dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 65 My strength is very strong

Chapter 65 My strength is very strong
Luo Lan and Taisi stayed on Planet Barney for a while, and when they saw Jacques again, his spaceship was still in the dock for maintenance, and asked him how long it would take to repair it, Jacques struggled The face couldn't tell.

Taisi said: "I think it's better not to repair it. It's better to apply to the Bank Patrol Headquarters to buy a new spaceship. You must know that you can do a lot of things with the time wasted in repairing the spaceship."

"That's right, I am the elite of the Galaxy Patrol, and there are still many planets waiting for me to maintain, how can I waste time on repairing the spaceship, for those planets, I should apply for a new spaceship."

As if he had found a reason to change the spaceship for himself, Jake tapped his palm in a sudden realization.

"I just told you not to waste your time, do you really consider yourself an elite?" Seeing Jake climbing up the pole, Taisi couldn't help but roll her eyes speechlessly.If everyone in the Galaxy Patrol is like him, it would be better for such an organization to be disbanded as soon as possible.

Jiake smiled and wanted to borrow money embarrassingly, but now Luo Lan flatly refused. His money did not come from a strong wind, and it was fine to buy some gifts for Taisi, after all, the other party was a big Beauty, if you invest now, you may have great returns in the future.Forget about Jacques, he doesn't like a wild "Ultraman".

Jacques, who couldn't borrow money, had no choice but to poke his mouth, and ran in to tell the spaceman who was repairing the spaceship not to repair it.

"Boss, what do you think of my spaceship? The performance of the standard spaceship of the Galaxy Patrol is still very good... Let's see how much you are willing to pay for it?" Jake tried to sell his spaceship. The spaceship of the Galaxy Patrol is quite valuable. .

Seeing this, Luo Lan sighed softly and said to Taisi: "You don't go out with him in the future, you are lucky that nothing happened this time."

"I see." After this series of incidents, Taisi also felt that Jake was unreliable, "Then if my sister wants to travel in the universe in the future, can I find you?"

"If I have time, of course there is no problem."

"That's the deal." Taisi showed a smile.

Here, Jacques finally got the owner of the repair yard to accept his spaceship, and shook the bag full of empty gold in his hand. Jacques is going to buy a new spaceship, of course, the performance is definitely not as good as The standard ship for the Galactic Patrol.

After purchasing the spaceship, Jake flew the new spaceship back and forth in the sky a few times, and landed in an open space in the suburbs.

Jake jumped off the spaceship, posed a silly pose, and said: "Perfect, although it can't match an elite patrol like me, but it's barely enough. When I return to the headquarters, I will definitely let them upgrade me."

"It looks much better than the original one." Taisi touched the shiny spaceship shell with emotion.

Jake's new spaceship is silvery in color, streamlined like a drop of water and full of sense of technology. It is the best-selling spaceship on Barney Planet. The interior space is huge and the decoration is gorgeous. It is enough to accommodate a dozen people to live on it. The only regret The only thing is that the speed is not as good as Jake's original spaceship.

But this is also expected. In terms of technology, the Galactic Patrol Organization is quite advanced.

"Haha, Galactic Patrolman Jacques is on the way!!"

Jacques was full of energy, not at all downcast like before.

At this moment, on the outskirts of Planet Barney, a group of men and horses exuding a murderous aura flew towards Planet Barney aggressively, and soon entered the atmosphere of Planet Barney.

"Huh?" Luo Lan, who was joking with Taisi, suddenly turned his eyes to the sky, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"what happened?"

Seeing this, Taisi also looked towards the sky, but saw nothing.

At this time, Jake's face became serious: "What's going on? A very powerful energy has come to Barney's planet, and it seems that the comer is not good."

"It's coming for us." Luo Lan said indifferently.

In his perception, the other party's aura was deep and full of killing. He didn't know how many cruel battles he had experienced to create such a bloody aura.

"Hey, could it be someone from Frieza's army?" Tais was the first to think.

"Very likely." Luo Lan said.

"Ah, why don't we run away before they land?" Jia Ke thought of slipping away immediately without any moral integrity.

"You choose to run away like this?" Taisi looked at him with contempt.

Jake yelled angrily: "You don't know how powerful the opponent is at all. From my perception, the combat power of the person who entered Barney planet this time is at least 12000. He must be a senior member of Frieza's army. We can't provoke him." started."

"Ah!!" Taisi was also taken aback when she heard that. Before, the little miscellaneous fish with more than 1000 fighting power chased them down. If they really met a cosmic being with 1 fighting power, it would not be a joke. For play.

"Luo Lan, why don't we leave quickly." Taisi said unsteadily.

"That's right." Jake urged, the performance of the new spaceship he bought is not as good as the original one, and if he wants to avoid the pursuit of Frieza's army, he still needs to rely on Luo Lan's magical ability.

The corner of Luo Lan's mouth curled up, and he shook his head and said, "Why did you leave? Isn't this very interesting, I really want to be such a master."

After hearing this, Jake's expression froze, and he couldn't help shouting: "The opponent's combat power is at least 12000. Even when you Saiyans were the strongest, there were not many such fighters."

Luo Lan looked indifferent: "Anyway, I won't leave."

After his combat power broke through to 13500, he hadn't tested it in a real battle. Now that the cadres of Frieza's army were right in front of him, how could he let go of such a good opportunity.In his eyes, the Frieza Army member who is about to arrive is just a tool for him to test his strength.

Seeing that Luo Lan had made up his mind not to leave, Jake stomped his feet anxiously, but without Luo Lan's help, he would have no way to escape the pursuit of Frieza's army.

"Sure enough, Saiyans are stubborn and unreasonable guys." Jake sat down in frustration.

"Perhaps Luo Lan will have a solution!" Taisi comforted.

Jiake held his head and shouted angrily: "Taisi, you don't know that a master with 12000 combat power is very rare even in the universe. I admit that your friend may be a rare master among Saiyans. But can his power be stronger than 12000 combat power?"

Taisi had nothing to say when she was refuted by Jake's words. Although she believed in Luo Lan's strength, Luo Lan's age was such that no matter how talented she was, her strength was limited at this age.

Luo Lan glanced at Jake lightly, and his gaze into the deep space became deeper.

"Actually, my combat power is indeed over 12000!"


Ps: Thank you "Yuluo Wusheng" for the reward of 11000 starting coins!
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(End of this chapter)

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