I can see the finals

Chapter 173 The situation is good

Chapter 173 The situation is good

The third round of the second round of the AC group, Burial Ground, the map is loading...

100 players enter the game.

This map is the one with the least room area among all maps, but the resources are consistent, and there is no reduction due to the overly open terrain.

Each map has its own characteristics. As the representative map of survivor PVEChapter 5's overall defeat, Boneyard gives people the impression of desolation, desolation, and decay. Looking around, it is either the thick smoke rising from the volcano, or the zero Scattered and dilapidated remains of buildings.

The black and red hue, the blood mist in the air, filled the entire map.After the defeat of human beings, the bones everywhere seem to be talking about the tragic battle that year, reminding people never to forget those warriors who fought against monsters and died heroically in the end.

In this map, the birth point of Huangquan is the "Stone Ruins" south of the center. Of course, in the third game, they will not choose this as the birth point, but choose the "dark ruins" on the southwest side of Qiqi's usual birth point in the data. Marsh'.

Listening to the name, this place looks like a swamp, and it seems that it is not suitable for material search.But the area of ​​the 'Dark Swamp' is actually not that big. It spreads out around it, and there are many wild areas nearby, surrounded by layers, wrapping the 'Dark Swamp' in it.

The wild point area refers to the area where the buildings are not concentrated, and the points are relatively scattered.

The title of 'Dark Swamp' is chosen by the players themselves. After all, there is only one eye-catching spot in this area, which is easy to remember and easy to call, so choose 'Dark Swamp' as the birth point, and there will be no shortage of supplies.

Since they came here with a purpose, the 'Dark Swamp' is the most suitable choice. It is more than 300 meters southwest of Qiqi's birth point, and can control many of the latter's main roads to go out and transfer.

Of course, Bianhua knew that Ding Wen had changed his birth point this time, controlling the path not for Qi Qi, but for those teams who chose to play the same way as Huang Quan.

The only thing to worry about is whether other teams will also choose this as a spawn point.

Get ready for the roll point, all members of Huang Quan enter the dark swamp.

Bianhua guessed right. When they came to the dark swamp, there was indeed another team that also chose this place.

Perhaps they were also prepared, but luck did not favor them. As soon as the game characters appeared one after another, two unarmed players were immediately caught by Huang Quan and easily taken away.The remaining three did not love to fight, and continued to forcefully roll with Huang Quan. After killing two of them, they immediately withdrew from the area around the dark swamp.

Earning 200 points for nothing at the beginning, unintentionally gave Huang Quan's third game a good start, the morale of the team was high, and it seemed that even the time spent searching for supplies was much faster than normal.

After the search, Mandala and Guimenguan went out to find a car, and were going to two different intersections to get information from their vision.

The Boneyard has vehicles, but only three.

Heavy truck, off-road, motorcycle.

Because it is an old battlefield, a series of impractical vehicles such as cars will not be used here.

In this map, the vehicles are either fast or tough, and nothing else.

Huang Quan was lucky. The two of Mandala each found a motorcycle. This kind of vehicle is highly mobile and flexible, and it is very suitable for going out alone to find information.

In addition, taking the information naturally also includes Qiqi's birth point. Mandala is a dual-powered player, with a wide range of occupations, and can handle any distance, so Bi'anhua asked him to go to Qiqi's birth point first, and again Make sure that the latter is really changed.

After a while, Mandala's message came back, and he didn't see anyone there, which meant that Qi Qi had really changed his birth point.

This also made Bianhua completely relieved. She spoke with confidence before the game. Fortunately, Ding Wen was a very smart conductor and did not slap her in the face with actions.

To be honest, she was really a little worried that Ding Wen didn't see through the pros and cons, so he didn't change his birth point.

But think about it carefully, since he is a player who can score 99 points in that kind of strict scoring, how could he make such a low-level mistake?
She can see through, so Ding Wen can naturally.

"Okay, everyone, let's move, pay attention to these three nearby points." Bi'anhua quickly marked on the map, "If there are people, let's do it here first!"

Everyone looked and found that the first point she marked was 'Anopheles Bay', which was located on the east side of Qiqi's birth point, about 500 meters away. The terrain was difficult to defend and easy to attack, so it was indeed suitable as the first target.

If you attack here, you need to prepare an air separation agent.

The Boneyard, like other maps, has exclusive necessary props, one of which is the air separator, and the other is the filter mask.

The two are indispensable. After filling and matching, it can not only purify the blood mist inhaled in the air, but also prevent some mutant mosquitoes and other creatures from coming along with the player's exhaled gas.

Of course, players are not afraid of biting. Unlike reality, these creatures will not bite, but the problem is that they will surround the surroundings in groups, not only making very loud noises, disturbing the player's hearing, but also revealing the location, which is very Easily spotted by other players.

Therefore, these two items are necessary to go to 'Anopheles Bay', while other places can be equipped without equipment.

Two pieces are better than three pieces. Huang Quan and the others didn't spend too much effort to put together the air separation agent and filter mask.According to the information obtained in advance, the remaining people found another heavy truck.The two motorcycles were in front, and the three of them were behind, and then rushed to the 'Mosquito Bay'.

The team that chose this was Hanliu. When the gate of hell came to check out the spot before, a certain team member who had seen Hanliu identified them through fashion.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, coupled with the frontal advancement ability of Huang Quan's five people, they only paid a small "price" that two of them fell to the ground but were not repaired. They successfully ate the full number of cold currents and added 500 elimination points to their team.

"Not bad." Bi'anhua was in a good mood, and ordered the team members to simply search for supplies, and then headed for the second location at the fastest speed.

However, with the previous group destruction information, it will be a bit difficult to think about such an easy raid next time.

But Bi'anhua was not very worried about this. She knew that since these teams came here for luck, they would never be willing to leave just like that.

Therefore, even if they have defenses, it is useless, because Huang Quan can not rush to attack, but step on the outside, enveloping the team inside.

These teams must come out to get information, otherwise why would they come here, just choose the old birth point.

It is this psychological weakness that Bianhua is grasping.

Because 'Dark Swamp' is the closest area to Qiqi's birth point, Huangquan has a distance advantage and can do a lot of things in advance, but these teams can't.

Bianhua has at least five ways to eat the teams in the three areas she selected.

She is not greedy, three teams are enough, 15 people, 1500 points, even if this one does not enter the finals.

What's more, the two elimination points that were given away for nothing were added.

Bi'anhua's strategy... obviously succeeded again.

(End of this chapter)

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