dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 762 The Ancient Secret (Chapter 2 will not be opened)

Chapter 762 The Ancient Secret (The two chapters will not be opened)

Hearing Luo Lan's question, Dragon God Salama's voice paused, and he looked at him with huge eyes.

"The goddesses are a special kind of existence that lives in the sea of ​​the universe. Like the angels in the universe, they have authority beyond ordinary gods. Their duty is to maintain the balance among the gods and maintain the laws formulated by the gods."

"The power of the goddess is also called the 'power of judgment', and it is the only power that can restrain the 'power of god', and can punish and judge the gods when necessary."

"Because the authority of the goddess is too high, she generally does not intervene in the disputes among the gods. She has an extraordinary status in the sea of ​​the universe. As long as no one violates the laws of the gods, the goddess will not take action." The dragon god Salama spoke endlessly, introducing the existence of the goddess.

Punish and judge the gods.

Uphold the code of the gods!
After listening to the introduction of the celestial girl by the dragon god Salama, a cynical image of Wisna immediately appeared in Luo Lan's mind. Comparing the celestial girl with the angel, she found that there are many similarities between the two.

Angels maintain the cosmic balance within the cosmic system, while celestial maidens have a wider jurisdiction, actually spreading to the gods.

According to Luo Lan's understanding, the so-called ocean of the universe should be the space where many cosmic systems exist, and it is infinitely wider than a single cosmic system.

Being able to govern such a large area and make the gods abide by the law, one can imagine how powerful the goddess is.

From the description of the dragon god Salama in a few words, Luo Lan roughly understood what kind of existence the goddess is, and this is another special group that has the same extraordinary status as the angel group.

Luo Lan still doesn't know how strong the goddess is, after all, he is not qualified to touch those.

The power of the goddess can restrain the power of the gods, but I also have the power of the goddess in my body, no, it should be called "the power of judgment", is this a lucky thing?

"The power of judgment appears in the body, won't it affect my divine power?"

"No, that unknown goddess has already dealt with this power, and it won't affect you." Luo Lan breathed a sigh of relief at the words of Dragon God Salama.

"Have a good grasp of this power. The power of the Dragon God, the power of God, and the power of Judgment God are all powerful powers that are rare to see. If you master one, you are qualified to grow into a powerful god. You have three kinds of power, and you have even comprehended it. With a little 'God's Control Skill', compared with other gods, you already have very strong capital at the beginning."

"I am optimistic about you, so after leaving, I hope to continue to work hard and strive to become a powerful dragon god."

"Although the situation in the universe system of the King of Kings has eased to a certain extent after the great war in ancient times, the crisis is far from resolved. We need to be prepared at all times to face challenges from other universe systems and even within the universe system."

"So, grow up as soon as possible, we need more masters to join!"

"The universe system of the whole king will still face crisis?"

Luo Lan's face froze. It must be an unimaginable crisis to be called a challenge by a seventh-level god like the dragon god Salama.

"Hehe, the crisis exists at any time, it's just because there are many masters in front of you, you don't know it." Dragon God's voice is full of majesty.

"Since ancient times, where have the abdicated gods of destruction gone? Where have the retired angels gone? You don't know these things."

"Okay, apprentice Dragon God Luo Lan, the blessing ceremony is over, you can go out, ask the Dragon God outside if you have any puzzles, and learn more 'God's Imperial Skills', the battle between the gods and the Mortal combat is a completely different concept!"

The loud voice gradually disappeared in the ear, and the consciousness of the dragon god Salama broke away from the body of the super dragon.


After the dragon god Salama left, the huge golden dragon shook its head, raised its head and howled, then curled up, with two huge dragon wings covering its chest, the body of the super dragon slowly closed its eyes, curled up as if Entered an egg and fell back into dormancy.

Looking at the huge shining dragon ball in the sky, the words of the dragon god Salama echoed in his ears, and the turbulent emotions in his heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

He continued to stay in the vast space for a long time, staring at the front, the vast and ancient atmosphere had disappeared, Luo Lan knew that the dragon god Salama had once again entered a deep sleep, took a deep breath, and exited the room with a complicated expression.


In the vast and unknown space.

Feng Lixi's palace.

This beautiful celestial girl was lying on her side, twirling a strand of ice-blue hair with slender white fingers, suddenly, a stream of light flashed in a pair of ice-blue eyes as clear as spring water, as if she had sensed something , Xiumei frowned slightly.

The line of sight penetrates countless time and space, and is projected from the high-level element.

At this moment, countless time and space seemed to be trembling.

"Dragon God Salama, how did he wake up?"

With a trace of confusion on her face, Feng Lixi's voice was as clear as the sound of nature, and after carefully inquiring about the situation in the lower realm, she found that the human being she had previously favored had been upgraded to a realm god.

"The speed of cultivation is quite fast, and this is the second-level sequence, which is very good."

There was a smile on Feng Lixi's beautiful face, and the shallow smile was like a hundred flowers blooming together in spring, filled with light and elegance.

Then she observed Luo Lan's situation with great interest, as if watching a mortal gradually grow could bring her endless joy.

An ethereal voice echoed in the palace:
"I hope it can surprise me before the end of the 88th year of the divine calendar."


The No. 13 divine star in the Outer Domain of Quanwang, Central Dragon City.

"How about it, how does it feel for the Dragon of God to activate the power of the Dragon God for you? Try to become a trainee Dragon God as soon as possible." Outside the room, Aris waited for Luo Lan to complete his blessing, and hurriedly greeted him after he came out.

Suddenly seeing Luo Lan's bright red hair and eyes, and sensing the abundant power of God in his body, Aris' expression was stunned.

This Saiyan went in for a while, and when he came out, he was already a realm god. After careful induction, the good guy was actually a realm god of the second-level sequence.

"Your span is too big!"

"Tell me what's going on?" Aris was curious about the change in Luo Lan's strength.

"It's like this..." So Luo Lan told the story of his encounter with the dragon god Salama. After listening to Luo Lan's description, Aris was stunned, and it took him a while to wake up.

"I thought the blessing of the dragon of the gods was already very great, but I didn't expect that Lord Salama would personally bless you. So you are already a trainee dragon god."

Alex didn't know what to say, he just blamed Luo Lan for being so amazing.

You must know that since the establishment of the Dragon God Palace, there are only a handful of dragons who have been personally blessed by Lord Salama. There are only a few powerful dragon gods and high-ranking dragon gods. Since Ma fell asleep, few people have seen Lord Salama.

Now that Luo Lan's dragon god power originated from the dragon god Salama, Aris completely believed it.

If it wasn't for the power of the dragon god Salama, how could it be possible to attract Lord Salama to descend in person.

"It was said that Lord Salama was already asleep?" Luo Lan asked. Counting this time, he had already met Dragon God Salama twice.

"Well, she has been asleep for many years, and only at some important times will Master Salama wake up."

Afterwards, Luo Lan asked Aris about the crisis facing the universe of the King, and Aris answered truthfully.

It turned out that after the problem of Quan Wang Zhou system before ancient times, other space systems in the sea of ​​the universe focused on Quan Wang Zhou system, treating it as a piece of fat that drools, coupled with Quan Wang’s own child-like personality, it is a space system. They all want to bite off a piece of meat from it.

The most intense battle took place 126 billion years ago. At that time, the entire universe of the universe was in a state of confusion, time and space were chaotic, and there was no peace.

"...It was an astonishing battle. The entire universe was in darkness. All parallel worlds and parallel universes were severely damaged. I don't know how many worlds were destroyed. The power of the gods will bring an end to the entire chaotic world. That is, after that great war, Lord Salama made up his mind to establish the outer domain and built a protective layer for the entire universe of the king."

"But the price is also very high, because the entire construction process takes a long time, and many time and space belonging to our side are plundered by the outer universe, and those losses are all the energy of our world."

"Lord Salama also fell into a deep sleep because of the construction of Outland."

Aris has not personally experienced that dark period, but when he thinks of countless fifth-level, sixth-level, and even seventh-level gods participating in the battle, the desperate scene makes people shudder.

Luo Lan felt the same way, and somewhat understood the reason why the dragon god Salama made him speed up his cultivation.

It is really the external enemies who are staring at each other. I don't know when the war will break out. Although according to the dragon god Salama, it is still in a period of peace, and the goddess maintains the balance between the major cosmic systems, but Luo Lan's heart is also A sense of urgency was created.

Of course, once a war breaks out, the main force involved in the battle must be the Realm God, or the Dimensional God with the cosmic god position.

Although the God of Strength has the ability to fight, his lifespan is too short. A battle is not over yet, and the God of Strength may die because of the exhaustion of his lifespan.

And the war 126 billion years ago was probably what Weiss once said, and what happened when he was still a trainee angel, that is, when the god of destruction Oleg died in battle.

"Why is there such a big difference between the outer domain and the inner domain? I mean, why are the high-level gods in the inner domain of the King of Kings affected by time and space so severely?"

Obviously, it is extremely abnormal for a god like Quan Wang to be split because of the operation of the time machine.

It's like a supreme being who holds all the authority, but is controlled by mortal technology. This phenomenon is unimaginable.

The same situation will not happen in the Outland of the King and other universes. Although the time machine still has the ability to split the world under the protection mechanism of time and space, it usually happens in the lower universe of the lower realm and will not affect the gods above.

Alex shook his head and replied:
"I don't know about this either. The universe system of Quanwang has a very long history. It is said that it was not like this a long, long time ago. It was probably around the 49th year of the divine calendar. It evolved into what it is now because of an accident."

I'm afraid that the universe of the whole king was blown up in the 49th year of the divine calendar, right?

Luo Lan couldn't help but wonder.

The current appearance of the universe system of the whole king seems to be pieced together randomly.

The so-called divine calendar is a common calendar used by all major cosmic systems. A divine calendar cycle contains countless times, and the Super Dragon Ball was made in the 41st year of the divine calendar.

Similar to the divine calendar of the gods, Quan Wang also has a set of Wang calendar. The power conference of Quan Wang in the original book was held at "31 days 3550 o'clock in the Wang calendar". From the perspective of the calendar format, the previous Wang calendar 603 million and the subsequent 157 days and 31 o'clock are obviously not a unit of dimension.

The correct reading should be "31 o'clock on the 3550st, 0603, 157 day of the Wang calendar".

One day in the Wang calendar is equivalent to one year on the earth, and one hour is equivalent to one day on the earth.

The reign of Quan Wang is definitely a very long time, and many unknown things have happened in it, and it is not even certain whether the current high priests and angels are the most primitive batch.

"...Don't worry about those troublesome things, the gods and dragon gods in the inner domain will take care of them, we just need to hurry up and practice."

"By the way, you have just broken through to the realm of God, and there are many things that you need to pay attention to. I want to mention it to you."

"The Realm God is different from other gods. He doesn't need to occupy a position in the universe, and he doesn't have to worry about running out of life at any time like the God of Strength. Generally speaking, he is quite comfortable. You are promoted to the Realm God in the outer domain, and you are accepted by Sarama. With the protection of your lord, you don’t have to worry about creating parallel individuals under the mighty suppression of Lord Salama, which will create a good foundation for you to advance to the fifth-level sequence in the future.”


Luo Lan nodded when he heard the words. He had already heard about the advanced rules of advanced sequences from the trainee Dragon God Gabe.

——The high-level god sequence (fifth-level sequence) requires uniqueness in space.

Under the suppression of the dragon god Salama, the cultivators who entered the Outland of the King have eliminated the possibility of the birth of parallel individuals in terms of time and space.

In layman's terms, even if someone takes a time machine to go back to Luo Lan's past time, the emergency rules of the All Kings Cosmic System will still create a parallel world, but there will not be another Luo Lan in the parallel world.

Of course, this is only for Luo Lan who has no other parallel individuals. If it is someone else, such as Bardock, even if he becomes a god, it will only prevent the possibility of parallel individuals being born in his own world, but it will not be able to affect other parallel individuals. the state of the world.

Those worlds where parallel individuals have already been born, if someone crosses over, they will still differentiate into parallel individuals, but those parallel individuals will lose the qualification to enter the god star.

If Bardock has a chance to be promoted to the fifth-level sequence in the future, he needs to wait until the lifespan of all parallel individuals is exhausted.

"The Realm God is a very free god. Now that you are a trainee Dragon God, you are eligible to go down to all the universes under the command of Outland without worrying about the barrier of time and space. In other words, you can freely move between different parallel worlds. shuttle."

Luo Lan understood what Aris meant.

In the Outer Domain of the King, one's own actions are quite free, and after returning to the Inner Domain, although one cannot freely travel to different parallel worlds like the Outer Domain, but in the same parallel world, such as the sixth universe and the seventh universe Traveling through, there is no need to use the Shuttle Cube anymore, he can do it by relying on his own strength.

When the fifth-level sequence is reached in the future, and the space is completely unique, maybe even the parallel world in the inner domain of the king can be freely traversed.

This is good news. In the future, you don't have to bother to shuttle the cube to other cosmic challenges in the inner domain, you can come as you go.


After communicating with trainee Dragon God Aris, Luo Lan had a clearer understanding of the structure of the All-King Universe system.

It was sunny and sunny.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed since Luo Lan broke through to the Super Saiyan God.

During this period of time, Luo Lan had fully mastered his current power, and gradually adapted to the battle between gods and gods, because he was addicted to the new experience brought by the power of gods after advancing to the realm of gods.

Before being promoted to the Super Saiyan God, Luo Lan had already cultivated a god-level Saiyan first, and now his divine body + divine power made his comprehensive strength far exceed that of the general second-level sequence. Luo Lan felt that only After he got used to it for a while, the third-level sequence was just around the corner.

Luo Lan's current strength, if placed in the original book, would be very strong.

In the original book, the Super Saiyan God formed by Monkey King relying on the fusion of five good Saiyans is roughly the first-level sequence, and the further Super Saiyan God Blue is the second-level sequence.

Now, his strength is close to that of Sun Wukong before he participated in the Tournament of Power.


Ps: There is not enough time, and the two chapters will not be disassembled.

(End of this chapter)

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