I can see the finals

Chapter 150 Lost in the rainy night (1)

Chapter 150: Lost in the Rainy Night ([-])

Before the start of the AC group in the second half, the EF group played in the first half today. There were no upsets in this round. TNT played steadily and won the first place in the EF group with a total of 6500 points.

After they finished playing, all the teams had played once. In the first round, Group AB was ranked first in Qiqi, Group CD was Huang Quan, and Group EF was TNT.

Although only one round is not the final score, these three teams have already shown their strength and are the most likely favorites to advance.

Next, as long as they perform stably, reduce mistakes, and reduce the number of free games, they should be fine and can all be among the final four places.

As for Xia Ying, who was favored by everyone at the beginning, they didn't play well in the first round, but they still have chances in the future. They still have four rounds and [-] games. If they work harder, it is not hopeless.

The dull day passed quietly, and in a blink of an eye, six o'clock came.

Qiqi was still the same people, five starters, a team leader, a coach, and an official blog spokesperson. Eight people arrived at the arena an hour earlier.

The commentators of the AC group, one is Yi Yan, and the other is a middle-aged man from the second half of yesterday.

The person who is partnering with Yi Yan is called Babao porridge (of course, not his real name), and he is 29 years old, not yet thirty. To be more precise, he cannot be considered a middle-aged man.

Before entering the arena, Yi Yan and him came over to chat with Qi Qi for a while. Ding Wen's impression of the eight-treasure porridge was calm, and his voice was different from Yi Yan's clear and clear, slightly hoarse.

After chatting with them, Ding Wen realized that the relationship between Yi Yan and Passing Guo was also very good, and they were very acquainted.

Passing by this little fat man, he really deserves to be a social butterfly of PGL. He feels that he is familiar with everyone, whether it is a commentator or a player.

As a commentator, Yi Yan also commented on Qiqi's game in the first round, so he has a new understanding of the Qiqi team that has undergone changes. He is very optimistic that they will advance to PGK as the first seed.

After chatting for a while, Ding Wen became acquainted with him. Around 5:45, he and Babao Congee returned to the commentary stand, and Ding Wen and the others went back to the stage to wait for the entrance ceremony.

It is still the first round of those processes, so I won't go into details here.

After the host read the script, introduced the sponsors, etc., the contestants entered the arena, and the camera was handed over to two commentators.

Before the first game, the two commentators reviewed the previous performance and record ranking of the AC group as usual. After a while, the first game of the AC group in the second half began.

Because it is the second round, some changes have been made to the map. It is no longer the previous two games of Shacheng, two games of 2 Maya, and one game of City.

Today's five maps are two "Rainy Night Lost Tracks", two "Boneyard", and one "Devil's Castle".

Two large maps and one medium map.

As the name suggests, Rainy Night Mistakes can be seen from the name that this is a map about rainy days, and it is also one of the few maps that changes the weather.

It consists of ten ancient cities and hundreds of large and small villages. The overall structure of the map gives people the feeling of a long history and vicissitudes of history.

In addition, unlike other maps, this map has changed in terms of vehicles. It is no longer a vehicle traveling on land, but replaced by horses as a means of transportation.

There are differences, but there are also similarities.

Shacheng is a face towel, and Maya is an insecticidal ointment.

In Rainy Night Lost Track, due to the never-ending torrential rain, thunder and lightning, the weather is extremely bad, and there are three necessary items for players.

One is an anti-damp, one is a lightning rod, and the other is an oil lamp.

Although the player does not feel any cold, the system will give a series of negative effects such as fever, body cold, and stiffness if the game character stands in the rainstorm for a long time.

And if there is no lightning rod, players who are unlucky will be struck by lightning, without a buffer, and the player will directly fall to the ground.

The oil lamp is a prop that appears in response to the rainy night lost in the dark night mode setting.

Because the night mode is set in the rainy night trail, the light that can provide the player with a clear view... only the lightning that lights up from time to time like daytime, and the essential oil lamp.

Due to the dark night mode and the storm, this map... also defaults to BAN to drop the Bright Knight Storyteller.

There is no BAN in the game, but in the hearts of all players, these two professions will never be chosen.

As a long-standing T1 class, Bright Knight has been in an embarrassing situation. First, its attack speed is too slow, and second, it cannot play on many maps.

Especially in this thunderstorm map, slow attack speed is equivalent to death.

Players want to be illuminated, either with oil lamps in their hands, or with lightning.

But the great sword of the Bright Knight requires both hands, so it cannot hold the oil lamp, and if it relies on lightning, in such a short moment of light, I am afraid that he has not even made a movement of swinging the sword, and he may have been cut by the opponent quickly Messy, chopped down to the ground.

The story is not chosen, and the reason is very simple. Most of its birds cannot fly in the heavy rain, let alone provide information and monitoring for users.

Of course, Qiqi didn't choose these two professions, so it didn't affect her at all.

That's how they were chosen.

Xiao Chong in the first position: wilderness swordsman, prisoner.

Passing by position [-]: Wilderness Swordsman, Qianshou Tang.

Ding Wen in position [-]: Trap expert, Southwest medicine king

Position [-] Jiu Feifei: Qianshou Tang, Psychic

Position [-] Fang Luoqing: The man with the sword, the Eastwalker

Yes, this Ding Wen chose the blood-boosting profession, Jiu Feifei's psychic was not among the regular candidates, and Fang Luoqing chose the melee swordsman for the first time.

Ding Wen has his understanding of this map.

There are too many three essential items, and they can't guarantee that everyone has them all. If one is unlucky and one is missing or two are missing, they will be killed by the system before they can fight with others.

Therefore, there must be occupations that increase blood and eliminate negative states.

The paper figurines summoned by the psychic act as eyes. In a game that is close to the perspective of the 'blind', the value of these paper figurines will increase infinitely. Even if they are dead, they will provide players with a lot of information.

As for Fang Luoqing's choice of the sword bearer, there was actually no other reason...

Just because she wants to play.

As a fifth position, Ding Wen's requirements for her have always been very loose. If there is no occupation that must be supplemented, then she can play whichever she wants, depending on her mood.

After all... her talent is really too high.

Each profession is very quick to learn, and the player is very strong, whoever you choose can kill people.

That's all for the selection. After the specified waiting time, the map is loaded.

In the waiting square, the shouts of many players also sounded one after another.

"come on!!!"

While cheering myself up, the first rainy night lost track... officially started!
(End of this chapter)

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