I can see the finals

Chapter 147 Background Story

Chapter 147 Background Story
Ding Wen was taken aback, then reviewed the background story of [Survivor], and remembered some information about mechanism masters.

[Mechanism Master] Lu Qi, the master of trap expert Li Ge.

Some people also said that his surname was Mo, but the official surname did not give a clear explanation.

In the chapter of the PVE map Abyss Invasion, he made a brief appearance, relying on the superb and various mechanism secrets, as well as the dexterous but huge mechanism monster, together with his apprentice Li Ge, resisted with the strength of the two, from number 245 The invasion of tens of thousands of monsters in the abyss!
Here, we have to mention the background stories of the survivors.

Its story prototype is adapted from the shattering of the abyss 500 years before the new calendar year.

It was an apocalypse, countless monsters tore through the space of different dimensions and came to the world.

They seem to come from hell, with ugly faces and cruel methods, bringing killing and disaster to human beings. At that critical juncture related to the survival of human beings, the MTF plan was born.

MTF, M refers to mankind, TF refers to transform, and together they are the human transformation plan.

Scientists use high-tech means to greatly modify and enhance the human body so that they can compete with the monsters from the abyss.

As a result, countless transformed superhumans came out, working together to seal the shattered space and drive the monsters back to the abyss.

Of course, this is the version circulated by people. After all, 500 years have passed, and the history is a bit long. No one knows exactly what happened.

As for whether such heroes as Li Ge, Lu Qi, and Ma Luowen really existed, people have different opinions.

Some people say that based on the abilities displayed by these professions alone, it is impossible for them to fight against the monsters in the catastrophe that year, let alone push them back to the abyss and block them; Abilities are reduced and specially selected for balance.

For example, trap expert Li Ge, he is proficient in hundreds of traps, but in the game, there are only twelve.

They... are real!
Regarding these two statements, as far as Ding Wen is concerned, he prefers the former.

These characters must be fictitious. The game may borrow part of some people's abilities, but it is absolutely impossible to copy them intact.

In the final analysis, the survivors are just a game company. They have no channels to know what happened that year, and they have no right to restore and reproduce the disaster.

Think about it with your ass, how could those big figures allow the heroes who died for the country to reappear when such a terrible disaster happened, and provide it for people to play?

it's out of the question!

A hero is respectable, serious, and to be remembered, not to be played in a game.

Even if it's just to have the same name... absolutely not!

The Survivor official just created a background story similar to Abyss Shattering to attract people's attention and let more people play the game.

Of course, Ding Wen thinks that not only is it a professional character, but even the background story must have undergone major changes, otherwise it would not have been successfully released and become the most popular game today.

Therefore, he believes that these professional figures do not exist and are all fictions.

Speaking of the game, the advanced requirements for the mechanism master are still unclear. It may be the same as the previous ordinary occupations, through the accumulation of game after game, and unlock with points; or directly in the PVE mode, complete the specified tasks to obtain .

Advanced occupations only appeared in the second round of updates. Ding Wen estimated that it would be around the end of the year, maybe it would be Chinese New Year. At that time, it would be the opening stage of the World Championship, and there are still several months to go.

As for the time of the first round of updates, it's coming soon.

The official time is October, when Ding Wen just finished the PGL promotion match.

Career enhancement, weakening, deletion and increase, he doesn't care about other things, only cares about what the trap expert will become.

The first round of updates will delete many unpopular jobs, and he is really worried that the trap expert will be stabbed.

However, judging from the preview of the second round, since the advanced professions are released, the trap expert should not be moved, not to mention whether it is enhanced or weakened, at least it still exists.

After all, trap experts are different from those unpopular professions. They are very strong if they are played well, and they are very weak if they are not played well. be deleted or modified.

Ding Wen felt relieved for a while, and browsed carefully again, but found no other missed content, and then closed the forum.

Ding Wen returned to the club's dormitory with his notebook of previous match-watching records.

Although the dormitory is a single room and the interior is relatively prosperous, it is still a dormitory anyway.

Ding Wen heard that for well-known PGK players, such as Wu Zhan, Jiang Tong, etc., the club will give an extra luxury villa in addition to the contract, and the cost of the portal will be fully covered, and even travel will be escorted by bodyguards.

Think about them, and think about yourself, it's like heaven and earth.

They are stars, they are just players.

At the level of those people, the word "player" can already be removed. Even if they just show their faces and don't play games, they can still attract a lot of traffic and attention.

However, Ding Wen feels that the current dormitory is quite good, it’s not sour, he really likes this kind of small but warm hut, which feels very safe.

Before he was too sleepy, he lay on the bed, called up the virtual screen, and watched the official 3D movie of [Survivor] for a while.

The content of the movie is related to the background story, which is a reshaped story after the modification of the abyss shattering.

Ding Wen watched it a long, long time ago, and his memory is a little fuzzy. Now that he reads it again, he still thinks it is very good.

Whether it's the picture quality or the content of the story, he read it with gusto.

Characters such as Ma Luowen and Li Ge emerged in the picture one by one.

And those monsters that drive players into the circle in the game also all appear in the movie. When each monster appears, there will be detailed information.

For example, the crazy patient in the [Third Mental Hospital], the dean who looks like a zombie; the sand beetle and the three-meter-high giant scorpion in the [Old Site of Sand City]; the deformed giant leech in the [Maya Jungle], all covered with strange colors Aboriginal monsters, all appear in the movie.

According to the setting of the movie, [The Third Mental Hospital] comes from the number 07 abyss, which is one of the first abysses to break apart and descend into the world. The [Old Site of Shacheng] and [Maya Jungle] will appear later in the middle of the disaster.

In [Lost City], most of the cities have been occupied by monsters. At this time, superhumans who have undergone physical transformation appear on the stage and fought fiercely with the monsters.

After watching, Ding Wen fell asleep unknowingly. When he woke up the next day, he found that the movie had been played several times in a row.

When he was about to turn off the movie and get out of bed to wash up, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

"Old Ding, Lao Ding, are you there?"

 The card owner in the dull period, think about it tonight, I will update a chapter today, and I will post it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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