dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 98 On the right track (please collect, please recommend tickets)

Chapter 98 On the right track (please collect, please recommend tickets)
"Strange, this place used to be a barren place not suitable for life, when did it become like this?"

Looking up, seeing Sefilia's slightly cold face in front of him, Gu Weisha's expression changed, "No wonder I met Luo Lan and the others here last time, I dare say that the place where I landed was the planet Sharada... No, It should be an area close to the planet Sharada."

"Forget it, it's better not to delve too deeply into the Saiyan matter."

Gu Weisha still couldn't figure it out, so he just didn't think about it. Although he was just a Lanna star living in a pile of money, he also knew that it might not be good to get to the bottom of it. Sometimes it is not necessary to get too clear.

"Boss, the power of this Saiyan queen seems to be stronger than that of Mr. Luo Lan before."

"Is it even more powerful?"

"Yes, not only is this queen strong, but the Saiyan next to her named Hertz is also very strong, and his combat power may be above 10000... I think even the Sonori adventure group who wanted to contact us before would be very strong. They may not be as strong. It’s just that I’m surprised that, except for those two, the rest of the Saiyans don’t seem particularly strong.”

"...Maybe, they all hide their strength."

"Hiss!" Aiboya gasped when he heard this. The Saiyans of planet Sharada were really extraordinary. There were three fighters with a combat power of more than 10000 on the surface. how much.

Sure enough, getting a relationship with Saiyans is definitely the wisest choice.

Eboa was secretly excited, and had already seen a correct way to strengthen her own backing.

"Everyone, what do you think of the planet Sharada?" Sephilia walked in front, and her clear voice sounded.

"As expected of the planet that gave birth to a nation like the Saiyans, the gravity alone is unbearable for us." Aibo Ya did not hesitate to praise, showing the communication skills of a mature businessman.

Sephilia smiled lightly: "Hehe, Luo Lan has already contacted me about the general situation. In principle, I have no other opinions. I hope we can cooperate happily."

"Of course, a pleasure to work with."

"Next, my deputy Hertz will discuss the details with you. If you have any requirements, please tell him directly. I will excuse you first." Sephilia pushed Hertz out, said goodbye, and then Go back to practice with light steps.

Originally, she didn't want to participate in such complicated and trivial matters at all. With so much free time, she might as well strengthen her training, so as to save herself from being surpassed by Luo Lan in the future.But big donors like Ai Boya's uncle and nephew had to ask her to come forward in person, so after the reception, Sephilia handed over the rest of the matter to Hertz.

Hertz took a step forward at this time: "Mr. Ai Boya, please come with me. We need to negotiate further on the details of the cooperation."

"of course."

Eboa chuckled, because he had learned from his bodyguard Lip in advance that the Saiyan in front of him was also a powerful master, so he didn't show any impatience at all, and discussed it with Hertz in detail with a smile. details of the cooperation.

Finally, after deliberation, Eboa and Hertz decided to prepare a planet near the planet Sharada for cultivating human trade. This planet will be purchased by the Lanna people, and the Saiyans will send people to maintain order. It is considered a planet. Small trading planet.The final profit will be distributed according to the amount of effort.

After some exchanges, the Epoyas left very satisfied, and when they left, they were still feeling the strength of the Saiyans.

"Hertz, you and Asita will distribute the supplies sent by the Lanna Stars to each family, and those newborn children will enter the nursery cabin as soon as possible for cultivation."

Sefilia said this when Hertz saw off Eboa and his nephew and met with Sefilia again.

Hertz nodded: "Understood, I will arrange it. At the same time, the Saiyans' battle suits and aircraft also need to be replaced. For some Saiyans who cannot learn the use of 'breath', I will distribute new energy detectors. "

"There must be detectors, but let them not rely too much on them." Sefilia thought for a while.

"Well, I understand this. In addition, the training of adult Saiyans also needs to be strengthened. These Saiyans will enter the 'Planet of Cultivators' to pick the seeds of Cultivators. After the trading planet is established, they will also be responsible for the stability there. "

Hertz smiled heartily and had a clear plan for the future.

Saiyans are warlike by nature, and they are not a peaceful race. It is not the right choice to let them stay on the planet Sharada or the previous planet Kasha. The best way is to let them release their nature and let them enjoy themselves. To fight, it just so happens that the cultivation planet is a place for them to enjoy the fun of fighting.

With the current strength of these adult Saiyans, cultivating human planets is enough for them to experience.

At present, there are mainly three types of Saiyans on the planet Sharada: one is the Saiyans who have grown up a long time ago, such as Hertz and Ashita, who were sent to Planet Vegeta a long time ago. Most of them are low-level fighters with not very good qualifications; the second is the new generation like Naris, who has just grown up and has better plasticity than the previous adult Saiyans, and is now the backbone of Planet Sharada; It is those young or newly born Saiyans, because they are still young, their plasticity is also the best.

The planet Sharada's defense force is mainly composed of mature adult Saiyans. Under Hertz's training, their strength has also increased significantly, and they are mainly responsible for the stability of the planet and its surroundings.

In addition, the special forces trained mainly belong to the main force in the future, such as Naris, Kom, Tolan, Blore, Evelivia, Uffia and other outstanding new generations are the best among them.

Under the nourishment of the abundant vitality of the Sharada planet, the physique of these Saiyans will become better and better.Although the vitality will not directly enhance the strength of the Saiyans, Hertz is optimistic that: when the physique gradually improves, as long as it takes another six or seven years of training, when the special forces really grow up, this team The team will not be weaker than the strongest fighters from the Vegeta era.

Sephilia nodded after listening to Hertz's arrangement, then thought of something, raised the corners of her mouth, and showed a sneer.

"Recently, more and more cosmic beings have entered the range of the Sharada planet. Although a large number of them have been cleaned up, those guys still won't learn their lesson. Maybe I want to go out and make a good reputation so that they don't dare to peep again. here."

"Are you going out too?" Hertz frowned in surprise.

Sephilia is their leader. After she goes out, Planet Sharada will be leaderless. If something happens, Planet Sharada will not be able to support her at all.

Sephilia raised her eyes and said indifferently: "It won't be too far away, and I have teleportation. If there is any accident on Planet Sharada, you can contact me directly with the communicator."

(End of this chapter)

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