I can see the finals

Chapter 127 Undefeated and Destroyed

Chapter 127 Undefeated and Destroyed
Still the third knife.

Jiuyang lost the last knife for the third time.

The first hit in the front is justifiable, after all, he was delayed, but the second two hits in the back are really the gap between him and the top individual players.

He was not wronged by the loss, but he was not convinced by the loss.

Fang Luoqing and Guo Guo separated their duo and fought one-on-one, but failed to make their best duo coordination show the power it should have.

If it's not 1V1, but 2V2, Joyoung thinks they won't lose.

It can be said that there are not so many ifs in this world. Fang Luoqing's ability to hold back Jiuyin with just a straw hat is also a manifestation of her strength. If it were someone else, she might not be able to hold her back. live.

Of course, it is a fact that Jiuyang lost, it has already happened, so it is useless to say so much.

After he fell to the ground, he looked towards Jiuyin, only to realize that she had been cornered.

Sniper rifles are not suitable for such close-range combat. Facing Fang Luoqing who was constantly attacking outside the door, Jiu Yin had no choice but to dodge and was forced deeper into the house helplessly.

During the fight between Jiuyang and Passing, Fang Luoqing flew out the straw hat about four times, each time it was aimed at Jiuyin's throat, with terrifying accuracy.

Maybe other people can't see anything, but Jiuyin is very clear about how dangerous and outrageous these four attacks are, and how difficult it is for her to dodge...
Although Wudu Dao had been bragging about how powerful DG was before, Jiuyin didn't take it seriously when he didn't see it.

But when she really saw it, she realized that...the Five Poison Knife was not exaggerated at all.

Dongfang Walker is a class that even big professional players dare not use lightly, and there are very few skilled ones. In Jiuyin's impression, only Jiang Tong from PGK Tiangong can play with proficiency.

However, she saw another one today, an Eastern Walker who was not inferior to Jiang Tong.

For the four attacks just now, the flight angles were extremely tricky and unpredictable. Fang Luoqing's line control accuracy and proficiency were too terrifying, coupled with the speed, Jiuyin could only dodge and was unable to do other things .

The sense of oppression is not limited to melee classes, the sense of oppression of ranged classes is much stronger than that of melee classes.

Even if he was passing by, Jiuyin never felt such a suffocating sense of oppression from him.

Contrary to Jiuyang's unconvinced.

She lost willingly.

Of course, she hasn't lost yet, but that will happen sooner or later.

After finishing Jiuyang, the passing blade turned and aimed at her immediately.

Then, Fang Luoqing strode into the room, flipped her wrist, and then extended a pair of sinister iron claws.

A man with a knife, a shadow cat, and two melee classes.

Jiuyin has only one melee class.

Also only one person.

What will happen to the ending, there must be no need to say more.

"Player Qiqi丨Passing by and knocking down Xia Ying丨Nine Yin Manuals with the Chasing Wind and Shadow Knife!"

"Player Xia Ying丨Nine Suns Divine Art was finally eliminated..."

When the reminder that the Xia Ying group was destroyed appeared, the commentary stand outside and the auditorium immediately exploded.

"What, the 2V2 duo of Xia Ying who has never been defeated actually lost?"

"Yes, how is this possible!"

"Stop talking, this isn't 2V2 at all, don't you see it's 1v1?"

At the commentary stand, Yi Yan and Mu Zi also opened their mouths wide, but did not speak for a long time.

Some viewers are right. Strictly speaking, this is not completely 2v2. Of course, there is no clear statement, after all, the battles just now were carried out separately.

It was also expected that Lu Guo could beat Jiuyang, but it was completely unexpected that Shang Luoqing could perform so well in a one-on-one match.

Just now, part of the perspective of the game was given to Passing, and the other part was given to Jiuyin and Fang Luoqing's battlefield.

They could see Jiuyin dodging in a panic.

Being able to single-handedly force Nine Yin Zhenjing, who is at the top of PGL's strength, to such a degree is enough to prove how terrifying Fang Luoqing is.

Yi Yan: "I, did I have an illusion, the attack speed of the reeds...is it so fast?"

Muzi: "Yes, but I haven't seen it a few times."

Yi Yan was amazed: "It's unbelievable, DG can use such a light reed to such an extent, and the speed is not affected by the weight at all. Qiqi and the others really picked up a treasure!"

Muzi smiled and said, "I agree with this sentence, but Qiqi and the others didn't just pick up a treasure this year."

Yi Yan was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Yes, although DG gave us a very exciting fight just now, we must not forget that there is another special player in the Qiqi team. Hmm... Speaking of which, DW didn't seem to have done a lot of things just now, and didn't participate in the battle."

Muzi: "How can you say that, isn't he reporting points all the time?"

Yi Yan laughed: "That's right, even though he didn't do anything, he didn't make any contribution at all. Back to the topic, Qi Qi paid the price of one person, and then wiped out Xia Ying. It's a huge profit."

Muzi looked at the screen: "Can Xiao Chong still pull?"

Yi Yan nodded: "It should be possible, Jiuyang didn't have time to make up for him."

Muzi then sighed, feeling sorry for the Xiaying team: "That's the end of Xiaying's journey today. I have to say that today's game is different from what we expected. I thought they would be today's first team. One, I didn't expect..."

Yi Yan picked up her words: "I didn't expect Qiqi, who has changed to a newcomer, to be so strong this year, right?"

Muzi smiled and said, "Yes, and the fifth game has just started, and Qi Qi still has a chance to score points."

Yi Yan: "You boldly predict, will they break through [-] today?"

Muzi thought for a while, and then replied: "It's hard to say, but according to their fortune and momentum today, I think it is really possible. Okay, let's go back to the game first, and the bridgehead position appeared..."



In the game, the food factory in the south of the map is the resident of Happy Forest.

The wandering thief has been paying attention to the system's elimination information. When he heard that Xia Ying was the last one to die, he couldn't help shaking his head with emotion: "Xia Ying has never played before, and became the first team to be eliminated in this round."

The old man in the green forest looked indifferent: "Isn't it good if you haven't fought before? The competitor is gone, and the second is ours."

The wandering thief was a little strange: "Boss, why are you not surprised at all?"

The old man in the green forest asked back: "Why should I be surprised?"

The thief scratched his head: "According to the information about the elimination, it seems that DW didn't participate in the battle. Xia Ying lost 5 against 4. Isn't that surprising enough?"

The old man in the green forest smiled: "You see the problem is too simple, sometimes, not participating in the war does not mean that there are fewer people, don't forget, DW is Qi Qi's command.

Without his tactical arrangement, Xia Ying... how could he lose. "

 Thanks to Avalon who is far away from the world, I hate being alone but I can't drive away the reward of 1000, thank you.

  PS: I thought there would be a lot of time to update during the holidays, but I didn't expect that there would be so many messy things.But at least the update is still the same, if I have time, I will add more.

(End of this chapter)

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