dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 872 So low vision?

Chapter 872 So low vision?

If you want to say who is the worst Kaiwangshen in the Quanwang universe, everyone will think that it is the Kaiwangshen of the seventh universe, which is actually true.

Kaiwangshen Asin is a Kaiwangshen who came here temporarily from a trainee Kaiwangshen full-time after the previous generation Kaiwangshen Orr's accidental death. Because of the lack of formal training of Kaiwangshen, he still behaves like a trainee Kaishen. No matter in terms of knowledge or vision, he is inferior to other kings and gods of the world.

Therefore, the gods of destruction Beerus and Weiss are not willing to take him in a conference like the All Kings Conference.

The reason why Beerus, the God of Destruction, looked down on Asin, the king of the realm, was not because of his weak strength. After all, the god of destruction was not a fighting god, and power was inherently inferior in the sequence of gods, so it should not be too demanding.

Their task is to give life to each planet and maintain the vitality of the universe's creation.

What really made the God of Destruction Beerus angry was the king of the world, Asinna, who didn't want to make progress. A mere Majin Buu could become his nightmare... Every time he saw his obsequious and devoid of the dignity of the gods, Birus wanted to slap him to death.

Because he seldom leaves the Realm of the King of Gods, even the existence of the King of the Realms in the lower realms has become a legend, which is unique in all universes. If other universes know about it, the face of the Seventh Universe will be To be thrown away.

Majin Buu messed up the universe and did something to the king of the world, and it was also the God of Destruction to destroy it.

Kaiwangshen does not create life, but wants to perform the work of destroying gods. This is the biggest joke!

Do you really think Beerus, the god of destruction, doesn't know the existence of Majin Buu?He knew that he deliberately left Majin Buu in the Cholera Universe. On the one hand, he wanted to be lazy and let Majin Buu clean up unnecessary planets for him. On the other hand, he wanted to add some background to the seventh universe.

After all, Majin Buu's potential is not bad, and he has the possibility of advancing to the rank of gods.

From the perspective of God of Destruction Beerus, as long as it can increase the ranking of the seventh universe, the loss of some planets is nothing, even Majin Buu can tolerate it.

Justice and evil have always been the definition of human beings. It is so narrow to define what is justice and what is evil based on the development of a race. How could Beerus, the god of destruction, see this so-called "justice" in his eyes.

From the perspective of the big universe, in the face of big right and wrong, you must not be bound by the narrow concept of justice in the world. Only by letting the universe run normally and permanently is the real justice. Properly destroying planets is also for better development.

If you can't even see through this point, then you don't have the qualifications to become a God of Destruction and Kaiwangshen.

The group of kings and gods from 500 million years ago were also top-notch, really a bunch of idiots.

Instead of doing his own job, he ran to deal with Majin Buu, which finally caused the inheritance of Kaiwang God to be almost cut off. Beerus, the God of Destruction, almost laughed angrily when he found out.

Of course, after the fact, the king of the world, Ashin, wanted to make progress, but there was no one to point him out.

"...Ashin's practice is not enough, logically speaking, he is not qualified to be the king of the world, but he was the only apprentice king of the world at that time, so the god position was automatically transferred to him." On the way back , Weiss told Luo Lan about the situation of the king of the world, Asin.

Luo Lan was well aware of these things, but pretended to be hearing about them for the first time.

Beerus, the God of Destruction, curled his lips: "It would be too embarrassing for the majestic king of the realm to be killed by a mortal, even if the opponent is Majin Buu."

The voice of Weiss came: "Master Beerus, you forgot that the last generation of Kaiwangshen lost half of his divine power because he dealt with a goat."

"That's why those Kaiwangshen are just meddling in their own business, can't they just be their Kaiwangshen? They come to grab the work of the God of Destruction, and the Seventh Universe is dragged down by them." The God of Destruction Beerus scratched his head frantically , looking angry.

You are also half a catty.

Weiss' eyes flickered on Beerus, the God of Destruction, and he smiled but didn't speak.

Luo Lan asked, "What do you mean, the Realm King God should be very powerful?"

Weiss said: "The king of the world is also a cosmic god, even if it can't be compared with the god of destruction, it is not something that mortals can defeat. Well, the strength of the king of the previous generation is divided according to the sequence of gods, and it has almost reached the first level. The first-level sequence, of course, is the lowest level."

"So powerful?" Luo Lan was startled, and asked suspiciously, "I've seen the Kaiwang God of the sixth universe, but I haven't seen how powerful he is."

"Actually, Master Fuwa also hides his secrets. The divine power of the kings of the world belongs to creation. You can't appreciate their power without real fighting."

Luo Lan agrees with this point.

As the dimensional gods appointed by the Quanwang, Kaiwangshin and God of Destruction have their own unique skills, which are not inferior to the imperial skills of gods.

However, from the conversation between Weiss and Beerus just now, it can be heard that Ur, the previous king of the seventh universe, should be stronger than Majin Buu, but because of an accident, he lost half of his divine power. Luo Lan didn't know the exact accident, but it probably had something to do with the goat Weiss just mentioned.

(The plot Luo Lan knows only goes to Dragon Ball Super Broly)

While talking, the three landed in the God of Destruction Realm.

Beerus, the God of Destruction, stretched his waist, moved his bones, and suddenly there was a clicking sound, and the environment of the God of Destruction Realm was still comfortable.

"What should we do next?" Luo Lan asked.

"I will monitor the situation in the Seventh Universe, and I will notify you if any monsters are found, and Master Beerus will be responsible for the action." Weiss thought for a while and said slowly.

"Leave it to me." God of Destruction Beerus nodded coldly.

Weiss smiled at Luo Lan: "You can also ask people from Sai Fei's forces to help pay attention to the situation in the universe."

"Okay." Luo Lan agreed.

"Then let's do this first. By the way, Dragon God Luo Lan, are you interested in competing with me? I want to know how powerful the Dragon God is!" Beerus, the God of Destruction, looked serious and stared at Luo Lan with piercing eyes .

"Of course." Luo Lan smiled and did not refuse.

The strength of the God of Destruction Beerus belongs to the top group among the Gods of Destruction. Like him, he is in the second step of the fourth-level sequence. There are fewer and fewer opponents who can be evenly matched. In order to pass the time, the God of Destruction Biru Si only eats and sleeps all day long, now that Luo Lan's appearance aroused his desire to fight.

Saiyans are also a nation that advocates fighting.

The proposal of God of Destruction Beerus was exactly what Luo Lan wanted.

Seeing that Luo Lan agreed to fight with him, Beerus, the God of Destruction, smiled happily, a ray of light flashed in his golden eyes, his body rose slightly, and he exuded a wave of air like a heat wave.

When Luo Lan saw this, a silver-gray light flashed past, and the red-haired and red-eyed Super Saiyan God changed into a silver-gray hair and silver-gray eyes.

"Freedom Extreme Willing Art?"

God of Destruction Beerus looked in surprise, "Fortunately, it's not the full version."

Even so, the face of Beerus, the God of Destruction, became serious, because even for him, he had only just begun to learn extreme intention.

On the one hand, it is because it is really difficult to cultivate the ultimate intention of freedom, and on the other hand, the power of the God of Destruction is full of destructive attributes, and the routine of extreme intention of freedom is not suitable for them.

The auras of God of Destruction Beerus and Luo Lan kept colliding, and the biting cold dispelled the air around them.

The figures of the two disappeared from midair at the same time, and the sound of fighting was endless. Luo Lan and Beerus, the God of Destruction, fought back and forth non-stop, and their movements were as fast as the wind.

A few brief confrontations caused extensive damage.

"Hey, you guys can fight if you want, but don't destroy the environment of the God Realm. Adjusting the environment is very tiring." Seeing Beerus and Luo Lan begin to fight, Weiss looked carefully and issued a warning. .


The two responded, but the battle was in full swing. Their attacks showed no sign of weakening. The air was colliding. When the shock waves full of terrifying power collided, the dazzling brilliance flooded everything like the sun.

Forget it, you can do whatever you like!

Looking at the figures of the two, Weiss shook his head helplessly and turned around to deal with his work.


Realm of the King of Gods.

The vast space is filled with a sacred aura, and it is much more serene than the Destroying God Realm.

The king of the world, Asin, is closely monitoring the situation in the demon world. According to the latest information, the evil magician Babidi is trying to revive the demon Buu.

"Master Kaiwangshen." A figure flew from the sky, and the red-faced trainee Kaibite landed beside Kaiwangshen Asin.

"Jebit, how is the situation in the Demon Realm?"

Jabiter said solemnly: "As Lord Kaiwangshen expected, Babidi has gathered a large number of powerful masters, and it seems that he will take action in the near future, but unfortunately, I still haven't found out the cloth that seals the devil. The whereabouts of O's egg."

"Keep an eye on the whereabouts of Babidi and his group, it seems that the resurrection of Majin Buu is not far away."

"I thought that the death of Dabra, the king of the demon world, would make Babidi calm down for a while. It seems like an extravagant hope, but in this way, the lower world will inevitably encounter another catastrophe." Asin, the king of the world, nodded, Worried and ashamed of his inability to do anything.

Jabiter said: "Master Kaiwangshen has done his best."

Realm King Ashin was silent for a while.

Suddenly said: "By the way, there should be some masters in the lower realm. If we can get their help, maybe we can prevent Majin Buu from recovering!"

Jebit frowned: "Forgive me, although those mortals have some strength, they are still far behind the gods. I don't think they can stop Babidi and the others."

"There is no way, we are single and weak, and it is some strength to gather some strength." Realm King Ashin sighed.

At this moment, a cold and stern voice came from behind them——

"The two people who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, the reputation of the king of the world is ruined by you."


Kaiwangshen and Jabiter shook their heads and turned around at the same time, only to see a skinny creature standing behind them that looked like a rabbit or a cat.

Who is this person, and how did he enter the Realm of the Realm King God?
Such doubts arose in the hearts of the master and servant of King Kai, especially Jebit, who frowned deeply when he saw a stranger stepping into the holy place in his eyes.

As the most sacred place in the universe, the Realm of the King of the Realm is extremely stable, and it is impossible for outsiders to set foot in it.

"Who is your Excellency? This is the Realm of the King of the Realm, not a place where ordinary people can set foot." Jebiter asked with a serious face.

"Ordinary people?"

Beerus, the god of destruction, sneered, with a sullen look on his face, and a murderous intent flashed through his eyes, "Is the vision of the contemporary apprentice world kings and gods so low?"

(End of this chapter)

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