I can see the finals

167 - The second loss

Chapter 167

Outside the game, the two commentators were naturally surprised by Huang Quan's abnormal behavior.

Yi Yan could understand a little bit: "It seems that Huang Quan wants to enjoy Qi Qi's good luck."

Babao Porridge smiled and said: "But luck is too metaphysical. The rules of the circle are random. Even if DWI has figured out some of the rules, it can't guess all the rules. If you don't guess right , then Huang Quan didn't work for nothing, and put himself in a difficult situation for subsequent transfers?"

Yi Yan: "Huang Quan has a lot of points. I checked it just now, and it is currently only ranked No. 2 behind Qiqiqi. So it doesn't matter if a certain one is a little bit sluggish. I still believe that Huangquan can be stable. Steady promotion, after all, their strength lies here, and the strength of PGL's team is far behind that of Huang Quan."

Babao porridge agrees very much: "Yes, you are right. Counting this one, Huang Quan has played 7 games, and in these 7 games, only Qiqi made them suffer once. The other teams won. There's nothing they can do."

Indeed, Huang Quan is really too strong, the only time they suffered a disadvantage was from Qiqi.

But when it comes to losses, this should be Qiqi's turn.

The commentator didn't think so, but Ding Wen thought so.

He didn't count just the second, Huang Quan adopted this wretched strategy.

In addition to always being on guard against this big trouble around him, what makes him even worse is...he has set all the traps away!

What does this mean.

It means that Ding Wen can no longer adjust the position of the trap, and cannot make effective changes to the appearance of Huang Quan.

Not to mention that no one is playing trap experts, and the inability to adjust the traps that have been placed is also a very big limitation. Although these traps are not released by Ding Wen, they are choices made after careful consideration, but these are effective for most teams The trap point may not be effective for Huang Quan.

With Bi Anhua's talent, she will definitely stand in Ding Wen's perspective and follow his thinking to consider where these traps may appear.

Because Ding Wen couldn't adjust anymore, he couldn't conversely guess Bi'anhua's psychology, guess what she guessed his thinking after, and then make a response.

"This is difficult."

Standing in the house, Ding Wen looked out at the rainy night through the half-open broken window, secretly worried, thinking about how to play in the finals, and whether there is any way to deal with Huang Quan.

But after thinking for a long time, he couldn't find any way.Shijie said that it is not big, but it is not small. There are three ways to enter from the outside.

If there were only two or one path, maybe Ding Wen would have many ways, but if there are three paths, it would be difficult.

Once Bi'anhua figured out the location of these traps, these strongest defensive weapons... would be useless, easily bypassed by Huang Quan and forcibly infiltrated into the village.

Now it's just the beginning of the third stage, and Ding Wen has already begun to think about the battle in the finals.In his eyes, other teams are not a problem, only Huang Quan is the key that really threatens their final victory.

The rain is still falling, and the circle is still slowly brushing.

Shrinking and shrinking, Qi Qi and Huang Quan went through the third stage in peace, became a harmonious "good neighbor", and came to the fourth stage in a blink of an eye.

This is also the only chance for Ding Wen to make adjustments, because the devil shop appears, and he can exchange for 3+3 traps.

Do you want to exchange it, and how much should you exchange it for?
Ding Wen thought quickly in his heart.

Logically speaking, they have developed twice, one at the birth point and one at Shijieyu. The supplies are relatively sufficient, so if they are exchanged, they can also exchange for several pieces of 3+3 equipment.

But Ding Wen seemed very hesitant. The exchange is definitely exchanged. What he hesitates is whether to exchange so much.

There are three kinds of 3+3 equipment for trap experts.

Concealed traps, emergency binders, rain of arrows.

The first two are more suitable for narrow terrain, and the latter will be applicable to a wider area.

Judging from the terrain of Shijieyu, Arrow Rain is the most suitable choice, but its trigger condition must be the bell on the tripping rope, so if Bianhua can guess the position of the tripping rope, then the existence of Arrow Rain is undoubtedly a bit tasteless up.

It has a 80.00% chance of not being triggered.

"This loss is settled."

Ding Wen thought for a long time, and finally sighed helplessly.

At this point in the second game, some things are doomed and cannot be changed, so the best thing he can do is not to forcefully target Huang Quan, but to focus on other teams.

Otherwise, the result is likely to be that he failed to defend against Huang Quan and the other teams.

Ding Wen is not a pedantic person, and being flexible in time is one of his strengths.

After careful consideration, in the end he only exchanged the number of traps that were normally used, and the places for other top equipment were given to Fang Luoqing and Passing.

Not surprisingly, Huang Quan would choose to fight against them during the finals. At other times, Qiqi's first consideration must be other teams.

Time slips away and the fourth stage ends.

In the fifth stage, the vicinity of Shijieyu gradually became lively, and some teams had already arrived around.

Of course, the number of these teams is not particularly large. After all, it is only the fifth stage, and the trend of where the finals will be is not obvious. It will not be until the seventh stage that a large number of teams will be gathered here, and the bloody and tragic start will begin. The battle really became lively.

During the period, Huang Quan once encountered a full-stacked team. At first, Ding Wen thought he had seized the opportunity, and wanted to persuade a wave of fights to see if he could get some bargains and kill them before the finals.

But it's a pity that Huang Quan has always been on guard against them, and specially sent a person to stare at Shijieyu's direction. In addition, the team that attacked them was a fierce lion, and Qi Qi's three-man team had just arrived. The battle between Huang Quan and the fierce lion is over.

4 hit 5, 24 seconds.

All the lions were wiped out.

It has to be said that the fierce lion was really unlucky today. He couldn't attack anyone, so he chose Huang Quan.

Their information is too scarce, and they don't know anything about the situation here.If the opponent was a team like Hanliu, even if they couldn't win, they wouldn't lose so badly.

But the opponent happened to be Huang Quan, one of the strongest teams in this round, so what can they do, the Lions can only admit that they are unlucky.

"Fuck, give me some strength, Lion!"

On the way back resentfully, passers-by expressed their dissatisfaction with hating iron but not steel. If the fierce lion fights for more than 40 seconds, then this wave of fights will be persuaded!
such a pity.

Such a good opportunity was missed.

He really couldn't figure it out: "Oh, no, old Ding, tell me... In a village with so many houses, how did they manage to fight like a group in an open space? This is too fast!"

"Is this still fast?" Ding Wen shook his head and said calmly, "It's already considered slow. If it were us, they would only fall faster."

Ding Wen naturally felt sorry for not being able to catch the only chance, but he would not blame the Lions. After all, the strength of this team lies there, and they gave Qiqi a lot of points before. It's not right to blame others for their lack of strength after getting benefits from the fierce lions.

"There is no room for adjustment in this game. Go back first, and be careful of other teams coming to charge."

(End of this chapter)

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