I can see the finals

Chapter 158 Lost in the rainy night (9)

Chapter 158

Can Qiqi bury someone?
Of course.

Bianhua is a sensible person, as long as the final round is in Iron Hand City, then Qi Qi will definitely be able to ambush someone.

There may even be more than one!
Now it is the stage of choosing one of the four. The teams near Iron Hand City have a high probability of entering the city; those who are not there are naturally near the other three safe areas.

Once the final round is drawn in Iron Hand City, the other three teams in the safe zone must transfer, but since they guessed the wrong safe zone before, it must be too late for this meeting, and the ranking will become very, very low.

Iron Hand City has four gates, more than 90.00%, each gate has teams stuck, so those teams transferred from the three safe areas are basically difficult to enter the city.

What if I can't get in?
They can only go to the station outside the city, which still has a little safety zone.

There is only this way, there is no other choice, if you can hang around for a while, it will be a while.

Through the actions of all members of Qiqi, it is not difficult for Bi'anhua to guess their purpose.

They don't plan to rush to the first place, but adopt a strategy of getting more elimination points.

The first is 1000 points, and 10 eliminations are also 1000 points.

If Qiqi can get more than 10 eliminations in the post station, he will not lose at all. If he can get a little more ranking points, it will be a blood profit!
However, will the finals really be held in Iron Hand City?
In this regard, Bianhua still has doubts.

But when you think about the circle luck on the first day of July [-]th, this question seems to be no longer a question.


A very obscene but effective play... quietly flashed in her mind.

In just a moment, her bad mood suddenly improved inexplicably.

"If that's the case...DW, then I'm...sorry."



"There is the sound of horseshoes!" Passing by in the station pricked up his ears, as if he heard something.

"Yes." Ding Wen also heard it, "Don't worry, just let it go."

"it is good!"

The wind and rain were precarious, and the strong wind seemed to lift the roof and blow down the entire station.

As the sound of horseshoes approaches, so do people.

In the dark night, the light from a few oil lamps appeared at the gate of the post station.

"It seems no one is there."

A man got off his horse and took an oil lamp to shine a light inside.

"I didn't see the horse either, is it hidden?"

Another person said, "It's also possible that the team here has already left."

The third person suddenly asked: "What are you doing?"

No.1 replied: "I want to shine a light inside to see if there are any horses."

The third person: "It's too deep, it can't be illuminated."

The second person: "It is estimated that there is no one. If someone had already done it."

No.1 thought about it and thought it was right, so he carried the oil lamp and walked inside: "Then I will go first."


After all, they are serious professional players. Even if they guess that there is a high probability that there will be no one in the station, they are still cautious and play very methodically.

After the first person entered, about four or five seconds passed: "I'm sure there is no one."

"Okay, let's go in." The third person breathed a sigh of relief, and said again: "It seems that we are lucky, we are the first team to arrive at the post station, let's mix first, and the team behind will be stuck in a while."

No.1: "No problem."

After speaking, the people behind followed up one after another.

Immediately, the five lamps of oil all lit up.

They used the oil lamps in their hands to shine everywhere.

It was at this moment that No.1, who was walking in the front, realized something was wrong, and exclaimed suddenly: "Wait, there are horses inside!"

The long-lost thunder finally appeared at this moment.

In the sudden white light, No.1 only saw a dozen migratory locust stones, which appeared very abruptly in front of them.

His reaction could not be said to be slow. In the shortest possible time, he dodged to the side in time, avoiding most of the stones.

"so close!"

He was just about to be thankful that his reflexes were off the charts, but in the next second, a knife protruded from a dark corner and plunged into...his back!
He was already injured, although it was only a minor injury, but this knife was extremely fatal, and directly emptied his blood volume.

"Player Qiqi丨Passing by and knocking down Xuanmiao丨Kongzhi with the Chasing Wind and Shadow Knife!"

"Player Qiqi丨Knock down Xuanmiao with locust stone丨Kongwen!"

As soon as he fell to the ground, those locust stones that he hid from, all poured on the teammates behind him who didn't know.

In the blink of an eye, the two of Xuanmiao fell to the ground.

At the same time, a certain Xuanmiao player who was panicked due to a sudden ambush stepped on the ground and fell into the pit.

The other one stepped on a trap and was precisely positioned by Fang Luoqing along the unextinguished oil lamp, and was taken away with a Yeming scimitar to cut his throat!

Seeing this, the last person lost all fighting spirit and turned around to leave.

But he forgot the oil lamp in his hand.

After walking a few steps, Jiu Feifei, who also chose Qianshoutang, appeared from behind the horse. With a shake of his hand, three sleeve arrows flew straight out, nailing into his back, waist, and legs!

Because none of these three places were critical, the last person did not die, and staggered towards the station with various negative effects judged by the system.

Rush into... the endless rainy night!

He forcefully pulled out the three sleeve arrows inserted into his body to cancel the negative effects they brought, but before he could gather his composure, a fast horse suddenly rushed out of the rain and knocked him flying!
"Player Lion丨King of the Sky knocks down Xuanmiao with a vehicle丨Emptiness!"

A third team appeared.

The fierce lion has also come to the station!

"Haha, I killed someone!" Sky King shouted excitedly, and at the same time urged his teammates loudly: "Help me make it up!"

"Make up your head!" The land king braked his horse in time, and shouted anxiously: "Run, Qiqi is inside!"

Before they came, they heard the news that Xuanmiao and Qiqi were fighting, but he didn't know where it was at first, so he didn't stop.

But when the king of the sky collided with emptiness, everything... all became clear.

Qiqi ambushed at the station!
They're ambushing again!

When he thought that he was going to face them, the land king really couldn't bring up any fighting spirit.

Although it can't be said that the soul is flying and the soul is scattered, I am afraid that I am really afraid.

After all, Qi Qi left them with a painful and unforgettable experience, but only one day passed.

Unless the king of land went crazy, he would never fight Qiqi who was in such a brave state.

Positive group... also does not work.

He still knows how much his own team is. The best example is the Sky King just now.

Just killing one person can make him extremely excited, not to mention the overall strength of the team.

"Get into the city!" He yelled again, and then he rode his horse and ran towards Iron Hand City without looking back!
"It's such a pity..." The King of the Sky looked at Kongxing who was flying far away with reluctance, finally suppressed the temptation to make up for others, gritted his teeth, followed the team, and left the station.

"Player Qiqi丨Passing by with the Wind and Shadow Knife to eliminate Xuanmiao丨Emptyness!"

"Player Qiqi丨Passing by and knocking out Xuanmiao with the Wind and Shadow Knife丨Kong Tan!"

Passing through first came out to kill the head of the fierce lion, and then returned to the post station to deal with the last player in Xuanmiao who fell into the pit.

At this point, in less than a dozen seconds, the Xuanmiao that hastily broke into the post station was fully staffed, and all members...were eliminated!
It was another turbulent battle, and it was also a textbook victory ambush!

Maybe it looks nothing on the surface, but Bianhua, who has been watching DW's perspective, can't help but tremble.

Laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the doorway.

Just now, whether it was Qiqi's burying position or the timing of his shots, they were pinched flawlessly.

Whoever strikes first, whoever hits whoever, whoever makes up for the damage, is planned extremely delicately, and no output is wasted.

So she was thinking, if Huang Quan was an ambush team at the post station, what would be their position and timing.

The group wiped out Xuanmiao, and the other teammates went to lick their bags, but Ding Wen unexpectedly didn't move.

He didn't find that Bianhua was watching him, but he was holding his breath and listening to something.

Another 20 seconds passed.

Although he didn't hear anything, his expression suddenly relaxed, as if he had confirmed... the information he wanted to get.

(End of this chapter)

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