dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 77 Sun Wukong

Chapter 77 Sun Wukong

A few days later, on an overseas island, surrounded by sparkling light and the sea breeze, a beautiful sea view came into view... On the sea near the land, sand gulls crossed the water at low altitude and spread their wings, creating a vivid and harmonious scene.

On this island surrounded by sea water, Luo Lan and the others found the last dragon ball. When the seven dragon balls gathered together, the buzzing sound continued, accompanied by the sound like a dragon chant, the dragon ball A golden light shone brightly.

"Can you summon the dragon now?" Sephilia looked at Luo Lan.

Luo Lan nodded towards Sefilia, and immediately piled up the seven dragon balls, then pulled Sefilia back a few steps, and shouted at the dragon balls:
"Come out, Shenlong!"

As soon as the voice fell, a large cloud of dark clouds floated in the sky, and the blue and bright clear sky became pitch black in an instant.boom!The seven dragon balls erupted with brilliant and dazzling golden light, and at this moment, the sound of fierce thunder rang out. The majestic thunder sounded more and more, and became more and more dense, as magnificent as thousands of horses galloping.

Boom! !

The golden flash is connected with the thunder and lightning in the sky, and the rich light is sprayed out from the dragon ball, and gradually gathers in the sky to look like a dragon.

It was the first time for Sephilia to summon Shenlong, and she couldn't help but be awed by the scene of Shenlong appearing, and asked, "Is this always the case when Shenlong appears?"

"That's right, it's like the end of the world." Luo Lan's expression was very calm. He had the experience of summoning Dragon Ball once, and he was not shocked by the magnificent scene of Shenlong's appearance like Sephilia.

"Hmm." Sefilia looked at her seriously, with some excitement between her brows. It's really rare to see such an apocalyptic scene.

After a while, accompanied by a high-pitched dragon chant, the golden light turned into a slender green dragon, with a body hundreds of meters long suspended in the sky, giving people a strong sense of oppression.Shenlong hovered high in the sky, looking down at the siblings below.

"Those who have collected the Dragon Balls, tell us your wishes!"

"Sister, go and make a wish!" Luo Lan chuckled and asked Sephilia to come to Shenlong.

Sephilia nodded, then took a deep breath, and said to Shenlong: "Shenlong, please restore the planet Sharada in the distant starry sky to a habitable appearance." After speaking, Sephilia looked forward to Looking at it carefully, at this time she rarely felt nervous.

"Restore Planet Sharada, right? That's quite a far away place!" Shenlong's blood-red eyes aimed down, and his majestic voice was deafening.

"Can't it be realized?" Sephilia frowned.

Shenlong said: "No, this wish can be realized, but it will take some time, please wait..."

After all, the power of the earth dragon is not comparable to that of Namek's dragon Bolunga. To restore the planet Sharada on the other side of the distant starry sky, it will take a while for the dragon god's wish to be conveyed.

Hum, with the blood-red light in the eyes of the dragon, the power of the dragon god contained in the dragon ball is applied to the distant starry sky...

At this time, if someone stayed at the original location of Planet Sharada, they could see that the asteroids floating in the deep space seemed to be pushed by some kind of force and began to gather towards the center.Based on the planet where Luo Lan and the others encountered Gu Weisha, the volume of the planet continued to expand, and then miraculously returned to life under the effect of the Dragon God's wish.

I saw a strong breath of life spreading out, forests and oceans appeared continuously, vegetation grew wildly, and soon covered the barren tidal flats... The yellow sand Gobi was replaced by rich grasslands, and various wild animals and plants began to evolve. It seems that after a long time, when the Dragon God wished to complete the transformation, a blue planet full of life and vitality appeared.

"Well, your wish has come true."

"Planet Sharada has recovered?" Sephilia asked in amazement.

"Yes." Shenlong's deafening voice echoed, "Human, your wish has come true, so goodbye!"

Shenlong came and went quickly. After fulfilling his wish, Shenlong turned into seven dragon balls again. The shining light spots hovered in the sky for a while, ready to fly to all over the world.

At this moment, Luo Lan's falcon-like sharp eyes glanced slightly, aimed at the four-star in the sky, jumped up suddenly, and caught the dragon ball before it was about to fly away.

When I opened it, the dragon ball had turned into a stone the size of a fist, and it could only be turned back into a dragon ball after the one-year recovery period was over.

Seeing Luo Lan's actions, Sephilia asked in surprise, "What are you doing?"

Luo Lan said: "This dragon ball originally belonged to an old man, and I plan to return the dragon ball to him. By the way, there is a Saiyan living on the earth who was adopted by him."

Now Sephilia was a little surprised, "Are there other Saiyans on Earth?"

Luo Lan nodded and said, "That's right, that's a low-level fighter, but the environment of the earth will forge him into a powerful fighter."

After Sun Wukong was adopted by Sun Wufan, he smashed his head and became a pure and innocent child.In the future, under the guidance of a series of martial arts masters such as Sun Wufan, Guixianren, Maoxianren, Tianshen, and the King of the North, he will continue to grow and eventually become a super master of Megatron Universe.

The reason why Sun Wukong can continue to become stronger, in addition to the help of Saiyan blood, the guidance of famous teachers and his pure heart dedicated to martial arts also played a vital role.

Sefilia believed that Luo Lan had the ability to predict the future, and thought that this was the future he saw through his ability, so she asked with interest: "How strong can a low-level fighter become, and will it surpass us?"

No matter how strong they are, can they be as powerful as them?You must know that their siblings possess the most profound martial arts on earth, and Sefilia has sufficient confidence in her own strength.

Luo Lan stared at her, and said word by word: "If there are no accidents, that person will become a Super Saiyan."

Sephilia's expression changed suddenly when she heard the words, "Is what you said true?"

Luo Lan: "Of course, that is a Saiyan warrior who becomes more and more courageous as he gets frustrated. The earth is the most suitable environment for him to grow up."

Sefilia smiled: "I'm starting to be interested in him, what's his name?"

"The name of the Saiyan is Kakarot, and the name of the people on Earth... Sun Wukong!"

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(End of this chapter)

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