I can see the finals

Chapter 190 Solicitation

Chapter 190 Solicitation
Judging from the position of these four big names, they all fit very well with the dark fairy tale. Among the four people, there are two fourth positions, one first position, and one dual-ability position. They are all teammates that Ding Wen needs.

However, it was not easy for these four people to be recruited. Although Earthwalker and Penglai were substitutes, they were substitutes for the top seven teams.They come to Dark Fairy Tale and they can start the game, but they are a new team after all, and all aspects are unknown. No one knows what they can do. Therefore, in order to get a place in the World Championship, they will probably choose to stay in the original team. Even as a substitute.

Of course, it’s not absolutely impossible. Ding Wen hasn’t contacted them yet, so he doesn’t know what they think. What if one of the two is fed up with the substitutes and wants to make more money and be a starter? , maybe agree.

Ding Wen is not greedy, as long as there is a promise.

In any case, the starting lineup must be assembled first. As for the latter two, Lei Bing was directly passed. No matter how strong the players who affect the unity of the team are, Ding Wen will not want them.

And the last cigarette is the most promising one among the four big names.

It's okay not to play with guns, isn't there Lingjian and Qianshou Tang? Ding Wen can only go straight to the finals. It is no exaggeration to say that he can play almost any style of play.He would use whatever style of play there was in the team. If it wasn't for his inability to react, Ding Wen wouldn't need to be a trap expert.

There is another point, which is also very important.

The game is about to... usher in the first major update of the year!

Judging from the preview, although the ocean heavy sniper will usher in strengthening, but the imperial mercenaries will definitely be reduced, so it’s okay not to play with guns at that time. After all, even if the heavy sniper is strengthened, there will probably not be many candidates. Unless the firing mode is changed to continuous point, but if you want to change it to continuous point, then it is not a heavy sniper.

However, if Ding Wen wants to recruit cigarettes, he must do so as soon as possible. The reason why the Western Regions are not doing anything about cigarettes is because they are waiting and watching, and they are going to wait for the game update to confirm all the changes of occupations before making a decision.

Ding Wen knew that the game would be updated, and they must have known it, so before the game was updated, Ding Wen had the most time to grasp. After this period of time, the difficulty of attracting cigarettes would be greatly increased.

At that time, if the contract given by the two parties is similar, and he stays nostalgic, then Ding Wen will definitely regret it.

If he can be successfully taken down, Ding Wen is going to let Fang Luoqing play the [-]th or [-]th position, add him as the [-]nd position, and then make up the [-]st position.

The fifth position takes over all the functions of the first four positions, and it is designed to supplement the team's weaknesses, so the requirements for this position are not so demanding, almost good.

If the idea is more beautiful, one of Earthwalker and Penglai will come, and the debut of the dark fairy tale will be perfect.

But fantasies are fantasies after all, Ding Wen can only get in touch with them first to see what their thoughts are, and then make a decision.

Anyway, there is still nearly a month left for the PGK league, so there is no need for other people to worry so much except cigarettes.

The specific matters of solicitation are handled by Yin Haze and Li Zhenpi. Ding Wen only provides opinions, and he does not need to worry about these matters.

Because there is business tomorrow, so tonight's screener will come here first. After dinner, Ding and Wen went back to their rooms to sleep.

Silent all night.

At about seven o'clock the next day, he got up to wash normally, and then called Li Zhenpi. Before the meeting, he told him the three primary choices he researched last night.

After hearing the IDs of these three people, Li Zhenpi readily assured: "Leave this matter to me. Although I have retired for several years, I still have some connections!"

But even though he was extremely confident and assured him repeatedly, after an hour after Ding Wen saw him, Li Zhenpi's face drooped, with a depressed and unhappy expression on his face.

He lost a lot of weight compared to the last time I saw him in the competition hall, and Ding Wen didn't know how he managed to do this in just ten days or so.However, Li Zhenpi has lost weight, and his wretched temperament has weakened a lot, and the mustaches on the corners of his mouth have been shaved clean, and he is no longer so unbearable to look directly at.

He came with Yin Haze, the latter was also the first time Ding Wen saw him in real life. He lost the stereotyped appearance of the game character, and he was quite handsome in reality, and his temperament was completely different from that of Li Zhenpi next to him.

If he didn't know in advance, Li Zhenpi followed him, he really looked like a malnourished old housekeeper, the kind who hadn't eaten for several days, his face was yellow and skinny.

After some friendly and polite words, Ding Wen also quickly understood why Li Zhenpi's face was like this.

It turned out that after talking to Ding Wen an hour ago, Li Zhenpi immediately called the three people he picked.

Cigarette and Earthwalker were alright, but Penglai scolded him directly, said something like disdain to be with people like him, and then hung up angrily.

Ding Wen didn't expect this. He didn't expect that Li Zhenpi's notoriety would reach such a level. After several years, there are still players in the league who hate him deeply, and they can't forget it for a long time.

"But there is good news." Yin Haze comforted her old classmate first, and then said with a smile: "Earth Walker said to think about it first, as for cigarettes..."

"What did he say?" Ding Wen hurriedly asked, this person is the key point, his meaning is very important.

"He said he wants to meet you alone." Yin Haze looked at his watch, and said again: "At three o'clock in the afternoon, Yilin Tea House, you booked a table to contact him."

Is it three o'clock in the afternoon...

Although Ding Wen didn't know why he proposed to meet only with himself, but since cigarettes are so proactive, he must go to the appointment.

"But my eloquence is not that good." Considering several hidden dangers, Ding Wen said, "There are also contract matters, and I don't know much about those things. How should I tell him then?"

"You don't have to tell him, I've already made an offer for him. Just talk to him when you go. It's probably about some game tactics. You are an expert in this area. Whether you can persuade him... depends entirely on you."

"Okay." Don't talk about the contract, just talk about the game, Na Dingwen must be very confident in the conversation in the afternoon.

"Okay, you guys go to the club with me first, and show you the base of our dark fairy tale, and familiarize yourself with the environment in advance."


Dark Fairy's club is deserted.

It was even colder than Ding Wen imagined.

From entering the villa to leaving, Ding Wen saw no more than 15 people in total.

Among them, the seven five-star chefs of Amirin accounted for half. Compared with the club that started with 700 people, the dark club is really minimalist to the extreme.

But just like what Yin Haze said, although the sparrow is small and has all the internal organs, despite the fact that there are few people here, there are all the positions that should be available, and it only focuses on survivors, so apart from being deserted, everything else is fine. normal.

After eating an unknown high-end lunch prepared by a well-known five-star chef in Amirin, Ding Wen came to Yilin Teahouse around one o'clock in advance.

While drinking tea at leisure, he waited for 3 o'clock to come.

(End of this chapter)

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