Chapter 597

"No. 18 is right. We will concentrate on searching for Shalu, and leave the rest to Sun Wukong and the others. There is no need to make trouble for ourselves." No. 17 nodded in agreement.

His personality is colder than that of No. 18, and he doesn't care about other things except those closely related to himself.

It is not his turn to worry about the safety of the earth. You must know that besides them, there are so many masters on the earth. Even if King Crude comes from another world, he can't do anything.

To take a step back, even if Monkey King and Trunks can't stop King Crude, isn't there still their teacher, and if the sky falls, there will be a tall man holding it up. I believe that with the strength of the teacher, I should really feel It was King Crude who was worried.

Apart from hunting the artificial Sharu, No. 17 has no other thoughts in mind at this time.

If it were another world, they should be thankful if they could not attack ordinary people.


The small truck was speeding all the way on the spacious road. As it traveled westward, the road became narrow and long, and the solid asphalt road gradually turned into a rough gravel road. With the humming sound of the car engine, rolling yellow sand was behind the rear of the car. A long snake rose up.

No. 18 put on a pair of sun visors and looked at the scene outside the window boredly.

At this time, No. 16 was driving the car, and No. 17 was dozing off in the back row with his arms around his chest.

Suddenly, No. 16 slammed the steering wheel, the car bumped violently, crossed a big pothole, and left a long brake mark on the gravel road with a "chih".

"What's going on? Number 16!" Number 17 woke up with a start.

No. 16 stopped the car and stared at the distant direction, "The battle on Monkey King's side has become more and more intense since just now."

"On this matter, there is no need to react so violently."

Number 17 responded casually without concern.

"King Crude's aura has increased a lot, surpassing me." No. 16 said silently.


No. 18 was a little surprised, closed his eyes to sense, and soon showed a trace of disdain on his face.

"Sun Wukong and the others are still playing around, and they haven't used their full strength at all."

On the 17th, they also followed up with the detection, and it was found that the energy of Crude King has increased a lot compared to before, and it has reached 20 billion combat power all at once. right.

Sensing carefully, a sneer appeared on his face.

It turned out that Trunks was stopped by Vegeta, and now it is Sun Wukong who is fighting King Crude.

"Tsk, Saiyans have a lonely personality, they always like to do such boring things, and they are not afraid of capsizing in the gutter!" No. 17 shook his head, and it was him who launched a full-strength attack the moment he found the enemy.

"Tranks must be very annoyed!"

"Isn't this what Saiyans like to do most!" No. 18 covered his mouth and chuckled.

She tried her best to eliminate hidden dangers, but the people around her always held back and gave assists to the enemy. She could imagine how angry Trunks was now.

Sometimes No. 18 is very disdainful of Saiyan's actions.

They obviously have great power, but they always like to keep their strength. What's the use of using low-level combat power to conduct so-called temptations? You must know that this is a battle related to the life and death of the planet, and it is not a martial arts society. Defeating the enemy is the most important thing.It is the most stupid way to wait until you are seriously injured before using your full strength.

Saiyans are not artificial humans, their normal strength is their biggest weakness, when encountering smarter opponents, there is absolutely a way to launch a deadly attack before they transform.

"Hey, King Crude's energy has increased again, and it has reached the same strength as Monkey King."

Suddenly, No. 16 said in a solemn tone.

"25 billion combat power?"

No. 18 put away his smile, his beautiful eyebrows frowned, and said in a bad tone: "Super Saiyan's full power, what are Monkey King and the others doing?!"

"Hehe, the more you beat the enemy, the stronger you are. I heard from Bra that Frieza had transformed three times when he was on Namek, so this Crude King must have transformed too!"

"I never heard that King Crude can transform..." No. 18 bit his nails.

No. 17 sneered, "They have all become artificial humans, and the ability to transform may have been developed. Hey, artificial humans with infinite energy, they will suffer now."

On the 16th, he turned around and asked, "Do you want to support them?"

On the 17th, he leaned his head on the back seat, closed his eyes and meditated, and sneered: "Don't worry about them, you will be responsible for the troubles you cause yourself, we don't have that much time!"

Let him wipe his ass for the troubles caused by others. Does he have nothing to do?
"Well, killing people is not good, it will affect the surrounding environment." No. 16 nodded and said something without thinking.

"So we're pacifists."

No. 18 giggled, her smile was like smoke, her eyes were charming and charming, very moving.


on the temple.

Qiqi looked at the situation in the lower realm with a dark face, anger appeared on her fair and delicate face, she gritted her teeth and said, "I knew that Vegeta would cause trouble, but he actually stopped Trunks from letting me go." He made a move, and now King Crude's strength has surpassed them."

"King Crude in the ultimate form looks more mature than Frieza, but the increase in transformation is not so exaggerated."

Luo Lan stroked his chin to observe King Crude's strength.

Shaking his head with a little regret, Crude King's promotion is simply terrible compared to Frieza. The total combat power of the two transformations has only increased from 12 billion to 25 billion.But think about it, Frieza's transformation is essentially to unlock the power of the body, but King Crude really relies on transformation to improve his strength.

Well, the improvement is not much, but it is much better than Shang Bo's transformation.

The only thing that can be commended is probably that King Crude has unlimited energy, so you don't have to worry about running out of energy.Because of being transformed into an artificial human, King Crude also has the physique of No. 17 and No. 18.

The battle in the lower realm is going on, and the Super Saiyan is an explosive warrior in the early stage, and the most powerful time is when the battle begins.

Soon, the power of the Super Saiyan began to be exhausted. At this time, both Monkey King and Vegeta were out of breath, and their bodies became heavy. On the other hand, King Crude had a calm expression, his cold face was full of killing intent, and his body was full of blood. No sign of weakness at all.

"Oops, King Crude has the same state as Frieza, it's too powerful." Sun Wukong panted, "Vegeta, how long can you last."

"I'm running out of breath."

Vegeta's face was ugly, with cold sweat on his forehead.

"You shouldn't have stopped me just now. Now that the artificial man has completed his transformation, what do you say?!" Trunks looked at Vegeta angrily.


Hearing Trunks' complaint, Vegeta's face became even more ugly, and he regretted blocking Trunks and not destroying King Crude immediately.

Opposite them, King Crude in the ultimate form had his hands behind his back, looking at Sun Wukong and the others with disdain with a pair of indifferent eyes like demons.

"Haha, can't this work? The arrogance just now, didn't you say you wanted to kill me? How come you have no strength?"

"Don't be complacent, King Crude!!" Vegeta yelled angrily.

"No, no, no, I'm not King Crude. My name is Man-made No. 21. I'm the most outstanding life form in the universe, and I'm also the ruler of the entire world in the future. Thanks to you, I can unlock the transformation state. In return, I will torture you slowly so that you can enjoy death first."

Robot No. 21 opened its scarlet eyes and looked like a demon coming out of the abyss. The energy around it overflowed, overwhelming the nerves of Monkey King and the others.

Sun Wukong felt a chill in his heart, and the arrogance on his body became unstable.

Vegeta and Trunks were not much better. The three of them back-to-back and united could barely withstand the aura of Android 21.


"Do you want to rescue them?" Su Nuo looked worriedly at the lower realm.

"Let them learn a lesson, the most is to die again!" Luo Lan said in a cold voice, a few of them are capable enough to turn a battle with little danger into this.

This is Vegeta and the others asking for trouble. If they don’t get rid of this arrogance, they will cause even bigger troubles in the future.

I remember that in the original book, Vegeta did not make such a mistake once or twice, and almost every time the enemy became stronger, he could not do without his help.

Monkey King draws out the problem, Vegeta strengthens the problem, these two people are absolutely dead!

Although under the influence of Luo Lan, Sun Wukong's character is not as innocent as in the original book, but there are still many minor problems. Whenever he encounters a high-level battle, he will get hot-headed and get carried away.

Seeing that Luo Lan was determined to make Vegeta and the others suffer, Su Nuo stopped talking. Anyway, with the Dragon Balls, he would be resurrected after death!And Vegeta's behavior should indeed teach some lessons.

"Teacher, please help my father!" the little girl Sunbula begged with tears in her eyes.

Luo Lan touched Sun Bra's head, and said softly, "Okay, just let them learn a lesson, it won't be life-threatening."

(End of this chapter)

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