dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 606 Little Cellu

Chapter 606 Little Cellu

"It's all on the 18th, and she insists on buying the limited items in those stores." The 17th directly blamed the 18th for being late.

No. 18 glared at No. 17 with her beautiful eyes, and complained for herself, "How can you blame me? It's a limited product. I don't know when I will get it next time. Of course I can't miss it."

"What product is so important?" Askali asked curiously.

"It's just a bag." No. 18 blushed, "Askali, I also brought you one by the way, the color is very beautiful."

No. 17 pouted, "She uses all the money we have on us to buy all kinds of luxury goods. Those things are beautiful but not practical, and they are not usually used. It would be more convenient to bring more universal capsules."

"Hey No. 17, I'm just buying something I like, don't need to say that, be careful not to find a girlfriend in the future."

Stuffing an exquisitely shaped bag to Askali, No. 18 turned around and glanced at No. 17, and cried out in grievance. A pair of blue crystal-like shining eyes seemed to warn him not to talk nonsense.


On the 17th, she spread out her hands, with an expression as long as you like it.

Ascari accepted the No. 18 bag, looked it up in her hand, and agreed with No. 17. This bag can't hold anything except for its unique shape. She lied to those little girls who like to spend money, but she still accepted the kindness of No. 18.

"Thank you." Askali thanked her, picking up a bunch of candied haws in return.

Number 18 shook his hand, expressing that he would not eat candied haws.

"Askali." Number 18's voice was soft, and his expression became kneading.

"What's wrong?" Ascari asked.

"Because I bought a bag, I don't have much money on me, can you support me a little bit?" No. 18 blushed embarrassingly.

Askali stared straight at her with a pair of sparkling eyes. If I remember correctly, she just received a large amount of pocket money from Tais a few days ago, is this all spent?
"The price of the earth is a bit expensive." Number 18 said very seriously.

"I don't have any money!" Askali spread her hands, put her arm on No. 18's chest, and lowered her voice, "Why don't you go to Taisi for some money, she is so rich, she must be willing For you?"

"That's so embarrassing, I've already asked her to get it once." Number 18 was thin-skinned, and he couldn't say anything if he asked for money.

"So I'll save you some money..." No. 17 looked at No. 18 deflated, a little schadenfreude, he just couldn't understand No. 18's extravagance.

He also said that he couldn't find a girlfriend in the future, but he wanted to see who would dare to marry her in the future with this virtue.

"It's not for you to speak here." Number 18 put on the majesty of her sister.

Number 17 obediently closed her mouth, her eyes flicked to other places.

"As for pocket money, I have some here, or I'll give it to you." The gentle and kind Lan Qi saw that No. 18 seemed to be short of money, so she generously took out her pocket money and packed several leather bags. box.

"Ah, Lan Qi, where did you get so much money?"

On the 18th, she exclaimed, and looked at the several suitcases that Lan Qi took out from the universal capsule, which were filled with cash. There must be hundreds of millions here.

She has never seen so much money since she grew up.

"Some are the pocket money my family gave me, some are the daily expenses given by Luo Lan, and some, I seem to have snatched it from someone I don't know where... probably!" Lan Qi pressed her light white fingers. Chin down, as if remembering.

Her family is relatively well-off, and her usual expenses are not large. Luo Lan and Taiyisi will give her a sum of money every month for daily expenses, and she has saved the money well.

Adding up the total is also an astonishing number.

In addition, the blonde herself goes out to rob from time to time, and she doesn't even know how rich she is.

Of course, this is only the currency on the earth, and does not include the Xijin and Kongjin circulating in the universe issued by Saifei forces. As a disciple and follower of the queen of the planet Sharada, there are also private planets, which can be regarded as in the universe. No. [-] person, a real little rich woman.

"You are too rich."

No. 18's eyes were filled with envy.

"I usually don't spend much." Lan Qi handed over a few suitcases full of banknotes to No. 18, "If you have money, don't spend it indiscriminately. No one will want it if you spend too much, um, a bag like this Don't buy it again."

"Well, listen to you." No. 18 smiled and put away the suitcase.

At this moment, No. 18's affection for Lan Qi reached the highest level. This big sister is kind and gentle, and she really likes her so much.

"Lazili seems to be quite a money fanatic." Askali whispered to No. 17, No. 17 looked at the sky speechlessly, and nodded with a sigh, "... She was not like this before, maybe it was because of Dr. Gallo. During the years of detention, I was depressed for too long, and my brain was drained."


"I've heard it all." Number 18 looked over with a grim expression, with several veins appearing on his face.

Askali and No. 17 quickly shut their mouths, and walked into the living room under the leadership of Lan Qi, "Luo Lan and the teacher are still not up, please wait for a while, I will call them."

Lan Qi entertained them with hot tea, and then went to call Luo Lan and the others. Soon, Luo Lan and Sephilia appeared in the living room.

"Lazili, Lapis, I told you to come here yesterday. Look at what time it is now." Luo Lan sat on the sofa and yelled at the siblings. Dare not have any rebuttal.

After cursing for a while, Luo Lan calmed down seeing the siblings with their heads bowed, observed the energy on them mentally, and nodded slightly.

"It's not bad, it's not just about playing."

No. 18 agreed with a shy face, and said with a smile: "How dare we slacken our practice, and No. 16 can testify that I find time to practice every day."

Looking at the serious look on the 18th, Luo Lan waved her hand and explained the reason why they came here. Although Lan Qi had already given them a brief explanation on the phone, the specific situation of Sha Lu Not very clear.

After listening to Luo Lan's introduction, No. 18 Qiong's nose was slightly wrinkled, and her face was full of murderous looks.

"It's Sharu again."

"I can kill him again, and this time I will never let him die easily." For Sha Lu, who hit his own ideas one after another, No. 18 has had enough.

"The Cell this time is different from the one you met last time. According to what Sun Wuhan said, this Cell has become a lightning form many years ago, and his power is quite strong."

Luo Lan especially emphasized.

Lightning Cell, that is, the Saiyan cells in the body have evolved to the level of Super Saiyan 2, and it is not a dimensional existence at all with Cell in the original stage. The former belongs to the most perfect form in Cell's life, while the latter, at best It's just beyond the average Super Saiyan, not at the same level at all.

"The power of the Super Saiyan 2 level really cannot be underestimated. Especially he also has the ability to absorb others to enhance his own strength, so Lazili, you should be careful." Sefilia nodded accordingly.

"I crackled and beat him until he couldn't recognize who he was."

Number 18 waved his fist with a look of evil spirit on his face.

"I'll wait until you have the ability to beat Askali. It's said that Sharu is not easy, so be careful. If you don't work hard, Bra will overtake you at some point." Luo Lan hit her with a chestnut.

No. 18 rubbed his head, this time it is not noisy, the strength is not as good as Askali and Luo Fei who are younger than him, No. 18 is the boss's unwillingness, if even the younger Bra can catch up, then Where can she put her face as a senior sister?

Or, let the teacher start a small stove for himself?

Number 18 couldn't help but think.

At this time, Taisi came out with a tablet, pointed at the picture on the tablet and shouted in a panic: "Look, is this the Sharu you mentioned? He has challenged the whole world!"

"No way."

Everyone was startled, Luo Lan frowned even more, took the tablet and looked at it.

In the picture is a blue-blue figure, although it is a little different from the dark green with black spots on the complete body Shalu, but Luo Lan recognized it at a glance, it is indeed Shalu.

"Uh...Little Shalu?!"

Luo Lan felt surprised.

This appearance is clearly the little Cell that appeared in the cell game in the original book.

The sharp horns on the head and the black wings on the back are not very big, and the stature is not tall, very pocket-sized.

On the TV, Sharu, who is not very tall, first destroyed half of the city facing the camera, and then announced that he would hold a "Sharu Game" in nine days. All human beings, let everyone die one by one in horror and fright until the last person remains.

"Nine days later, the location is the fifth district, [-] kilometers northwest. I will prepare the ring there and accept the challenge of all mankind. If the challenge fails, I will kill all mankind."

"Son Goku, Son Gohan, Vegeta, are you ready?"

Little Sharu arrogantly called the roll call, and then destroyed the other half of the city in front of the whole world. For a while, the atmosphere of terror spread to the whole earth, and everyone was frightened by the murderous appearance.

"Is this guy the Cell you mentioned?" Taisi asked suspiciously.

"Although he is a little smaller and the color is wrong, it is indeed Sha Lu, this is his full body form." Luo Lan replied affirmatively.

"What on earth is Shalu going to do, to challenge all mankind?" Taisi was a little stunned.

To challenge all mankind, he must be too courageous!
"Hehe, what kind of 'cell game' is he going to hold? It's too crazy. He certainly doesn't know how many people on earth can defeat him." Luo Fei gloated and said with a cold face.

"Even if it's Lightning Sharu, this attitude is too arrogant." Sefilia looked displeased, considering whether to make a move.

"I'd rather have a pet!"

Askali looked at Sharu on the screen and pouted.

"I can feel the aura of Sharu and King Crude from before, maybe he absorbed their cells, which is the reason why he is so arrogant." Luo Lan pondered for a moment, and said to the siblings beside him : "Don't meddle in the matter of Cell's game, you two, go to planet Sharada to avoid the limelight for now."

"Teacher, you let us leave at this time?" No. 18 doubted his ears.


Luo Lan said: "Shalu's target is still you. Maybe he made so many tricks to attract you. If you absorb you again, no one knows what will happen."

"Be careful, you'd better not stay on Earth."

Although Sharu's strength was not taken seriously by him, Luo Lan was not Vegeta, so it would be safer to send No. 18 and the others away.

(End of this chapter)

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