dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 580 Vegeta: I'll Go First

Chapter 580 Vegeta: I'll Go First

Southern town.

No. 17 and No. 18 drove a small truck out of the rugged mountain road and entered a small town. In the clothing store, No. 18 stood in front of the mirror and posed in various poses to compare the clothes on his body. There was also a basket of other styles of coats beside him.

The delicate eyebrows frowned slightly, and No. 18 unsatisfactorily took off one suit and put on another one.

The boss smiled and said, "This dress fits you well, is the beautiful lady satisfied?"

No. 18 said: "It's terrible. After all, it's a small town in the countryside. There is nothing good-looking. It's barely enough. Wait until the big cities to change into good-looking ones."

No. 17 leaned against the door shelf of the changing room, glanced at No. 18's new clothes, "It looks okay, don't be too picky, besides, who are you looking so beautiful for?"

No. 18 said: "Hmph, you don't understand!"

"I don't really know what you girls think, isn't it just a few clothes, and you still pick and choose." No. 17 shrugged, looked at No. 18 who kept changing clothes, and shook his head helplessly. However, in order to appease No. 18's mood, he still proposed to go to a big city.

On the 18th, thinking that big cities always have big shopping malls, he nodded in agreement.

The three of them originally planned to travel slowly, but since the 18th wanted to buy clothes, they should speed up for now. It was not a big deal, and the three of them took off directly into the air regardless of the pickup truck they had snatched.

"Hey, customers, you haven't paid yet!" shouted the owner of the clothing store.

"I won't miss you, here you are."

No. 17 said in a faint voice, took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket and threw it at the boss, and paid No. 18 for the clothes.Because they retained the memories before they were transformed into artificial humans, although No. 17 and No. 18 were a little indifferent, they did not lose their humanity, and they still knew that they had to pay for things.

The boss took the banknotes and stared at the figures of No. 17 and the others leaving.

"Ah, Wukongshu, it turns out to be a martial arts master. It looks so young, it's really amazing!"

Wukong is the signature ability of martial arts. Only those who have mastered Wukong can be said to be a successful martial artist. After the science popularization of the Chinese New Year in the Kingdom of Earth, even a small town in a remote country can roughly recognize this ability .

When the owner of the clothing store saw No. 17 and the others flying away, he was immediately in awe.


"The money you gave just now is too much. A stack of banknotes can buy half of his clothing store." Facing the warm wind, No. 18 narrowed his eyes, very dissatisfied with No. 17's extravagant spending.

No. 17 didn't care and said: "It's all stolen money, if you give more, you will give more."

No. 18 said indifferently: "Put your money with me in the future."

"Huh?" No. 17 didn't react, and took a look at No. 18. "Okay, if you don't mind the trouble, I'll give you all. To be honest, we artificial people don't care about money at all. If we don't have enough, we just go and grab it. Anyway, there is no money." People can resist."

"What you said makes sense." Number 18 pondered for a while, then nodded seriously.

Several people chatted and laughed, and soon came to the top of a city group.

Landing on the roof of a high-rise building, No. 18 licked her red lips, and took aim at a large shopping mall. Just when several people were about to walk towards the mall, No. 16 suddenly looked towards the horizon.

"what happened?"

"There are several powerful energies approaching, probably Monkey King and the others." No. 16 Mu Leng said.

No. 17 chuckled with interest: "Oh, the prey came so soon. According to Dr. Gallo's information, Sun Wukong can become a so-called Super Saiyan. Artificial human confrontation? I really want to see it!"

"If I want to hit you, I have to go shopping for clothes." No. 18 didn't care about Monkey King and the others, brushed her hair, jumped off the rooftop, and walked towards the shopping mall she had chosen.

Seeing that No. 18 walked away directly, No. 17 shrugged and said to let her go, and it was enough for Sun Wukong and the others to be dealt with by him alone.

"Tsk, what about the 16th, do you want to play tricks?"

"I don't like fighting." No. 16 expressed his attitude directly.

"Then I'm the only one here to play." No. 17 didn't expect the old artificial man like No. 16 to be able to help, so he floated up and flew towards the edge of the urban agglomeration. Waiting for Sun Wukong and the others to arrive.

About 3 minutes later, a few lights flashed in the sky, Vegeta arrived first, and after Vegeta fell, Sun Wukong, Piccolo, Trunks, Sunbra, Krillin and others also arrived one after another.

"Hey, Monkey King, I've been waiting for you for a long time, huh? Who is this man with the sword on his back?"

On the 17th, he greeted Sun Wukong and the others like old friends, and focused on observing Trunks. There seemed to be no such person in the information.


16 shook his head.

"Sure enough, it's an artificial human, and I can't feel any breath!"

Sun Wukong and others saw No. 17 and No. 16. No. 16 was purely mechanical and had no human breath. Because No. 17 had not started to practice, its own weak energy was also covered by the energy of the artificial man.

"They actually knew that we would come to them!" Kelin felt something bad, took a deep breath, and calmed down his nervous mood.

"Hey, where's No. 18?" Sun Bra searched all around but couldn't find No. 18.

"I don't know, will it be ambushing somewhere?"

"Be careful, they are very powerful!" Trunks said with a serious face.

"What a fuss, it's just an artificial human, nothing special." Vegeta snorted disdainfully, looked at No. 17 and No. 16, with a hint of recklessness in the corner of his mouth, he became a Super Saiyan, pounding The majestic energy suddenly turned into a raging flame.

"Two cyborgs, let me, Vegeta, take care of you!"

"Oh, even Vegeta can become a Super Saiyan?" No. 17 was a little surprised, shook his head, with a wicked smile on his delicate face, "It's a pity that Saiyans are always overconfident, and they don't know how to fight against their opponents." gap between."

"You really don't want to shoot on the 16th?"

Number 16 shook his head to express his attitude.

"Okay, then I'll come alone." Number 17 straightened his sleeves, straightened the scarf around his neck, and walked towards Vegeta, "Which one of you will go first? Let's go together, otherwise we won't be able to beat me, and let's control our energy, if the movement is too loud and destroys the surrounding flowers and plants, it will be bad."

"I'm not ashamed to say it!!"

The arrogant attitude of No. 17 completely annoyed Vegeta, and saw that his whole body's momentum skyrocketed, and he clenched his fists and charged towards No. 17!
"Be careful, Vegeta's combat power is almost 4 million!" Number 16 said suddenly.

"It's only 4 million!"

Under Vegeta's powerful aura, No. 17 stood still, with a faint smile on his face.

"It's me!"

The calm cheeks became indifferent, and No. 17 suddenly turned into a ferocious beast, exuding a biting chill, and his aura was not inferior to Vegeta!
With a light step on the toes, the ground suddenly cracked, and the whole person flew up, and came to Vegeta in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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