I can see the finals

Chapter 175 Looking for Zhang Changzi (Thanks to the little 7 Lai Meiyun for the reward)

Chapter 175 Finding the Field (Thanks to Xiaoqi Lai Meiyun for the reward)
Are... gone?
Bianhua took a deep breath, trying to stabilize her emotions.

Her inexplicable anxiety before came true.

The Lions team is not strong enough, but the disgusting people still have a hand. They knocked all the tires of the nearby vehicles, which means that Huangquan lacks vehicles and it is difficult to find new vehicles.

The medium-sized map is okay, but Boneyard is a large-scale map with a vast area. Without a car, how can you play in the back of the underworld?
Not to mention far away, at least now Huang Quan is facing difficulties in transferring, and the tactics that Bi Anhua planned before the start of the game have to give up.

"There's nothing to say, everyone, let's find a car first."

Bianhua said these words helplessly, then opened the map, intending to see what other fixed car brushing spots are nearby.

"Wang Yu, you can drive to the 'Ruanyuan Mountains' again. There is no one there, and the vehicles should still be there."

The ruined mountain range is Qiqi's birth point, and Mandala has been there once before.

When he left, Huang Quan's people naturally couldn't stay where they were. They left the entrance of the 'Scorched Land' and turned west to walk forward.

"Don't take the high road."

Because people who are afraid of fierce lions will still make trouble, Huang Quan is easy to be beaten on foot, so Bi Anhua warned the team members worriedly, and asked the team members to avoid the main road and only take the small roads with potholes to reduce the chance of being discovered.

The blood dance in the air was looming, floating from the soles of Huangquan team members from time to time. They passed through these steep and complicated areas, and first returned to the 'Anopheles Bay'.

Bianhua remembered that Hanliu had a car, but because there was no shortage of cars in Huangquan at that time, the group killed Hanliu, and they left in a hurry instead of driving Hanliu's car.

And now that Huangquan is extremely short of cars, they can't just count on Datura, they have to make two preparations, so they went back to 'Anomaly Bay', trying to find a vehicle for the cold current.

The model of the car is relatively large, as long as it is not hidden very hidden, it is generally easy to find.

The four of Huang Quan acted separately, and it didn't take long before they found two heavy trucks and a jeep.

But what makes Bianhua's heart cold is that all three cars are without exception...the tires are all gone.

"Damn it, where did the fierce lion choose? How can it know our whereabouts so well?"

Bianhua's face was sullen, thinking about this question.

Could it be that he chose the west side of Qiqi's birth point?
They just searched for supplies and then chased after them?

After thinking about it, Bianhua can only use this reason to explain it.

But she always felt that something was wrong, because the command of the fierce lion had "something", and she guessed which Huang Quan would choose as the birth point.

"Perhaps... the roll point at the beginning?"

Her eyes lit up suddenly, but quickly darkened again.

At this point, how did the fierce lion know... It doesn't seem to matter anymore.

They have achieved the goal of this race, they have punctured all the tires that should be punctured, and they have not left a good car for Huang Quan. After completing this matter, they should have gone far and are unlikely to stay.

After all, the strength of the fierce lion is not enough, so they can use their hands and feet on the vehicle. Since they have taken advantage of all the advantages, they can't continue to stay and wait for Huang Quan to settle the score with them, right?
If this is the case, then the command of the fierce lion is really too stupid, and he doesn't have a clear understanding of his ability——

"Someone hit me!"

At this moment, Naiheqiao suddenly shouted in shock.

Simultaneously with his voice, there was a familiar and dull sound of a heavy sniper rifle!
In the team list, Bi'anhua only saw that his blood volume was like a flood that opened the gate, and it dropped to just a little.

"C, luckily it didn't start."

Naiheqiao's expression changed with fright, and he found a nearby bunker to hide behind.

A heavy sniper is a heavy sniper, and its power is much greater than that of a light sniper. Even if it didn't start, the shot just now almost killed him in seconds.

It was safe for the time being, and the flower on the other side immediately asked, "Who did it?"

"Wait, let me make sure."

Naiheqiao shook his head quickly, stretched it out and immediately retracted it.

In an instant, he seemed to see a man in a brightly colored suit walking away from a piece of ruins with a gun on his back.

"Hundred Beasts Set..."

Seeing the attacker's attire, Naiheqiao couldn't help gritting his teeth and spit out a few words: "Your uncle, it's you again!"

Bianhua was stunned: "Lion?"

"That's right, it's them!" Naiheqiao saw that the opponent had withdrawn, and replied while taking out a medicine bag to add blood to himself: "They're not finished yet."

But then again, thanks to the fierce lion on the opposite side, otherwise he was in a static state just now, and if he was replaced by a player from another team, how could he be given the chance to increase blood, this heavy sniper must have blown his head off .

Guimenguan arrived first, took a look at the scars on his body, and breathed a sigh of relief: "The opposite side is very good at marksmanship."

Naiheqiao: "That's right, they are the only ones who can still fire such a gun in a sneak attack."

After sighing, he immediately asked Bianhua: "Sister Bing, they still want to bully us nearby, do you want to—"

Bianhua's voice was cold: "Which direction did he go from?"

Naiheqiao's injury undoubtedly made Bianhua's dissatisfaction even worse.

This fierce lion is too greedy, he has already taken advantage of Huang Quan, and he wants to take some more if he doesn't leave?
She must make the lions pay for their greed!
Naihe Bridge: "Northwest."

Meng Po: "Isn't Wang Yu in that direction?"

Mandala, who hadn't spoken for a long time, finally said, "I'm here."

Bianhua asked: "Did you find your car?"

Datura: "I'm not here yet, soon."

Bi'anhua said coldly: "Then don't go, come back and look for that person, you should be able to meet that person when you turn around in that direction."

Datura: "Okay, leave it to me."

Naiheqiao: "Then what about us?"

Bianhua has only one word.




The first phase is coming to an end.

Exciting news also came from Mandala: "Sister Bing, I see the person you mentioned."

Bianhua: "Determine the clothes."

Mandala: "It's confirmed, beast costumes, patterned robes."

Bianhua: "Where's the gun?"

Datura: "I didn't see it, maybe it was put in the backpack."

Bianhua asked again: "Is he heading in your direction?"

Mandala: "Yes."

Bi'anhua's face became even colder: "That's to find the car to have a tire. It seems that the cars in the 'Ruanyuan Mountains' are still there. Wang Yu, he didn't find you, did he?"

"No." Mandala smiled confidently: "Don't worry, Sister Bing, this person is left to me."

"it is good."

The first stage is over and the second stage is coming.

"Player Huang Quan丨Mandala uses Mu Nanchun's light sniper to defeat the fierce lion丨Mountain King!"

Mandala lived up to Bianhua's expectations, and successfully fulfilled his promise. He intercepted that person halfway, knocked him down, and made up for it.

As soon as the ID appeared, it proved Bianhua's guess.

Dress up may be wrong, but ID...is always true, right?
As for killing the mountain king, Huang Quan and the others also took a breath of anger.

Greed is fine, but if you don't have the strength to match it, then... I'm sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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