I can see the finals

Chapter 132 Ambush

Chapter 132 Ambush

On the commentary stand, the camera captured the transfer route of the [-] people.

Yi Yan and Mu Zi were also surprised to see them stationed on 4S street instead of going south across the bridge.

Mu Zi: "They haven't crossed the bridge very much, are they afraid that someone will block the bridge on the other side?"

Yi Yan pondered: "I'll take a look at the panorama later... Well, there is a team stuck at the South Bridge, a full-stacked team from Happy Forest, they beat up a team passing by just now, and lost a few. Go, still ready to continue blocking.

Perhaps DW considered this and chose to enter the 4S street and wait and see for the time being? "

Muzi: "But they have to cross the bridge after all, unless the final circle is drawn in the north. After all, judging from the circle shape of the fourth stage, the probability of the north being the final circle is really low. From the map, there is no Several safe areas."

Yi Yan analyzed: "Let's change the way of thinking, Qiqi's approach may also be a strategy of exchanging points. On the premise that they knew that they would not be able to cross the bridge, they prepared to get stuck on the side and get stuck on the team that came from the north later.

You see, there are three teams further north than them, the cold current, the full team of the fierce lion, and the remnant team of the lark. If Qiqi can get all these points, then they don't need to cross the bridge. 5+5+2 is 1200 points, which is completely enough, even if you don't take the first place, you won't lose. "

Muzi is not very optimistic that Qiqi can take all the points: "It's a bit difficult, although I know that trap experts are better than defense, but this one is different from the third Maya map. The 4S street is only temporarily safe The zone is not the final round, and those teams don't necessarily have to come here.

Swipe the points first and then the road. In fact, they can bypass here, divert from other routes, and then go to the river to find a boat to land. "

Yi Yan: "But the point is that they don't know that there are people on the 4S street. The two full formations moved from the north. After a long journey, the fuel capacity of the vehicle may not be enough, whether they are crossing the bridge or going to the river to find a boat. , they all need to find new vehicles, or find oil. But there are not many safe areas left in the north, and oil barrels are hard to find. Although the road is a safe area, it will not refresh supplies, so I think they are very likely Will come to the 4S street."

His long remarks made a lot of sense, Muzi thought about it carefully, and he was right: "Then if they come here without knowing it, they will definitely be ambushed by Qiqi."

Yi Yan nodded: "Yes, the difference is nothing more than one or two teams. If the second team finds out where the team in front of them died and the information they have is accurate enough, I guess they will abandon the car with a high probability and choose to walk. , or try your luck elsewhere to see if you can find a new vehicle."

Muzi looked at the screen: "Then who is the second team?"

Yi Yan: "Cold snap."

The director switched shots at the right time, and came to the cold current team that was on the long-distance attack.

About 500 meters ahead of them is the full formation of fierce lions.

Yi Yan: "According to the speed of the vehicle, the cold current is safe. This distance is enough for them to grasp the information that the fierce lion was wiped out, so they choose to bypass it."

After hearing this, Muzi suddenly smiled and said, "You haven't fought yet, how do you know that the fierce lion will definitely be wiped out?"

Yi Yan also smiled: "Haven't you seen enough of Qiqi's exaggerated defense? If you change Qiqi to TNT, the result will be the same.

Of course, I don’t mean the strength of the fierce lions, and I don’t have an offensive attitude, because the game setting is like this. The terrain like a 4S street, the defensive side must have an advantage, especially when the other team has no information. This advantage will be maximized. "

While speaking, the Lions team members had arrived at the west intersection of 4S Street.

Sure enough, they ran out of gas, so they chose to come here to find a new vehicle.

It's time to start!

Yi Yan quickly adjusted his status and explained: "We can't say that it is wrong for the fierce lion to come to get the car. After all, from their point of view, there is no way to go. It is impossible for a team to come to such a rubbish place and choose to ambush, because under normal circumstances , the team with the highest ranking has already crossed the bridge or sailed at this time.

Okay, we saw that all five members of the Mengshi got out of the car and entered the 4S street. "

Muzi followed: "Looking at their reactions, they really didn't have any precautions at all, and they would never have thought that there was someone here, and they would go looking for a car with big strides, by the way, I haven't noticed yet, did DW set up traps? .”

Yi Yan: "It's released, but not much. The DW player is hiding behind an abandoned vehicle, oh? I saw him holding a chessboard in his hand, did he also release it?"

Muzi's eyes flickered: "Traps and chessboards are indeed a disgusting combination. The No. 1 member of the Lions will be gone!"

Yi Yan suddenly raised his voice too loudly: "The No. 1 member of the Lions is the king of the mountains, and he has--entered the effective range of the chess game!"

On the screen, the mountain king didn't seem to notice, and he still walked towards the vehicle on his own.

This is the interesting thing about the chessboard. It is not like a trap. Sometimes even if the player enters it in person, they will not find it immediately.

The commentator and the audience looked at the unaware mountain king, circling in situ, unable to reach the side of the car all the time, wanted to laugh but couldn't, and felt very weird in their hearts.

【Tianjiao: Psychedelic Chessboard】

Octagon player's 2+2 board, although it can't bring any harm to the player, it is undoubtedly the strongest among all the boards in terms of creating illusions.

After turning around for a while, maybe it was a reminder from his teammates, or maybe he noticed it himself, the mountain king stopped immediately, with a look of vigilance on his face, after confirming his coordinates, he reached out to find the chess pieces in the dark, and cracked the game.

Mu Zi: "It's different from what we imagined. The first person found out so quickly. Is Qi Qi's ambush strategy set up... not subtle enough."

Yi Yan said in a deep voice, "It's not that simple, you can look at other people."

After the mountain king was recruited, the other team members immediately wanted to retreat.

But it's easy to come, easy to go... that's not the case.

Bang, bang!
Two gunshots broke the tranquility of the 4S street.

Lu Guo, who was hiding in the dark, shot.

Because of the gunshot, the bullet knife was immediately triggered, and the target was aimed at the lion's ocean king, driving him behind a car.

He seemed to have escaped and was safe for the time being, but the next second his face was in pain, his pupils dilated, as if he was being tortured, and he knelt down directly.

【Fire Horn: Burn the Board】

The board will still not cause substantial damage to the player, but it will increase the pain that the game does not have, allowing the player to experience the feeling of being burned by the fire.

Everything is going according to DW's arrangement, including everyone's position and the terrain around them.

According to the information provided by other teammates, Ding Wen hid behind the car and gave precise instructions quickly while analyzing in a timely manner.

In just a short moment, the fierce lion lost two combat powers.

Of course, they didn't die, they were just temporarily trapped, but while they were busy cracking the game, the other three teammates were also having a hard time.

The two shots passing by were not fired in vain, nor were they fired at the king of the ocean.

These two bullets flew through the air with electric light, heading straight for the king of the sky!

The latter only dodged one shot, and the other shot directly through his head, knocking him out of blood in an instant.

He just bent over in a hurry and hid behind an abandoned car.

Then, a knife came out from the gap behind the scrapped car, directly piercing him to the core!
 Thanks for the 20200622103722280 tip of 1000
(End of this chapter)

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