dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 841 Black Star Seven Dragon Balls

Chapter 841 Black Star Dragon Ball

The planet where Gabe lives.

Luo Lan was facing the snow-capped mountains in the distance, holding a fist-sized dragon ball in his hand. The dragon ball was not big, and there was a black star inside, which looked dark and dull like a black hole under the refraction of light. .

"Gabu, your dragon ball can't summon an ominous dragon, right?" Luo Lan looked at the thing that looked like a black star dragon ball in his hand. It didn't need to sleep after making a wish.

Gabe laughed and said, "How could it be? I created it myself. It belongs to the most authentic Dragon Ball. How could it be possible to summon ominous things?"

"Black dragon balls are relatively rare!"

There are also black dragon balls in the Dragon Ball GT world, which were failures made by the son of Kadaz before they were split into Piccolo and Tenjin. Because they did not master the skills of making dragon balls, the dragon balls they made were extremely abnormal.

Although the power is stronger than the normal dragon balls, the way to realize the wish is very distorted. It needs to overdraw the life potential of the wishing planet. If the seven dragon balls scattered in the galaxy cannot be recovered within a year, the wishing planet will be completely destroyed. disintegration.

Luo Lan believed that with Gabu's Dragon God realm, it was impossible to create a failed work, but the appearance of the Dragon Ball in front of him really reminded him of the Black Star Dragon Ball.

Gabe chuckled, and said, "You don't know that. The dragon balls made by the dragon clan are not only limited in style, but the color and size are related to the maker's ability. I am a black dragon, so the dragon balls made The stars are black."

It turned out that there was such a saying, Luo Lan suddenly realized.

"In other words, I have transformed the dragon balls on Earth before. At first, the color was golden, and then it changed to blue."

"It must be related to the change in your energy attributes." Old God Gabu was sitting on the cushion on the ground, holding the flagon in his hand, looking very comfortable.

Luo Lan nodded. When he transformed the Earth Dragon Ball for the first time, his body only contained the power of Fengshen's red Dragon Ball. The second transformation was after the Namek event. At that time, he had already integrated the power of the blue Dragon Ball. Properties do change.

Now that he has become a trainee Dragon God, his energy should have been fixed.

Speaking of the Black Star Dragon Ball, Luo Lan thought of the world he had been to before in the Universe system of Quan Wang, where the Earth and Dragon Balls actually existed. There are some similar worlds outside the department, which is a bit exaggerated.

So the question was asked.

"I have been to a world that is very similar to the seventh universe before. There are many parallel worlds there, but they do not belong to the universe system of the king."

Emma and Little Cell came from that world, but they have been replaced by Super Dragon Ball.

"I know where it is." Gabe raised his head, took a sip of his wine, and groaned happily, "Strictly speaking, those secondary universes are also a part of the universe system of the King, but they were plundered a long time ago."

Luo Lan listened carefully, these were secrets that he didn't know very well.

"...About 126 billion years ago. At that time, the 36th area of ​​​​Outland had not yet been established. There was a confrontation between the universe of the king and other forces. It seemed to be related to the old priests. In short, many people were sacrificed. Later, in Salama When my lord divided time and space, the nearby universe systems were jealous of our territory and took advantage of the chaos to plunder it."

"One of them is called Kongshen Cosmic System, which is the most ruthless. It has cut a large piece of the past from the territory of our Cosmic System. The parallel worlds you have been to have evolved from that space-time blank, because they originally belonged to Quan Wang. Part of the universe, so the evolutionary history is similar."

"After that incident, Lord Salama came to the door to make a big fuss. Although the two sides reconciled, the rift between each other has also been settled..."

Gabe slowly told the past of the ancient times.

Luo Lan suddenly realized, and also understood why the earth and Saiyans existed in the world over there, because that was part of the history of the seventh universe.There are also dragon balls over there, but the powerful Shenlong will be rejected.

In particular, the super dragon of the dragon god Salama is not allowed to exist at all.

The reason for everything happened 126 billion years ago. Considering that the dragon god Salama of the seventh-level sequence came to the door in person, the turmoil must have caused a lot of damage. Salama's power was restricted there, so It is not difficult to understand.

In the boundless sea of ​​the universe, there are countless huge universes. These universes plunder each other's various resources in order to survive. At that time, the Quanwang universe, which was harassed by the old priests, is undoubtedly fat in the eyes of other universes. Meat, coupled with Quan Wang's child-like character, is an even better target for plunder.

As a result, the universe of the king was plundered by the universe of the sky god, and the universe of the sky god was later approached by the dragon god Salama, obviously it did not take advantage of it.

However, judging from the existence of those secondary universes, the two parties should have reached some kind of agreement, and they are in a state of not interfering with each other.

What details are in it, because of the little information, Luo Lan has no way of knowing.

The water in this world is deeper than imagined. Except for those old priests who are lurking in the dark and don't know the situation, other universe systems are also watching, and they can't be careless for a moment!

Thinking that the ruler of the Quanwang Zhou family is the Quanwang of the child's heart, Luo Lan didn't know what to say.

Suddenly the sense of security is gone.

Looking at Gabe who was drinking freely, Luo Lan thought to herself that she was on vacation in the No.11 universe, so she asked her what her plans were next.

Gabe waved his hand, indicating that he would stay on the current planet in the future.

"...Master Fios asked us to help maintain the stability of the inner universe. Of course, we will help if we can, but except for the devil seeds, everything else is the work of the god of destruction and the king of the world. I will not go too far. .”

"By the way, Luo Lan, you are the trainee Dragon God of Universe Seven. If I want to visit you in the future, you won't be welcome, right?" Gabe looked at Luo Lan with a smile.

"Of course not, welcome anytime."

Luo Lan quickly smiled and said, Gabe is such a great god, his strength is stronger than that of the God of Destruction Beerus, and it is too late for him to welcome her arrival.

Afterwards, Luo Lan asked Gabu about the advanced fourth-level sequence, and Gabu answered with a smile on his face.

Gabe's answer was not much better than Macarita's, but because she was a trainee Dragon God, she had encountered many problems that troubled Luo Lan, so her answers were more targeted, and all problems were easily solved, as did Luo Lan. Know what to do next.

To advance to the fourth-level sequence, you need to create your own God's Control Skill. Gabe's suggestion is to use the power of the Dragon God to transform the original skill. Gabu has detailed suggestions on how to transform it.

This made Luo Lan's heart feel hot, and he hurriedly planned to retreat and practice.

Gabe smiled when he saw this, and used the power of the dragon god to arrange a protective shield for Luo Lan, covering the palace where he was, while he walked to the window sill of the palace, looking down from a high position, watching the snow covered mountains and rivers When the cold wind blows, a lot of snow falls like a dream.


When Luo Lan was reminded to retreat, the Seventh Universe, the God Realm of Destroyer, and the rhombus-shaped God Star remained the same.

The owner of God Planet, God of Destruction Beerus is still in a deep sleep. Apart from Weiss and the prophetic fish, there are only Sephilia, Mellia, Askali, No. 17 and No. 18 on the entire planet. Very few people.

After several years of practice, everyone is improving slowly. Although it is impossible to reach the rank of gods immediately due to innate factors, as long as they work tirelessly, the sweat of hard work will not be swayed randomly, and the distance will always be shortened little by little.

Weiss is happy to see more masters appear in the seventh universe.

When the God of Destruction Beerus was asleep, angels who had not received instructions could not intervene too much in the affairs of the universe, but cultivating talents for the universe was not within the scope of restrictions.

Weiss has already got the news from Bados about the trainee Dragon God's entry into the King's Inner Domain.

When he first heard that there was a trainee dragon god from universe [-], but he didn't have one, Weiss was still puzzled. Later, when he thought that Luo Lan was also a trainee dragon god, he realized that he was the trainee dragon god from universe [-]. god.

That's fine, the local Luo Lan became the trainee dragon god of the seventh universe, and there was no problem in communication.

Unlike the trainee Dragon God named Shelia in Universe [-], who first bullied the God of Destruction as soon as he came, I heard that Master Champa was bullied miserably!
(End of this chapter)

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