because only by withdrawing early at that time, supplemented by Di Xian's ability to penetrate the wall, there will be time, otherwise it will be found by Datongmu's team members.

"Is this the MVP of PGL?"

Astro Boy's tone is not without envy. This kind of exquisite time control ability, excellent tactical arrangement, and rigorous calculations can't keep up with Mu Tongmu even if he flatters him.

When Ding Wen left Qiqi before, they were also one of the chasers, but because Datongmu was too ordinary and unattractive, it was a pity that they couldn't recruit him.

Now that they have seen Ding Wen's talent in the training match, they can't help feeling even more regretful.

Look at people.

Astro Boy looked at Mu Tongmu with a gloomy expression. Although he didn't say anything, his expression said everything.

The latter seems to be always so slow, and it is too late every time it is discovered. For example, now, the three of them are standing on the snake cliff, they can only watch, and can't do anything else.

Can the side still get stuck?

Is it still useful?

Can the team be transferred later?

What should I do if the dark fairy tale blocks the periphery of Snake Cliff?
These series of questions all need to be pondered by Mu Tongmu.

Of course, he is also extremely embarrassed now, perhaps because of Astro Boy's eyes, or perhaps complaining about his lack of ability.

What else can I do!
In Datongmu's starting lineup and the bench, he is the only one who can command. If he doesn't come, who will come?
He also wants to play a combat profession with peace of mind, and he also wants to not take the blame and honestly spend his salary, but the reality does not allow it at all!
Regardless of whether it is to drive ducks to the shelves or not, in short, when this situation arises, he still has to solve the problem.

Although... may not be able to solve it.

But he also had to bite the bullet.

"How to do it?"

He looked at the empty Snake Cliff in confusion, and then looked at the same empty river, sighing helplessly.

The card edge play was arranged by the coach before the game, and he followed suit.

The problem is, the coach didn't say what to do when the other edged teams stop being stuck, and what to do when they get stuck with their marginal team.

"Hey, we don't have conflicts, and the follow-up route is different. Why do you have to come and beat us?"

Mu Tongmu was extremely melancholy, because he knew that since the dark fairy tale had killed the two of them, there was a high probability that Ding Wen would not let them go.

In addition, he also suddenly discovered that this kind of edge-of-card play seems to be very good, but if a team with a higher pick does not want to enter the circle, it will be stuck at the edge and nearby positions, which will make the edge of the team very uncomfortable.

They cleaned up their 'ass', and by the way, they also cleared up for the latter, and then they had to give their points to the latter, which is completely a beater!

"It seems that after playing this hand, I have to give feedback to the coach."

He thought to himself, and Astro Boy asked again: "Is it still stuck, the boat team probably disappeared, or... let's withdraw?"

"It's not easy to evacuate." Mu Tongmu frowned, looking worried: "The two support points of the camera studio and the orphanage have been pulled out, where should we evacuate?"

"Xiangxi?" Astro Boy tried to put forward his own opinion.

"It is possible, but we have no information."

After Mu Tongmu finished speaking, he added: "And there is no car."

The little Tong Mu in the box state couldn't help but said: "Dark fairy tales have cars."

"Nonsense, they have a high ranking, so it must be easier to find a car than us. Well, what do you mean by that, do you want us to grab the car?"

"Steal a hammer, I want to say that after this training match, we have to give feedback to the coach."

Because of Ding Wen's existence, even the little shepherd boy felt that there were many problems with this style of play, and Mu Tongmu was not the only one.

But the coach has been watching the game, and he must be aware of Datongmu's current situation. As for how to improve it, it depends on after the game. The players on the field now have to continue to play.

For the next time, the three of Datongmu stayed on the Snake Cliff, unable to go anywhere.Until the fifth stage, the shrinking circle of area C is completed, and the corner cutting is ushered in.

But it is a pity that the corner cut in area D failed to reach the snake cliff on the northern edge, and a right downcut came.

Astro Boy looked at the turbulent river, and there was a monster in it: "We have to go."

"You said dark fairy tales... are they still there?" He Tongmu was worried.

There were three people left in Datongmu, but Diablo Fairy Tale didn't climb the cliff to attack them, which can only explain one problem.

They were stuck on the route into the circle!

Considering Ding Wen's ability to arrange the formation, they must spread the personnel very far, and strictly guard against any entry angle of Datongmu.

It would be fine if there was a car, but Datongmu didn't have one, and it was impossible to break through this long blockade by walking alone.

"Come on guys, try it."

Mu Tongmu took a deep breath and made a helpless decision: "Go west!"

"it is good."


One minute later, the monsters in the river began to come ashore, and the three of Datongmu got off the Snake Cliff and ran all the way west.

It wasn't long before they came across cigarettes.

It can also be said that the latter saw them, so it was not counted as an encounter.

When the three were running, the cigarettes were hidden very well. Through the binoculars, they were spotted from a long distance away, so they immediately notified Ding Wen and the others, and the other four came immediately.

Indeed, it is unrealistic for one person to hold three people, but this can reflect the benefits of having a car. Before Datongmu ran to the 40-meter range of cigarettes, the other four people from Diablo Fairy Tale had already driven there from a distance.

The support for the elongation of the front line is the vehicle, so when Datongmu came to 20 meters from the cigarette, the five opponents were already ready for battle.

There is nothing to say, the side of the card is always the advantage, not to mention that the dark fairy tale is still full of 3.

The ambush was about to start and ended within ten seconds.

Dark Fairy Tale has a gun, auxiliary paper figurines as cannon fodder, and three melee fighters, all well-equipped.

Although Yanjuan is a dual-level player, he is not inferior in melee combat strength, and cooperates with Li Huo and Jiang San, one person and one person, to be at the forefront.

Mu Tongmu was the first one to be knocked out. He was shot hard by Fang Luoqing and twice by Li Huan. There was no possibility of him surviving, and he fell on his back.

Then, He Tongmu, who had played the master of the new profession, was hugged by paper figurines and taken away with two cigarettes.

He has unlocked the right to use the new profession, but he has only been promoted to two levels, and many weapons cannot be used. If he has a long halberd or spear, sweep away these paper figurines first, and maybe he can persist for a while.

But it's just a possibility, after all, the opponent's advantage is too great.

In the end, there was only Astro Boy left in the team, and he was evenly matched with Jiang San, which was quite embarrassing.

It may be a psychological problem caused by the disadvantage of the situation. He is a little nervous. He is a master who can be ranked in the top [-] in PGK, but he can't even win a youth training rookie. He really can't save face.

As soon as his two teammates fell, Astro Boy was naturally more anxious, and when he was in a hurry, he was prone to make mistakes. Before Li Heo and Yanjuan came to help, he was immediately punched in the chest by Jiang San, hitting him hard. Take a few steps back.

When Li Huo and the two approached, the situation was settled.

The three of them worked together to kill him easily and freely.

So far, all members of Datongmu have been wiped out!

After killing them, Ding Wen didn't stop, he didn't care about the loot, and immediately got into the car: "Go! Follow the markings and continue to advance into the circle!"

(End of this chapter)

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