dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 586 Are you afraid?

Chapter 586 Are you afraid?

After being glared at by Sefilia, Ascari shut her mouth with a snap.She could act like a spoiled child to Luo Lan as she wished, but she couldn't have the courage to face Sephilia. Sephilia would never show mercy when teaching others.

Luo Fei asked cautiously, "Is time travel that serious?"

"It's more serious than you think."

Sephilia said with a serious face: "Changing the timeline indiscriminately, the light ones will create parallel time and space, and the serious ones may cause the destruction of the world. In the face of time and space, any life should maintain the most devout respect. Don't think that all gods As weak as the king of the realm you have seen, there are even more powerful gods above the king of the realm, and there are also gods who specialize in managing the order of the universe."

"Those gods are in charge of the creation and destruction of life, and maintain the stability of the universe. The powerful god of destruction can even crush you to death with one finger!"

Seeing Askali and Luo Fei's expressions of disbelief, Sefilia raised her slender and crooked eyebrows.

"You don't believe it?" Sephilia looked at the pair of children.

Ascari said in a crisp voice: "Of course we believe that there are more powerful gods, but you said that one finger can crush us to death, which is too exaggerated."

"It's not an exaggeration at all."

Sephilia said with a serious face, she had never seen Weiss make a move with her own eyes, and she couldn't imagine how powerful it was. Even if she teamed up with Luo Lan, or even added Broly, she couldn't touch the corner of each other's clothes. .

Weiss wanted to stun them, all he needed to do was tap their heads lightly with his scepter.

That is the power of a completely different dimension.

"Mom, don't you know how much we have become stronger in the past three years... If you knew, you wouldn't think so." Ascari smiled happily, and she became smug as she spoke.

Sefilia just glanced at her, and said calmly: "Oh, so you can already become Super Saiyan 2?"

"Uh, can this be seen too?"

Ascari's face froze, she said in surprise.

"You reached the full power of Super Saiyan three years ago. Seeing how happy you are, what else can you do besides becoming Super Saiyan 2!" Sefilia said angrily.

"Hmm, that's right."

Ascari proudly puffed out her chest, her delicate little face was flushed.

"Wait, Ascari, what are you talking about Super Saiyan 2?" Trunks asked suspiciously, he knew both Super Saiyan and Beyond Super Saiyan, and Luo Fei had explained it to him , the literal meaning of Super Saiyan full power can be barely understood.

But what is Super Saiyan 2...

Could it be a more powerful transformation?

"Super Saiyan 2 is of course the stage after Super Saiyan. It is different from surpassing Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan full power. It is a brand new realm."

"Sure enough, there is a more powerful realm above the Super Saiyan!!"

Trunks' face was even more shocked, even showing a look of horror.In his mind, the Super Saiyan is already the most powerful transformation. If he breaks through again, what kind of power should it be.

But in the next second, Ascari showed him the power of Super Saiyan 2.

Seeing Askali's serious face, the power hidden in her body began to move around.

With a buzzing sound, Ascari's hair rose, and her eyes instantly turned into a clear emerald green like lake water.The surging power suddenly erupted, as if it had found a vent, it gushed out like a flood.


Silver-white lightning appeared around Askali's body, Super Saiyan 2's hair stood up even more, and there was a small group of slightly drooping hair on his forehead. The fiery flames exuded scorching heat like steam, and his eyes became sharper, like As ruthless as a falcon.

At this moment, the overwhelming momentum quickly spread out from Ascari as the center, and a strong wind blew through the entire room.

Everyone was pushed into the corner by Ascarli's terrifying aura, No. 17, No. 18, No. 16, Lan Qi and others trembled, looking at the young figure in the center of the storm with incredulous expressions.

Under the background of lightning, everyone ignored Askali's small size, she was like an invincible god of war, domineering and majestic.

"Since when did Sister Askali become so powerful?" Sun Bra's eyes rolled with a puzzled expression.

"What a terrifying power this is..."

Trunks felt a little difficult to breathe, and his face was full of shock.

No. 17 and No. 18 were also shocked, what a terrifying force, even they felt the pressure in front of this force.It turns out that the Super Saiyan can still become so powerful, and when he looks at himself again, he feels a big blow.

The strength of the artificial man is very strong, but it is far behind Askali.

"Hmph, this is Super Saiyan 2!" Askali exuded a golden light all over her body.

"Nonsense, transforming casually without looking at the occasion."

Sephilia sighed, and glanced at Luo Lan. Luo Lan returned her gaze, waved his hand lightly, and suppressed Askali's aura.

"Okay, don't be shy, put away your strength."

Luo Lan cast an energy gas mask to protect Taisi, Lan Qi and other weak people. Askali smiled and obediently withdrew her power.

"Ascari can become Super Saiyan 2, so Luo Fei, you can too?" Luo Lan asked Luo Fei.

Luo Fei replied: "Well, I also broke through."

"It's okay!" Luo Lan nodded.

"When did you break through? Why don't I know?" Trunks was full of doubts. You must know that after the destruction of the artificial man, he has been living with Luo Fei and the others. Although he also practiced, he never knew about them. When did it break through.

"While you were searching for Dr. Gallo, Askali and I went to the spiritual time room, where we broke through."

Luo Fei replied without concealment, one year in the spiritual time room is equal to one day outside, their accumulation is already enough, and it didn't take much time to break through, the rest is to stabilize the newly acquired power.


Trunks didn't know the characteristics of the spiritual time room, but everyone else knew it. After briefly introducing the functions of the time room, Trunks suddenly realized.

"Look, mom, Luo Fei and I are both Super Saiyan 2, no one in the universe should be able to easily defeat us."

This swells!
Sephilia sneered, a cold light flashed in her eyes.

If you don't let them know the vastness of the universe, they won't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, and they will look lawless all day long.

Although the strength of Super Saiyan 2 is indeed the top level in the seventh universe, even Kaiwangshen is not as strong as them, but... the water in the seventh universe is actually very deep, and Ascari and the others are more than enough to protect themselves. He can still live in style, but if he really provokes some hidden masters, he may not even have a chance of resurrection.

As far as she knew, the unremarkable scepter in Weiss's hand had a more magical ability than Dragon Ball.

There are still many masters hiding in the dark.

The longer she has been in contact with Weiss, the more Sephilia feels the vastness of the world. This world is so big that she has to restrain her pride. Provoking someone who shouldn't be provoked is definitely a disaster.

In addition, Askali and the others have violated the rules this time, and must be given a stern warning.

"Your power is not enough at all. As I said just now, there are still many masters in the universe, not to mention Super Saiyan 2, even the advanced Super Saiyan 3. When you meet them, you need to weigh your own weight. "

"There is an existence called God of Destruction Beerus in the universe. Even if Super Saiyan 3 encounters them, they can't hold a fist."

"No way, there are still such masters..."

At this time, Ascari also opened her mouth wide. She couldn't believe it. What a dreamlike level Super Saiyan 3 is. It goes without saying that she is not an opponent?

She knew that her mother would never be aimless, that is to say, Beerus, the God of Destruction, existed to a large extent. At this time, Askali's cold sweat dripped down.

Sefilia sneered and said, "That's scary, do you know who is staring at you this time?"

"Who is it?" Askali asked cautiously.

Luo Fei and Trunks also listened carefully, for fear of missing something.

"It's the angel of the seventh universe!" Sefilia glanced at them and said lightly.


Everyone was puzzled, is there such a god in the universe?
"Master, what kind of god is an angel?" Number 18 asked after hesitating.

"Angels are the gods who maintain the order of the universe, and they are also the teachers of the God of Destruction. Their strength is far superior to that of the God of Destruction. If it is said that the God of Destruction only needs one punch to defeat the Super Saiyan 3, then the Angel needs only one punch to defeat the God of Destruction. One punch. Being targeted by such a big shot, how likely do you think you are to escape?"

"Mom, is the angel you mentioned really staring at us?"

Ascari shuddered.

Angels, angels, literally messengers from heaven!Wouldn't it be for those who violated the rules of the universe?
Sefilia said unhappily: "What do you think, or how could your father say that even he can't handle it!"

Seeing that the children were indeed a little scared, Sefilia's tone was a little softer, and she stopped scaring them, "But don't worry, the angel has already handed over your matter to me and your father, so I won't pursue you any further. "

Askali patted her chest, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief, she was almost scared to death just now.

Immediately wondered how her parents came into contact with angels. Of course, Sefilia would not tell her that Wei Wei, who appeared at the Red Stone Star Martial Arts Association and watched the whole game, witnessed the expansion of her Ascari Legion. Si is an angel, otherwise she wouldn't let her tail go up to the sky.

"Okay, the angels won't pursue your questions anymore. In addition, your mother and I have also accepted the mission to deal with several time machines on Earth."

Luo Lan put his hand on Askali's head. Askali was already 16 years old, but she was not as tall as Sun Bra.

How many?

Apart from the one in Trunks, are there other time machines on Earth?Askari and No. 18 were puzzled, and turned their eyes to Trunks who also looked puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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