dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 918 Sun Wufan, come with me!

Chapter 918 Sun Wuhan, come back with me!
Knowing everyone's choices, Bulma couldn't help but had tears in her eyes, and complained while laughing: "These bastards are not willing to come back even if they are given a chance to be resurrected."

"It's really heartless."

Although he said so, Bulma respected their choice in his heart.

Friends who have been friends for so many years, how can she still not understand them? Those people only have the pursuit of martial arts in their eyes. Compared with the kingdom of heaven, the earth is indeed not attractive at all. Moreover, the earth has undergone many changes with the passage of time, and they are unwilling to come back. It is also understandable.

What surprised her was that Vegeta went to hell after his death. It seems that he did too many evils during his lifetime and suffered retribution after his death.

Bulma thought brokenly in his heart.

This is probably the case for fighting nations like the Saiyans. They fight all the year round, and their hands are more or less stained with the blood of innocent people—just like Bardock, who looks more decent, but he is definitely not a good person, if If Sun Wukong is resurrected with dragon balls, he should also serve his sentence in hell now.

Fortunately, Vegeta has ended his suffering and was reincarnated.

After being married, he was able to start a new life, and Bulma felt relieved.

After calming down, Bulma shouted to the dragon in the sky: "Please bring Sun Wuhan back to life."

"This wish can come true!"

The eyes of the huge blue dragon sparkled, and a magical force acted on the distant heaven, giving Sun Gohan new life.

Everyone in the kingdom of heaven has a physical body, and the resurrection only needs to remove the halo on the head.

"Gohan...has been resurrected?"

Bulma's expression was a little dazed, and then his eyes became firm, and he saw that there was no sign of Sun Wuhan around, and he must still be in the kingdom of heaven.

There is one last wish left in Dragon Ball, what wish should I make?

Bulma looked hesitant, and wanted to bring Sun Wuhan here with his last wish, but this would not reflect the value of the Dragon Ball wish.

He looked at Luo Lan and asked for his opinion. Luo Lan said that he would bring Sun Wuhan back without wasting the power of Dragon Ball. Seeing this, Bulma gave up his plan to let Shenlong bring Sun Wuhan back.

"Those who have collected the Dragon Balls, please state your third wish!"

Shenlong's head lowered from the high-altitude clouds, and the huge head rolled down like a towering mountain, causing a strong sense of oppression.

At this moment, Askali came up with an idea: "It's better to use the last wish to restore the Namek planet here!"

Bulma's eyes lit up when he heard Askali's suggestion.

Yes, Namek needs saving too.

Ten years ago, after Askali teamed up with Luo Fei and others to eliminate the artificial humans, in order to speed up the reconstruction of the earth's civilization, they used teleportation to go to the planet Neo-Namek, hoping to borrow the Dragon Ball there, but when they arrived on the planet Namek Only to find out that the same accident happened there, and finally returned without success.

Now using the last wish to save the life of Namek seems to have given the wish to someone else, but in the long run, doing so may leave a hope for the future of the earth.

After all, no one knows what will happen in the future, maybe when there will be time to rely on Namek.

"If everyone has no objections, let's make a wish like this." Bulma asked for everyone's opinions.

"Make a wish!" Askali urged.

"We don't care."

Emma and No. 18 watched as nothing to do with themselves, the wish of Dragon Ball was worthless in their eyes.

Luo Lan didn't care anymore.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Bulma nodded and raised her head to make one last wish to the dragon in the sky.All of a sudden, the wish power of Dragon Ball travels through the distant space, bringing the new Namek planet on the other side of the starry sky back to life, and all the Namek stars are revived.

The blue dragon even thoughtfully told the Namekians all the reasons for their resurrection.

Immediately, the Namek people's favor towards the earthlings increased greatly.

Afterwards, the Namekians re-elected the Great Elder, Dandi, a new generation of excellent dragon youth, inherited the position of the Great Elder, and recreated the Dragon Ball with the Dragon Ball relics left by the predecessors.


While Planet Namek was recovering, the blue dragon completed its mission, explained to Bulma and others the status of the fulfillment of the wish in a regular manner, and then flew into the air again, returning to the appearance of Dragon Ball and preparing to disperse.

Naturally, Luo Lan wouldn't just sit and watch these dragon balls scattered in this world, so he had a thought, and saw no movement from him, but the void automatically twisted, as if an invisible big hand was grabbing towards the sky, and the huge force blocked the surrounding area. time and space.

Soon, the seven dragon balls returned neatly to his hands.

Luo Lan smiled lightly, then waved his hand casually, and took the Dragon Ball back into the space of another dimension.


Ascari and the others were familiar with Luo Lan's abilities, and their expressions were always calm, but the five daughters of Caroline were really shocked by what they saw today. Until Luo Lan put away all the Dragon Balls, they The shock on his face still hasn't faded.

Lord Luo Lan... is really too powerful.

Several people yelled in their hearts, their eyes were full of awe, they never thought that they could see such a miraculous scene.

Next, he was going to Heaven to pick up Sun Wuhan. Luo Lan was going to go there himself, and someone from Trunks wanted to call him back.

Luo Lan asked Bulma: "Is there a communicator in Trunks?"

Bulma shook his head, "No, he usually comes back after his practice is completed."

"That can't be done, I can't make Caroline and the others wait for a long time..." Luo Lan smiled after seeing Caroline and the others who looked a little nervous, and said to Askali: "You go to the King of the Realm of God , bring Trunks back."

The fiancées were all present, how could Trunks be absent.

Askali immediately patted her chest, and replied: "Put it on me, I'll go right away!"

As soon as the words fell, Pingting's graceful figure disappeared under everyone's noses, and Askali walked towards the Realm of the King of God with ease. After seeing Askali go to pick up Trunks, Luo Lan smiled Said to Caroline and the others:
"Wait a minute, Trunks will be back soon."


Caroline and the girls nodded nervously, feeling as if the ugly daughter-in-law was about to meet her in-laws. Of course, they had more expectations for Trunks in their hearts.

Their future husband is a Super Saiyan 2 level master!
Seeing the tense and expectant expressions of the girls, Luo Lan laughed out loud, and immediately stepped forward, directly piercing through the limitation of space, and appearing in the heaven of the underworld.

The heaven here is the same as the heaven Luo Lan has been to before, and what greets his eyes is a piece of gold.

The Great King Star is located in the center of the entire bright red space, surrounded by many planets similar to the King Star, half covered by auspicious clouds, these planets are much larger than the King Star, It is mainly for the heroes in the kingdom of heaven to live.

Luo Lan's spiritual thoughts spread out, and the entire heaven was covered by his spiritual thoughts.There was a flash of light in his eyes, and he quickly found Sun Wuhan's position, and then stepped over.

Came in front of Sun Wufan.

At this moment, the revived Monkey King was surrounded by Monkey King, Piccolo, Krillin and others, as if he was explaining something. When Luo Lan appeared beside them, they immediately became alert, but His face was full of horror.

They didn't realize how each other appeared.

Then use the breath to observe the other party, all the breath seems to be trapped in the quagmire, disappearing without a trace.

"Don't try, you can't find my breath."

Luo Lan's faint voice came over, perhaps because the comfortable life in the kingdom of heaven lacked competitiveness. The strength of Monkey King and Piccolo in this world was far inferior to that of the other world. There are no secrets at all, and the strength is completely exposed.

Son Goku didn't even reach Super Saiyan 3!
Luo Lan frowned.

"Who is Your Excellency?" Piccolo looked horrified, and felt a chill in his soul as if touching ice that would never melt for thousands of years.

"Ah, you are also a Saiyan!" Sun Wukong couldn't help shouting when he saw the tail behind Luo Lan.

"What, Saiyan?"

"Are there other Saiyans in Heaven?"

"Look, there's no halo on his head, hiss...he's not dead!" Kelin gasped in disbelief as if he had discovered an earth-shattering secret. Living people, I have never met before.


"Quiet!" Luo Lan looked at them calmly, and his soft words fell in the ears of Monkey King and the others, but they were deafening like thunder, resounding through the sky.

Sun Wukong swallowed and looked at him in disbelief.

This man is so strong!

Luo Lan looked at the effect he had created with satisfaction, nodded, pointed to Sun Wuhan and said, "Sun Wuhan, since he has been resurrected, come back to Earth with me, and I will take you back."

(End of this chapter)

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