I can see the finals

Chapter 124 The Counterattack from Xia Ying

Chapter 124 The Counterattack from Xia Ying

The commentary stand, from the perspective of God, the situation is extremely clear and clear at a glance.

The Xiaying team itself has no intention of fighting, so the position of the five people is not a team battle position. After killing the Liumai Sword and the Five Poison Knife, the remaining three Xiaying were trapped in the restaurant, facing the outside world. No one dared to act rashly in the dense smoky fog.

Yi Yan: "DW is so ruthless. Others were just passing by looking for a car, but he didn't give him a way to survive. He chose to take the initiative and used tactics to eat away at Xia Ying.

To be honest, the situation is very unfavorable for Xia Ying, they don't know how many people are outside, so they dare not move at all.If they kept doing this, they would have no chance of winning when all members of Qi Qi were assembled. "

Muzi thought for a while, and from the perspective of the Xiaying team, he expressed his opinion: "In fact, one thing is certain, because of the death of the two teammates, remove the enemies on their side, Xiaying should know that there are no more people outside the restaurant at most. More than three people."

Yi Yan nodded: "You're right, and they are very clear about the elimination information. Seven or seven of the strongest players are not on my side. I think you can try it. The three of them rushed out, and took the initiative to follow the other party when they didn't have all the members in place. Fighting each other, this is the only chance."

Muzi agreed with him: "That's right, look on the screen, the two people Qi Qi was harassing outside have already hidden, and they also know that this is Xia Ying's only chance, so they choose to avoid the battle temporarily, if Xia Ying catches Going out to fight with this information, they have an advantage in numbers.”

Yi Yan: "And there is another point. As we all know, Xia Ying Jiu Yin Jiu Yang is the strongest duo in our PGL. No team can beat them in 2V2. At this time, you need to have confidence in your own strength and take the initiative. Pull out to fight.

Besides, there are not three outside, DW has not arrived, there is no trap, the two outside... are not their opponents at all! "

With God's perspective, the commentary and the audience have much more information than the players in the game.

But they know it well, but the three heroes in the game are still guessing and hesitating.

Jiuyin: "There are at most three outside."

Jiuyang: "And they are the three with the weakest combat power."

Jiuyin: "But they have traps, and we can't rush out to fight them."

Jiuyang frowned: "Then what should I do?"

Their strength comes from strength to strength, but after all, they are not players who rely on analysis to play games.

At this time, what kind of choice to make depends on how Wudu Dao thinks.

The fog outside the restaurant tended to dissipate a little. The Five Poison Knife switched back and forth between the perspectives of the three people, looking at the shape of the room around each of them, and a sudden inspiration came to his mind, and he came up with a solution.

"You can go out!" He said quickly: "Jiuyin, you two, turn out the window on the left of Baguazhang, that position is very safe, there will be absolutely no traps.

Then let Baguazhang stay in the restaurant to help you see this point. "

As he spoke, he marked a point on the map: "Look at this, the fog outside has not dissipated, we can't see clearly, and they can't see clearly, turn out the window, only this point is a threat to you. You You can get into the smoke first, wait for the opportunity, and don't walk on the side of the road, there is a high probability of traps there."

According to the possibility that there are three people on the opposite side, the Five Poison Knife has figured out a coping strategy.Of course, he didn't know that, in fact, it was safe for them to come out. Ding Wen didn't come at all, and there was no problem of traps, so there was no need for them to be so troublesome.

According to his idea, Jiuyin and Jiuyang turned out the window and carefully blended into the smoke, always paying attention to footsteps and other movements.

And Ding Wen, who was standing on the eighth roof of the tallest building in the distance, had a panoramic view of their actions.

"Two people came out through the window and got mixed up in the smoke. Judging from the clothes, they should be Jiuyin and Jiuyang. Xiao Chong, Feifei, you all retreat first."

Xiao Chong: "Withdrawing."

Jiu Feifei: "Do you need a refill? I still have one."

Ding Wen said firmly: "No need, you just retreat. They don't know my location, and they are afraid that there are traps nearby, so the counting speed will be very slow. When Xiaolu and Xiaofang are in place, we will fight them again."

While talking, passing by drove to the middle of the house along the street, found a collapsed wall pile on the side of the road as a temporary shelter, and at the same time took out a light sniper to aim at the smoke that had not yet dissipated to the west.

"I'm in place, can I call?" He asked loudly.

"Don't fight, wait for Xiaofang!" Although Ding Wen doesn't have long-range means, he can't give up the high point of Louba Tiantai: "Hold on, I'll show you."

Xia Ying's two strongest points are still there, Ding Wen dare not be careless, 4 vs 3 is the most stable.

Fang Luoqing on the other side also replied, "I'll be there in about 30 seconds."

30 seconds, the duration of the smoke has long passed.

But at that time, Xiao Chong and Jiu Feifei almost retreated to a safe distance. As long as Xia Ying and the others didn't retreat westward, they would basically die.

Everything is going according to plan and going very smoothly.

Ding Wen calculated the time, and then used the binoculars to look at the positions of Jiu Feifei and Xiao Chong.

Suddenly, he seemed to have seen something, and his face sank: "Feifei, go into the house, someone is smoking!"

"What?" Jiu Feifei was startled, he didn't bother to look behind, and hurried to a room along the street.

As soon as he entered, there were two gunshots from Qingsniper, and Jiu Feifei was almost shot.

Xia Ying adjusted faster than Ding Wen expected. It didn't take them much effort to figure out that there were no traps around the restaurant, and they knew that they had an advantage in numbers, so they attacked decisively.

After the gunshot, the person who fired the gun immediately retracted into the smoke, and then added a few more.

Immediately, the smoke became thicker and extended to the left, covering the passing vision.

Passing by worriedly shouted: "Feifei, I can't see it anymore, be careful yourself!"

After speaking, he quickly asked Ding Wen: "Old Ding, do you want me to support him?"

Ding Wen thought for a while, and finally sighed: "Go, Xiao Chong will go too."

He didn't know if three-on-three could beat the opponent. After all, Fang Luoqing wasn't around, so it wasn't the safest fight.

It's not that he's too cautious, it's just that the opposite duo is too strong, and Ding Wen doesn't want some strange variables to appear in the battle that was originally a surefire victory.

But Jiu Feifei had already been discovered, and if he didn't support him, he would lose one for nothing, so this team battle had to start in advance.

"Xiao Fang, are you fast?"

"15 seconds."


Ding Wen still didn't choose to go on, he was looking for the last Xiaying player's position.

"I found it, and Baguazhang also came out through the window, and is heading towards Feifei! Xiao Chong, go and stop him!"

"Roger that!"

Xiao Chong strode across the street, just in time to see Baguazhang who put away his gun and ran away. In order to prevent the opponent from changing his gun, he didn't dare to delay, and then rushed over.

At the same time, Jiu Feifei on the other side also heard footsteps.

"Brother Lu, they are at my door, have you arrived yet?"


Passing by took out the Wind and Shadow Knife, and quietly blended into the smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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