I can see the finals

Chapter 15 Luck?

Chapter 15 Luck?

"There are players watching your game, the current number: 1."

Little Xingxing had just been eliminated when Ding Wen received such a reminder.

Needless to say, he must be the one watching the battle. He was already extremely displeased with Ding Wen, and also grieved at the fact that he could only get the third place. It is reasonable to want to watch the battle and see how Ding Wen died with his own eyes.

Death stare is a very metaphysical statement. It is rumored that as long as the eliminated player keeps watching a certain player, the latter will be disturbed by some unknown force and thus be eliminated.

Of course, metaphysics is just metaphysics. There is no scientific basis for this thing. Ding Wen certainly doesn't believe it. Just watch the battle. He won't feel awkward if there is one more person watching his first-person perspective.

"You can hear that, right?"

He sat calmly on the hospital bed in the room, having nothing to do, chatting with Little Xingxing.

He chatted, and Little Xingxing listened, after all, the latter was already a box and could not speak.

"I know you are very dissatisfied, and I wish I would die soon." Ding Wen said to himself: "But there is no way, I can't join forces with you, I didn't lie before, who is left with him... The difference is really not that big.

United, I will definitely not be able to take the first place, not even the second place; on the contrary, if there is only one of you left, the possibility of me being the first place will be even higher.

Maybe you think I'm crazy, overconfident, arrogant, as an ordinary player, I can beat professional players...

Well, in fact, you are right to think so. I admit that in most cases, I, like you, will be slapped by him, but there are no absolutes in everything. "

As he spoke, he raised his head and looked at the cobweb-covered ceiling. Through it, he seemed to be staring at the little star turned into a box:
"Sorry, you might be disappointed this time."


"Currently surviving players: 2."

"The danger zone will shrink after three seconds."

Zhao Shun withdrew the knife and looked towards the entrance of the corridor with a trace of joy slowly appearing in his eyes.

Although the extreme of this round was far beyond expectations, the result was still within expectation. This game...he was about to win it.

"The previous two elimination messages about DW, one has no weapons, it should be a fist, and the second one is a common weapon, a scalpel."

Considering the time period when the reminder of elimination occurred, Zhao Shun's face was even more relaxed.

The player who hid at the end...his weapon and occupation should not be very good.

Even if he obtained 3+3 high-level equipment through the devil, the problem is not too big. He also has this kind of equipment, and his experience in using it is definitely richer than the other party.

He really couldn't think of the point where the car overturned, and then with a comfortable smile, he walked out to the entrance of the corridor.

He immediately saw the large net stretching across the corridor entrance.


Not only did he laugh dumbfounded, what era is this, and there are still people who choose trap experts?
Seeing the net, he also understood why Little Xingxing stood in the lobby instead of walking, it turned out to be the reason.

"It's a little troublesome."

He said this to the audience in the live broadcast room, but he didn't care about it in his heart.

Even though he has never played a trap expert, he also knows that all the traps of this type of profession do not have the ability to kill instantly. This net looks huge and bluffing, but in fact it does no harm at all. The guy named Ding Warm players set it here, the main role is to limit.

Mutual restrictions between players.

But unfortunately, after only two players are left, the so-called 'restriction' disappears.

Apart from the Earth Center Network, there is no one else except Zhao Shun, and no 'person' can restrict him.

"Looks like I'm going to sell some blood."

Hearing the weird roar coming from outside the building getting closer, Zhao Shun was very decisive... walked into the center of the earth network!


"When you die, the restraining effect of the geocentric network will disappear. He will definitely adopt the strategy of selling blood, being attacked by monsters and then getting rid of it, and walking into the trap on his own initiative."

In the room, Ding Wen spoke to Little Xingxing in a calm tone.

"The center of the final circle was in the middle of the corridor, and there were monsters chasing after him. He could only walk forward at the first time, and he didn't have time to come to the room to find me.

Moreover, considering that during the period of fighting with you, I might take the opportunity to change positions and hide at the door of a certain room to sneak attack him.

So he would never walk against the wall, but choose to walk in the middle of the corridor, because this is the safest strategy, leaving time and distance for reaction in case of a sneak attack. "


"Attention, attention, you are under attack."

Zhao Shun, who was wrapped up in a ball, walked forward without thinking about it after hearing this prompt.

The moment the net was loosened was also exactly the time for him to take the first step.

His timing was perfect.

As expected, he managed to get rid of the shackles of the Earth Core Network at the price of selling one block of blood.

"The final circle is in the very center of the corridor. He may have already gone to the room near this position in advance, or he may be in ambush in the middle of the room, preparing to launch a surprise attack when I pass by, blocking my steps, and causing me to be chased from behind. of monsters to kill.

So... I can't walk against the wall! "

With rich experience, after he took the first step, he quickly made a judgment in his heart.

There is a distance between the middle of the corridor and the wall. As long as Ding Wen dares to show up and attack him, this distance is enough for him to kill the latter with a backhand!
It doesn't take much, one knife...is enough.

"Attention, attention, your left foot has lost the ability to move!"

After walking a few steps forward, he suddenly received this reminder, his expression changed, and he immediately lowered his head.

A weird iron clip the size of the sole of an adult man's foot, exuding a spooky aura... It was firmly clasped on his foot at this moment!


"The price he can only walk in the middle of the road is that he will step on my trap."

Ding Wen on the other side kept calm and continued: "Professional players can untie the iron clip in about three seconds after training. Of course he can untie it too. In order to ensure that he will not continue to lose blood due to the effect of the trap, he must stop Come down and do the dismantling action.

In order to unlock the trap, he will be attacked by the monsters that are chasing him. As for how much blood he loses, it depends on what is the first monster behind him.

If he's lucky, he can go back on the road after only losing one block of blood, but if he's unlucky..."


"Damn it, this player named DW knows how to play!"

Zhao Shun cursed secretly, he thought that Ding Wen might have a 3+3 hunting trap, but he didn't expect him to be in this position.

The area of ​​the hunting trap is very different from that of the geocentric net. It is not carefully calculated and placed, but it really depends on luck to detain the player.

That is to say, in such a narrow terrain, the probability of stepping on it will be slightly higher. This should be placed on a large map with a vast area...

It's not that Zhao Shun was careless, but that there are too few trap experts who play well, not even a few professional players, or strictly speaking... not many play at all!
It was indeed Zhao Shun's fault to predict Ding Wen's psychology without careful consideration, but it's useless to complain about it now, the most important thing is to solve the iron clamp under his feet first.

Bending down, relying on his youth training experience, he stabilized his mind and quickly disassembled the hunting trap.

At this time, a monster had already come behind him.

Before dismantling it, he could only take a blunt blow, reducing his blood level by one.

After the disassembly was complete, it took another hit.

Although he did it fast enough, reaching the average of three seconds for a professional player, his luck was not very good, and he lost two blocks of blood very distressedly.

Fortunately, after successfully breaking away, Zhao Shun regained his freedom and was able to go on the road again.


"He has a heart of defense, and he will never try the danger himself, but use the trap to ignore the limitations that people or objects will trigger, and find a piece of props and equipment to explore the way."

Ding Wen was still unhurried, as if all this was being calculated.


"There are three hidden hunting traps, and there are two more." This basic knowledge flashed in his mind, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Unfortunately, I can't step on these two traps no matter what." In it! Because—this is the limitation of the trap!"

He quickly took out a piece of equipment, and threw it forward without looking at the name.

He only heard two clicks, and the two iron clips not far in front of him snapped together one after the other, making piercing noises, and appeared from hiding.

"Ha ha."

Not only did he have a smug smile on his face, this cunning opponent really made him suffer a lot, but a trash job is a trash job after all, there shouldn’t be——

hum, hum, hum!

His smile stopped suddenly.

Three cold lights flashed, and before Zhao Shun could react, they flew out from the walls on his left and right sides, and were nailed into...his body!


"The trigger mechanism of the catapult is a high-frequency sound. I put the remaining two hunting traps together on purpose. If he 'throws a stone to ask for directions', it will definitely trigger."

The 'chat' between Ding Wen and Xiao Xingxing has also come to an end.

"Although the speed of the bullet is fast enough, the damage is low. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to cause serious trauma to him, but the problem is... now is not a normal situation."

"Player DW ends Sanyang丨Old Day with a bullet knife, and becomes the last survivor of this game!"

Ding Wen heaved a long sigh, and with an indescribably complicated look on his face, he added the previous sentence.

"Because his blood is running out."

(End of this chapter)

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