I can see the finals

Chapter 192 Advance update (2)

Chapter 192 Advance update ([-])

Maybe 80.00% of the previous support was too weak, and there were almost no candidates, so in the second update, the support has been fully strengthened.

One is to increase the highlights and excitement of the game, and the other is to bring more choices to the players, so that there will be no swords except knives.

Changes to Trap Expert: Cancel the 3+3 trap [Emergency Binder] and replace it with a new trap [Ice Burst].

Before that, another setting needs to be mentioned... In order to improve the rigor of damage calculation, the character's HP has been changed from 5 points to 10 points.

Of course, the blood value has increased, and the damage of professional equipment has also been adjusted.

For example, Imperial Mercenaries, the previous 3+3 ion cannon was 4 points for headshots and 2 points for other parts. After the update, it becomes 6 points for headshots and 4 points for other parts. Low-level equipment will also be adjusted accordingly and fixed. the most appropriate value.

Let's talk about the new trap of the trap expert.

【Ice Explosion Needle】

【Capacity】: 5
【quantity: 1
[Professional Equipment]: 3+3
[Applicable Occupation]: Trap Expert
[Setting time]:? ? ?

【Lethality】: None

[Features]: ① Attachment (the ice blaster can be attached to other traps, the setting time is the same as that of the attached trap, and no additional setting time will be added); ② Delay device (3 seconds delay, the trigger time can be set freely by the user , to detonate the explosive pin in the player); ③Remove (this trap can be dismantled by players other than the user)

[Effect]: When the ice blaster is triggered, one can be split into five in the player's body, each 3 seconds, and explode in sequence.After the explosion, it can cause the negative status of "stiffness" to the player.

[Uniqueness]: Regardless of whether the consumption is completed or not, this trap can only be used once per game (single player).

[Commonness]: This trap can be recovered before it is triggered.

[Remarks]: One of the most proud products of trap expert Li Ge, second only to the hidden hunting trap, when this trap is combined with other traps, interesting effects will occur.

It's a very good trap. Ding Wen is very satisfied with the new trap. It doesn't matter whether it hurts or not. What matters is its powerful negative effect.

In the new version, the duration of the negative state of [Stiffness] is fixed at one second, and five explosions are five seconds. Although it is intermittent, it is still very scary!Of course, when the trap is detonated, it depends on the player's consciousness. This is not difficult for professional players, let alone Ding Wen, it is a breeze.

The changes of [Hidden Hunting Traps] are: the damage remains the same, the deployment time is reduced, and the number of traps is increased by 1. It still cannot be dismantled by other players in advance (it is invisible after all).As before, it can only be disassembled after the player steps on it.

However, the life value of the new version of the character has changed to 10 points. If you step on it and do not remove it, a clip can no longer kill a person, and you will not die if you bleed.

But because of the perfection of the negative state, even if the player does not remove the trap, they can no longer drag the trap forward like before, and a set of three clips has become four clips. From the purpose of control, the hunting trap is to strengthen of.

The last [Arrow Rain] change: the recovery rules are the same as the Ice Burst, and it can also be dismantled by other players in advance, which is also unique.

As for the remaining ordinary traps, the damage remains the same, and the negative status is enhanced. In addition, the recycling rules are somewhat different from the 3+3 traps... Whether they have been used or not, these traps can be recycled and can be dismantled by other players in advance.

The above is the new content of the trap expert after the modification. The old limitations are removed and new removal restrictions are added. Don't talk about other people's opinions, just talk about Ding Wen himself. He feels that it has been strengthened.

At least he can play without the finals and a good ring trap expert. It's no longer so tasteless. Maybe there will be many trap experts in the future, instead of Ding Wen standing out from the crowd and playing alone.

Of course, support is comprehensively strengthened. Compared with trap experts, the enhancement of other support professions is more obvious.

The most obvious one is [King of Southwest Medicine]: add poison settings, you can put poison on any cold weapon except hot weapons.

I don’t know anything else, anyway, Qianshou Tang ushered in an epic level enhancement, and if there is a medicine king in the team, he must have it. Not surprisingly, these two professions can win T1 in the new version and become popular professions.

It's a pity that the trap is not a weapon, otherwise Ding Wen's poison on the arrow rain would be stronger than the locust stone.

[Storyman]: Add flutes, add sea and land creatures, cancel the setting that players can communicate with multiple summoned creatures at the same time, change it to only one communication, cancel redundant birds, and keep the newly added peregrine falcons, black and white vultures, Small flies are three types of flying creatures.

[Octagonal Chess Player]: Slightly strengthened, the formula for arranging the chess game is simplified, and the speed is increased.

[Psychic medium]: Cancel the five summons, such as the watchman, imp, and zombie, and replace them with the resentful girl, the cross man, the mirror nightmare, the dixian, and the faceless man.

[Prisoner]: 3+3 handcuffs are changed to heavy iron shackles.

[Captain]: The speed of the iron hook is increased, which is more conducive to holding weapons.

New job [meteorologist]: Luo Wen, good at Fengshui, knows everything about astronomy and geography, has been in the dark for 20 years, the strongest outside the top ten genetic warriors, has the ability to change the weather, and dispels countless dark abysses with light creatures in.In the 57th year of the dark year, he died at the hands of Yu Changsheng, the medicine king of Southwest China who fell into darkness, at the age of 61.

In addition to trap experts who can change terrain, professions that change weather have also appeared.

Just looking at the general introduction, Ding Wen took a closer look at the job description and various equipment, and felt that there were not many useful ones. There was a dark sky, a heavy rain, and a strong wind. The impact on players is not that great.

Turning into the night is really useful, but the others are more like making up numbers. At present, Ding Wen doesn’t know enough about it. If the negative status is related to the weather, then this profession is quite strong.

[Thief]: Wang Wu, a private lone traveler in the dark year, known as the number one thief in the 19 districts, once he made a move and never failed, he stole the unformed genetic medicine in the 1th district of the dark year, and the next day after forcibly injecting it, The body couldn't bear it and exploded to death.

Uh... so short, so casual, not even the age at the time of death.

Ding Wen didn't know what to say. If you ignore the characters' stories and only look at the game's profession, the profession of [Thief]...is a bit strong.

Because he can steal various attributes of the player's equipment and body, although it is only temporary, it has a duration.But just imagine, when two players are melee fighters with knives, and one of them has a sub-job as a thief, then it is very likely that there will be a situation where the other party's sword is getting slower and slower.

The knife speed of the man with the knife is a passive ability that comes with it. The thief has not yet experienced actual combat, and there is no specific description of his occupation, so I don't know if he can steal it.

The last [judge] is very special, more interesting than [thief].

Its ability is... punching acupuncture points.

(End of this chapter)

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