Chapter 200
Ding Wen understands the tactics of playing games, but contract transactions and money matters are his weaknesses.

Li Zhenpi, who had been listening to the sidelines for a long time, finally spoke out, and at the same time pointed out several shortcomings in his words, he also improved some, and expressed his opinion: "Liushen, I understand what you mean, you are afraid that the money will be given too much. Few clubs will refuse, but if you ask me, there is no need to be so anxious, and you will kill it with one bite.

Hmm...Leave this matter to me. If you heard me right, 3000 million should be the ceiling price. If conditions permit, I will try my best to buy them at a suitable price. I have no choice but to consider the option of 3000 million.

After all, they are under a youth training contract. Unlike Hao Zheng, he has no right to speak, so many issues will be involved in contract negotiations, such as buyout fees, transfer fees, etc. These are very troublesome and unlikely Immediately finalize. "

Ding Wen also knows that he is not very good at this, and it was just his suggestion: "Okay, then I will leave it to you. Remember, 3000 million is the most, and it is best to lower the price. You can control it yourself." .If the opposing club, the Lions, opens their mouths and greedily adds up to more than 3000 million, then forget it, and we will change to someone else.”

Yin Haze said: "Speaking of substitutions, what does Li Mao say? Do you inform him?"

Li Mao is an Earthwalker.

Originally, according to the previous verbal agreement, he was going to choose to join Diablo Fairy Tale, but I don't know if it was because of the patch that made him hesitate.During the day, Ding Wen called him to play matching research tactics, but he pushed him away on the grounds that he had something to do. He was probably still thinking about it, or he just regretted it.

Ding Wen felt that there was a high probability that he would regret it. You must know that in addition to studying tactics in matchmaking, there is also the initial familiarity with each other, which means trial training.

He didn't want to come, which meant that he didn't want to come and get familiar with him in advance.

For this kind of person, Ding Wen didn't have too much hope. He had already been removed from the starting list, so he chose two youth players instead of one.

"You don't need to be notified. It's fine if he doesn't come. There are more number one positions. I believe that Li Hei and Jiang San are not necessarily inferior to him after training."

Yin Haze nodded: "Okay, I get it. Old Pi, don't go to bed yet, let's work hard tonight and try to get the contracts of the two youth trainings done as soon as possible. There are still more than 20 days left in the league, so hurry up as soon as possible. "

He may be the only boss in all the clubs who is working as a team leader. He is not incompetent for the job.

The two left quickly, taking advantage of the fact that the other two team leaders hadn't rested yet, they took the time to contact them.

After they left, Fang Luoqing withdrew from the game.

Taking off the USB, Ding Wen casually asked, "Driving?"

Fang Luoqing nodded excitedly: "Yeah! And horseback riding!"

Ding Wen: "Ah."

He didn't expect that Fang Luoqing's addiction would suddenly become so big, and he had never seen her like this before.

Maybe it was the long drive today that made her fall in love with the thrill of running long distances?

Ding Wen didn't know.

He is the person who understands Fang Luoqing best, but most of the time, he still can't understand Fang Luoqing.

Just like driving a car is boring in the eyes of others, but in her eyes, it is so interesting.

But let's not talk about this aspect, Ding Wen has a task for her.

"Tomorrow you will be a trial trainer."

"Trial officer?" Fang Luoqing looked at him suspiciously, her big eyes were full of curiosity: "Who is the trial trainer? Cigarettes?"


"But I can't, I've never done this kind of thing..." Although Fang Luoqing said so, the expression on her face that was eager to try had already betrayed her.

"No problem! How to try?"

"It's very simple, you will know what to do tomorrow." Ding Wen remained mysterious and did not answer.

The night is long, but not long.

Around eleven o'clock, Haze and Li Zhenpi brought good news.

It was settled with the Shenjiang team. Originally, they didn't want youth training, and it cost money and manpower. In the end, they didn't know if they could train them, but because of the results of last season, although they didn't want it, they still wanted to. Still allocated a draft spot.

Diablo Fairy Tale asked for it at this time, and they gave back a lot of money, so they naturally agreed in a hurry.

In today's league, what most teams lack is immediate combat power, not young players who can produce results over a long period of time.Of course, the top ten picks are the exception, as they have enough and eye-catching talent to support the club in doing it.

But after the top ten, the twenty players before the thirty are in an embarrassing situation. They are talented, but they are not that prominent; They will take longer.

So as long as there is more money, these clubs with ten young players will basically let them go.

Sure enough, Ding Wen is not material for negotiating a deal, nor can he touch money, because the price Li Zhenpi and Yin Haze bought for Li Hei... was only 1000 million.

That's right, in Ding Wen's eyes, he is indeed worth a 3000 million contract, but it's worth it. If you buy may not have to buy it at this price.

What you said before the haze is correct, several million yuan for youth training is very expensive, let alone 3000 million yuan, in other words, the price of 1000 million yuan is actually quite high.When the price was given for the first time, Haze gave 300 million yuan a year, and after the two parties raised and lowered the price, they finally settled on 1000 million yuan.

Aside from talking about it, anyway, the God Generals Club at this time has already had a good time, slaughtering Diablo Fairy Tale, who took advantage of it, and at the same time sending away the hard-to-handle youth training players.

They earned it for nothing. After all, the draft itself was a gift, and they didn't spend a penny.And Li Huo's youth training contract has not yet expired, that is to say, a contract of 1000 million, including a large buyout fee.In addition to other scattered handling fees, transfer fees, etc., although they are very few, they have earned a lot from the accumulation and the major buyout fee.

Given 1000 million, of course Li Huo couldn't get all of it. The club withheld part of it and had to pay taxes. The player's money was what he got in the end.

After talking with the general, Li Hei was dealt with, and the other Jiang San was a little troublesome.

Because the club he belongs to... is HERO.

It is the largest club in the Seventh District, and also the oldest club. It is also the only world champion in the Seventh District for 11 years!
In the past few years, Wuxing and Tiangong have been ridiculously strong, but even they have never touched the trophy that represents the top of the world and the highest honor.

Although HERO has gradually gone downhill since winning the championship last time, it is very difficult for the top ten to advance.But this kind of old club has a very complete youth training system, is not short of money, and doesn't care about raising youth training players for nothing.

In general, they have the background of world champions, and their influence is still there. Coupled with a sound youth training system, players who can't play PGK can still play PGL. They can fully afford the growth of these young people.

So they didn't care much about the high price of Dark Fairy Tale, they just said to look at it tomorrow and think about it before talking.

There is nothing else to do about this haze, even if you are in a hurry, you can wait until tomorrow to talk about it.

At around 6 o'clock the next day, Yin Ha and Li Zhenpi got up early, and kept in touch with each other while they were working without eating.

Fortunately, this time HERO agreed this time, but I don’t know if he was annoyed by the harassment, so he directly mentioned 1500 million in a fit of anger, as if he wanted to buy it or not.

But they think it's high, which doesn't mean that they think it's high. It's half of the planned 3000 million yuan, and with the addition of another Li Hei, it's a savings of 3500 million yuan.

Of course, money is not calculated in this way, but no matter what, these two youth training players that Ding Wen likes are all settled.

And the speed is very fast. From the decision to the finalization of the player's contract, it only took one night for Yin Haze and Li Zhenpi, and they acted vigorously and without any procrastination.

Therefore, the starting list of Diablo Fairy Tale is temporarily completed. As for the confirmation, it depends on the training results after 8 o'clock today.

 Thank you for the 2100 reward for sending the blade if you don’t update it again (uh, is this a fan of Yidou boss... thanks), thank you for the 1000 reward, thank you for the 500 reward for Leng-Han, thank you for liking 89 rewards from erhuan200 for opening a store.

(End of this chapter)

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