Chapter 206
Seventh district, the center of the urban area, Mangxing Daxia.

Five Elements E-sports Club.

On the first floor of 130, in the exclusive lounge, Shiraki was holding a teacup and blowing hot air while browsing the official announcement issued by the dark fairy tale, silent.

Next to him is Wu Zhan, as if inseparable, wherever there is white wood, there must be him.

But Bai Mu was looking at the forum, he was looking at Bai Mu.

"Are there any spots on my face?" Perhaps because he couldn't stand his eyes, Bai Mu finally turned his head and looked at him aside: "Have you upgraded the new version of your profession, are you ready for tomorrow's event, and you have dealt with the negative news Did you? Didn’t do anything, why are you looking at me here?”

"What do you think?" Wu Zhan was not annoyed, and his face was much more relaxed than when he was fishing before. Perhaps he was relieved to see the starting lineup announced by the official Diablo Fairy Tale, and his worries faded away.

"What are they doing? Get two youth trainees to start?" He seemed to be extremely puzzled by the boss of the dark fairy tale, and said again: "I remember their boss is the son of Yu Guofu, Kaiyang Electric has strong financial resources, as a His only precious son, is he not even willing to buy an experienced old player?"

Shiraki shook his head and said softly: "What do you know? Judging from this year's market, how can there be so many good players listed? Next year will be the big year of transfer, and he has no choice. Although the youth training players are inexperienced, but Victory lies in talent, if it is cultivated, it may not be impossible to achieve results."

Wu Zhan clicked his tongue: "Using competitions instead of training? They really dare."

Bai Mu smiled, turned his head, and continued to look at the screen: "There is nothing to be afraid of, they are a new team, they have just started, and they will definitely not make too many strides. There is still a long way to go, even if this year's results It’s not ideal, but they can afford to wait and have time to wait for the youth players to grow.”

Although he didn't say it as clearly as Wu Zhan, it could be heard from his words that he was not very optimistic about this new army.

Two youth trainees plus an old substitute player, Cijuan, don't look competitive at all. Looking at the lineup on paper, Diablo Fairy Tale can't even make it into the top [-] of PGK, let alone threaten the Five Elements World Championship. quota.

With the passing-by joining, they are not even afraid of Tiangong this year, so the only thing Bai Mu is worried about... is only Ding Wen.

"Changed the circle brushing mechanism, can you still find the pattern?"

Bai Mu stared at the center of the group photo of the dark fairy tale, staring at the face he had seen many times, and suddenly said to Wu Zhan, "Go and tell Lao Ning that the lineup for tomorrow's training match will be slightly changed."

Looking at his meaningful eyes, Wu Zhan understood instantly, and frowned: "Why, you want to play?"

"Just for fun."

"With a bunch of substitutes, what's the fun?" After Wu Zhan finished speaking, he thought for a while and said, "Why don't you count me in, and I'll go and have fun too."

Due to the emergence of the new version, the starters of the Five Elements have no time to play training matches for the time being. They have to unlock the new profession and upgrade to the full level first, so the training matches these days have been played by substitutes.

"No." Bai Mu waved his hand, and the man also stood up: "You go to get promoted to a new job with old Tang, and I can do it by myself tomorrow. Oh, yes, there is one more thing."

Wu Zhan: "Huh?"

Bai Mu: "By the way, you can ask Lao Ning to arrange the grouping for the training match, and see if you can be inserted into the dark fairy tale group."

Wu Zhan said with a smile: "It's a small matter, anyway, it's a training match, so it's easy to handle."

So Bai Mu nodded: "Okay, then you go, after the notification is over, call Old Tang, let's go out for supper."


It was dark at night, in the suburbs far away from the center of the city, the base of the Dark Fairy Tale Club.

Ding Wen was studying the data brought by Li Zhenpi under the light.

There is not much information, there are only [-] teams, including birth points, training match personnel information, general tactics, and operating routes.

The training match was different from the main match, and it was a new version, so most of the player profiles that Ding Wen saw were substitutes from various teams, and few started.

But even though they are substitutes, their tactical play is consistent with that of the starters, and they cannot break away from the team's system. Ding Wen is not all in vain, at least he can see something from it.

The grouping of the daily training games is random and irregular. Among the nineteen teams, there are strong teams and weak teams, and the strength is not so average.

Where the hell is, so is gravity.

After the first half of the transfer period started, Huang Quan made a drastic move and bought five or six new players to strengthen the team.Of course, what they buy are old players, youth training and so on, few teams will take the initiative to buy.

They are undoubtedly stronger than PGL, but also more troublesome. Tomorrow's training match may see their brand new lineup.

As for gravity, it is clearly recorded in the data...they are all substitutes, so don't pay too much attention to them in tomorrow's training match.

Ding Wen has a lot of work tonight, and this is his first time doing serious research for a PGK competition.

Of course, to be precise, it is a training match, but even if it is a training match, the intensity must be higher than that of the PGL league, that's for sure.

After working for half the night, Ding Wen finally researched these materials thoroughly and kept them firmly in his heart.

There was nothing to say all night, and at six o'clock the next day, all the staff in the club got up on time and started a busy day.

Haze is in charge of contacting the platform to discuss live broadcast matters; Li Zhenpi is going to prepare for the training match. After the qualification was announced yesterday, he has already applied to the official. Today, he only needs to register and arrange for the players to enter the server.

The training match is at eight o'clock, and there are still two hours left; while eating, Li Huo also asked Ding Wen: "That team Ding, where is our birth point, you didn't say it yesterday."

Jiang San and Yanjuan looked at Ding Wen with the same concern. The birth point was related to the operation of the team and whether there would be conflicts with other teams. There was a roll point problem.

Unexpectedly, Ding Wen's answer was only three short words: "It depends."

Depending on the situation?
what does this mean?
The two youth trainees looked blank and didn't understand what he meant.

After all, Cigarettes is an old player, so he asked again: "Is it undecided, or...random?"

"Random." Ding Wen ate his meal calmly, as if he wasn't worried about the birth point at all.

The meaning of random is very simple, it is not to conflict with other teams, according to the different teams every day, avoid their birth points, and choose one of the rest at random.

Jiang San: "Team Ding, if it is random, how can we practice tactics around the birth point?"

"Don't practice the birth point."

It was still early, and Ding Wen said clearly: "I know what you are all worried about, but it doesn't matter, every time I arrive at a new birth point, I will be responsible for all the route transfers, and you only need to listen to the arrangements, and nothing else Tube."

"Then you will be very tired." Li Huo was worried about his body.

"You should be tired." Ding Wen smiled indifferently, and said again: "Okay, let's eat first, and leave all these complicated problems to me."

"Liu Shen!" At this moment, Li Zhenpi ran over in a hurry, out of breath, as if he had something important to say.

"what happened?"

"I just received a temporary notice..." Li Zhenpi wiped off his sweat, adjusted his state, and said again: "The team in today's training match has changed, and Gravity has been transferred to another group."

Ding Wen's expression remained unchanged: "Which team is the new team?"

"Five elements!"

Seeing that Ding Wen still had no expression, Li Zhenpi couldn't help emphasizing: "It's not Wuxing who is a full substitute, but the team led by Bai Mu himself... Wuxing!"

(End of this chapter)

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