dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 67 The Death of Qiu Yi

Chapter 67 The Death of Qiu Yi
"Arrogant Saiyan brat, it's not so easy to kill me. You are the one who is really going to die today." Roaring angrily, Qiu Yi's muscles agitated, and 12400 energy began to wrap around his body.

Seeing this, Luo Lan grinned lightly, and immediately began to increase the energy of his body.

"Beep beep beep", the energy detector next to Qiu Yi's ear frantically stirred, and finally stopped at the value of 13500, which had already exceeded his combat power.

"Impossible, how could your fighting power be higher than mine..." Looking at the data displayed on the detector in disbelief, Qiu Yi's voice trembled slightly, and suddenly a chill came from the soles of his feet.

Soldiers with a combat strength of more than [-] are rare even in Frieza's army!You must know that Star Vegeta in its heyday was just five fighters with a combat power of more than [-].But now the combat power that he was so proud of was actually surpassed by a kid. It is conceivable that Qiu Yi was shocked at this time.

"Hehe, it's not just these things that surprise you."

As soon as the words fell, Luo Lan's figure was like a gust of wind, and suddenly accelerated with a whoosh, and came to Qiu Yi's side in the blink of an eye, pointing at Qiu Yi's head with both fingers and swords, trying to destroy the energy detector next to his ear.

Seeing this, Qiu Yi was taken aback, turned around quickly, and the muscles of his whole body exploded at an astonishing speed in a ten-thousandth of a second or even less.

With a whoosh, a sharp energy ray slashed across Qiu Yi's head. When the detector was destroyed, the scorching heat grazed his skin, making him feel a burning pain.

Cold sweat broke out, if he hadn't moved a little faster, the opponent's attack would have landed on his head.

"Damn it, how could this kid be so powerful?!"

Even the Vegeta he had seen before was far less powerful than the kid in front of him!No, this news must be reported to King Frieza!With this thought in mind, Qiu Yi no longer wanted to fight, he retreated while fighting, and was about to leave Planet Barney.But Luo Lan finally met an opponent who could let him use his strength to his heart's content. Although this opponent seemed a little useless, how could Luo Lan let him leave easily? !
shhhhhh! !

Beams of beams of intense energy descended from the sky, accidentally destroying Qiu Yi's aircraft.After the thick gunpowder smoke dissipated, only some broken wreckage remained of the aircraft.

"Ahhh!!!" Qiu Yi's eyes were red, he glanced at the destroyed aircraft, and roared angrily. Now he can only fight against the opponent with all his might.

"Since you must fight, then I will kill you! I want to let you know that the people in Frieza's army are far from being as simple as you imagined."

Accompanied by Qiu Yi's roar, more scorching air gushed out from the air holes on both sides, and at this time, the energy with a combat power of more than 1 was running crazily.

I saw that the sky suddenly became dark, and the strong energy affected the charged substances in the air, causing a strange ionization phenomenon in the sky, "crackling", a few dull vibrations, the gravel on the ground trembled uncontrollably, smaller stones ...has been floating directly.

"Come on, let's fight to our heart's content."

The belligerent factor in the Saiyan blood affected Luo Lan's mood, making his mood extremely high.


The body suddenly became ethereal, and Luo Lan's movements were as swift as a gust of wind, and he came to Qiu Yi's side in a blink of an eye.Qiu Yi had a ferocious face, fixed his fierce eyes on Luo Lan, and punched out the fist in his hand.

The two fists collided in mid-air, sparks of steel colliding erupted for a while.

After a long while, rounds of shock waves visible to the naked eye spread out along the impacted horizontal plane, and a range of hundreds of meters was affected by this shock wave. The ground cracked, stones flew, and the winding cracks were shocking. Extending for thousands of meters... the surrounding area has become scorched earth with green smoke.

Immediately afterwards, countless blurred afterimages flashed by, and Luo Lan and Qiu Yi continued to collide fiercely in midair.

Their figures appear in the sky for a while, and appear on the ground for a while. Every collision will cause immeasurable damage. Affected by their battles, the entire Barney planet becomes very restless.

The cosmic beings living on Planet Barney didn't know what happened on the planet at this time, and they hid at home one by one, waiting for the disaster to pass.

And some cosmonauts with energy detectors have detected a terrible energy reaction on the planet, and at the same time they are uneasy and have begun to seek a way out. Some cosmonauts have even quietly boarded the spaceship and prepared to leave the planet Barney.

The brutal attack landed on Qiu Yi's body. Qiu Yi's face was distorted, bearing the severe pain as if his internal organs had been crushed, he clenched his teeth, and fought back recklessly.At this moment, Luo Lan sneered, and a qigong wave swept over. After being dodged by Qiu Yi, Luo Lan twisted his arms, and the qigong wave immediately changed its direction.

Boom! !
After the qigong wave hit the target, Luo Lan rushed to Qiu Yi's side and smashed it down with his fist.

In fact, Luo Lan's fighting power is still higher than Qiu Yi's. Whether it's the exquisite martial arts, the "Wanxiang Fist" that increases the attack power, or the "Void Replacement Technique" that reduces the opponent's attack, as long as he uses it, he can quickly deal with it. Qiu Yi, but Luo Lan did not do this, but chose the most impactful head-to-head, comparing the strength of his fists with him.

"Happy and happy!"

"Come again!"

Luo Lan roared, clenched his fists and attacked Qiu Yi fiercely.

He is now enjoying the fun of fighting. This kind of fist-to-body feeling is completely unexperienced when he is fighting with Sefilia. He hopes that this kind of battle can last a little longer.

To put it bluntly, this is the blood in the Saiyan's body.

The fluctuations of the battle spread hundreds of kilometers away, and Jia Ke, who was hiding in a forest, also felt the intensity of another battlefield.

"God bless, that guy Luo Lan will definitely win!" Jiake folded his hands together and prayed.

Rumbling, the ground trembled suddenly, the entire forest heaved up and down like an earthquake, some old trees with a diameter of several meters collapsed, and a cloud of smoke and dust was raised in the forest, and the frightened birds "croaked" towards the safer The place flew away and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"It's terrible. Even though the distance is so far, the aftermath of the battle still affects this place." Jake swallowed.

"Wow, Jacques, is this a battle between masters? It's really amazing." Taisi hugged a big tree with her arms around her. It was extremely difficult for her body to stand still, but her eyes were shining with excitement.

"It's really a guy who doesn't think it's a big deal."

Jiake looked at Tais and muttered something, and then protected Tais' safety in the chaos.

Looking up at the distant sky, the mushroom clouds rushing up into the sky are clearly visible. Every time he saw a mushroom cloud rising, Jiake’s heart became tense, “If I were to fight them, maybe even I can't hold on to a move, and I hope this battle can end quickly."

The place where Luo Lan and Qiu Yi fought.

Luo Lan's clothes were neat and tidy, with an indifferent smile on his face.At this moment, he had fully enjoyed the joy of fighting, which was a pleasant enjoyment both physically and mentally.Qiu Yi was much miserable in comparison, his head was bruised and his nose was swollen, one side of his cheek was paralyzed, and his combat uniform was also in tatters.

Now, it's time to get rid of this guy.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, Luo Lan jumped up, teleported close to Qiu Yi, then clasped his fists with both hands, and smashed down hard!
call out!
Qiu Yi's head was severely injured, and his eyes were filled with gold stars, and his body fell straight down.

But when his body was about to reach the ground, Luo Lan came down faster than him, and propped up his hands, and began to condense Qigong waves, and the fiery energy shone brightly in his hands.

In the blink of an eye, the powerful momentum turned into waves of wanton trembling air waves.

"Star Cannon!!"

Just like the bright stars in the Milky Way light up together, a shock wave containing infinite energy with the power to kill everything hits up like a bamboo, and the surging energy soon drowns Qiu Yi's whole body.

"Do not!!"

Qiu Yi screamed hysterically, but no matter how he resisted, in this boundless sea of ​​energy, his resistance was so fragile.

Boom! !
There was a deafening explosion, and a fiery fireball rose slowly, and Qiu Yi was turned into a wisp of dust in the air in the huge explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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