dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 58 The Tail Problem

Chapter 58 The Tail Problem

Luo Lan thought about it for a while and it was true. As long as the tail behind the Saiyan is stimulated by the moonlight during the full moon, it will stimulate the cells in the body to mutate, and if there is no way to control the sudden surge of violent power in the body, then loss of control is inevitable.

He can't stop going out every time the full moon comes, or simply remove his tail like Monkey King and the others.

Luo Lan also thought about removing the tail, but after thinking about it seriously, she felt that such a method was really simple and rude.Besides, the giant ape transformation is not useless, at least it can save a life when it is really in danger.

After thinking so much, Luo Lan actually had another thought in his mind, which was about the transformation of the ape-like Saiyan—is the Saiyan of the seventh universe different from the Saiyan of the sixth universe.

The Saiyans of the sixth universe are born with strong normal combat power. In comparison, the Saiyans of the seventh universe are much weaker. After thinking about it, the problem may be the tail.But whether it is better to have a tail or not to have a tail, it is actually difficult to say clearly. The Saiyans in the Vegeta star period regarded the tail as a weakness, and never played its role perfectly. It should only be a tail in terms of a giant ape. An application of , and it is still quite superficial.

Thinking of this, Luo Lan nodded solemnly: "I will strengthen my mental training and try my best to avoid such a thing from happening again."

"That's right."

Sephilia smiled.

It is easier for upper-level fighters to control the power of giant apes than intermediate fighters, which should be due to their natural talents, but they are currently on the planet Yadrat, and there may be ways to strengthen their mental training here.


At this time, Sephilia's stomach suddenly made a sound of hunger. Luo Lan sat very close to her, so of course he heard the sound.So he stood up and said, "You're hungry. Unfortunately, I messed up the supper that was already prepared. Wait for me for a while, and I will prepare something for you soon."

"Move faster." Sefilia urged with a straight face pretending to be calm.

Only at this time will Sephilia lower her posture. There is no way, Luo Lan's cooking skills are indeed much better than hers. After eating his dishes once, eating her own is like chewing wax. , I can't eat it at all.

"Don't worry, it will be ready soon." Luo Lan gave Sephilia a reassuring look, smiled heartily, and went to prepare the food alone.

Although the previous hut had been destroyed by the violent energy due to Luo Lan's transformation into a giant ape, he still had a caravan with all kinds of facilities in it.

Skillfully set up the stove, and then take out a new set of kitchen utensils from the universal capsule for cooking, and soon the tangy aroma hits the face, just smelling this smell makes people salivate and appetite.Sephilia sat on the sidelines with bright eyes, waiting eagerly.

Seeing that she was pretending to be cold, but poking her head out from time to time, Luo Lan couldn't help smiling, and brought out several plates of steaming food.

Sefilia took the food and put it in front of her, and put it into her mouth in small bites. The wonderful taste stimulated her taste buds, and she immediately squinted her eyes in enjoyment, "It's delicious, I really don't know how you learned this cooking skill."

Glancing at Luo Lan with admiration, he continued to enjoy the delicious food. Saiyans have a great appetite, and the snacks prepared by Luo Lan were quickly eaten by Sephilia.Wiping her belly comfortably, Sefilia's face was flushed with intoxication.

"It's a talent. In fact, I think it's pretty good to learn a craft." Luo Lan smiled.

Especially cooking skills are really important.

Sefilia nodded in agreement: "From now on, I will leave my stomach to you."

"No problem, I promise to raise you fat and white." Luo Lan blurted out.

Sefilia glanced at him, and said with a sneer, "Do I need you to raise me? Hmm... This is a bit awkward, I feel like you are taking advantage of me."

"No, you're overthinking." Luo Lan scratched his head and smiled smirkly.

"Did I think too much..." Sefilia stared at him suspiciously, and suddenly snorted unhappily.As an adult female Saiyan, Sefilia has the slenderness and sensitivity that a woman should have, and sometimes has the germination of puberty, but it is usually covered by her usual arrogance and indifference, and she does not show it.

As a proud high-ranking warrior, Luo Lan is the only brother among the remaining clansmen who can catch her eyes.Although she is only a mid-level fighter, her talent sometimes surprises her.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go back and rest." Sefilia stood up as if nothing had happened.

"Oh, I'm going to rest too."

Luo Lan felt that the way Sefilia looked at him was very attractive.

Since the previous hut has been destroyed, Luo Lan and Sephilia can only live in the caravan. Fortunately, Luo Lan's caravan was also purchased at a high price. The rooms and electrical facilities in it are very complete. It doesn't get crowded at all.

The next morning.

The sun was shining and the air was cool with a delicate breeze.

Waking up early in the morning, Luo Lan prepared breakfast for Sephilia, and then started exercising in the open space outside. The sun was getting higher and higher, and the light shone on her body, making her slightly hot. When beads of sweat dripped from her cheeks, At that time, Luo Lan finally stopped practicing.

"Because one tail is missing, the body is a little unbalanced." It took a while for Luo Lan to adapt, and Luo Lan kept his fighting power from dropping.

After having breakfast with Sephilia, Luo Lan floated up alone, and teleported to the city of the Adrat star in a blur of brilliance.

The problem of the Saiyan's tail has always been a big trouble for him, Luo Lan wanted to find a way to overcome this weakness from the Yadrath Stars.Seeing Luo Lan approaching, the Yadratt starman on the opposite side suggested that he practice a secret technique to strengthen his spiritual abilities.

Luo Lan nodded, and began to study spiritual mysteries.

At this time, Luo Lan's good comprehension and learning ability were revealed again. You must know that the secret art of the Yadratt star is a great test for learning ability. It is already quite remarkable for ordinary people to learn one.After spending several months learning the subtle mystic arts, Luo Lan would exude a mesmerizing aura from time to time.

This is because the mental power has not completely converged.Affected by this, Sephilia sometimes looked at him strangely.

It took a while before Luo Lan gathered all his mental strength. At this moment, he had a feeling that even if he became a giant ape again, he wouldn't lose control so easily.

 Everyone is looking for collections and recommendations. I will start testing the waters and recommendations tomorrow. I will keep two chapters a day in the future. If you have a book list, please add it.


(End of this chapter)

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