Chapter 564
No, what happened in this world is completely different from the history his mother told him.

Not only did Frieza not come to Earth according to time, even King Crude was eliminated by Mr. Goku a year ago, and history did not develop according to what he knew.

Sweat dripped from Trunks' forehead, and he couldn't help but have a guess in his heart: maybe there won't be artificial humans in this world.

He dismissed this idea as soon as it came up. Even if there is only a [-]% possibility, he can't be optimistic that artificial humans will not appear. Even if the main events in this world are different from his, as long as there is still a chance , Trunks has to go there to warn, this is the purpose of his coming here by time machine.

"Mom spent a lot of energy researching the time machine in order to change history!"

Trunks cheered himself up, soared into the air, and with a "wow", a white flash of light flew towards the direction of the Western Capital.
The sound of pop broke through the air, and the sound of sonic boom broke the tranquility of the small town. Passers-by on the street looked at the light belt brought by the flight of Trunks, and their eyes were full of envy and admiration. On the earth, it is possible to fly in the air and so Fast and violent, only a powerful martial artist!
"That boy turned out to be a Martial Daoist... how old is he?"

"Dancing Kongshu!"

"If only I could be like him."

There were countless envious voices, and passers-by on the road whispered to each other, but soon they calmed down again and went to their own things.

There are already many powerful martial arts masters on the earth. They are respected, and they are admirable objects no matter where they go. This is the common value established by martial arts masters who stand up again and again to save the world.


In the western capital, hemispherical buildings are scattered throughout the city.

Universal Capsules company headquarters.

Trunks quickly flew over the urban agglomeration, and then landed in an alley away from dense crowds. The prosperous Western Capital is very different from the city he remembered. In the future, the Western Capital will basically be In an abandoned city, only a few survivors are struggling to live in underground bunkers.

But here, there are many high-rise buildings and overpasses in the air, making it a veritable super metropolis.

"As long as I see my mother, I can know what's going on in this world!" Trunks rang the doorbell at the door of the West Capital with a feeling of apprehension.

Ring Ring Ring!
The door opened and a beautiful blond woman stepped out, saw Trunks, and looked him up and down.

"Miss Lanqi?" Trunks opened his eyes wide, never expecting to see her in the western capital.

"Boy, who are you looking for?"

The blond Lan Qi frowned, but she didn't wonder why the other party knew her name. After all, she participated in the 21st Tianxia No. [-] Martial Arts Association and was the champion of that tournament. There are not many people on earth who don't know her.

"Oh, I'm looking for Miss Bulma, is she at home?" Trunks asked.

The blond Lanqi looked at him: "Bulma, she's not here."

"When will Miss Bulma come back?" Trunks continued to ask. .

"No need to wait, she's not on Earth now, and she won't be back in a short time." The blonde Lan Qi waved her hand and said directly.

"What, not on Earth?"

Trunks was stunned, how could Bulma not be on Earth at this time!

"Then Mr. Vegeta is at home?"

"You're in the wrong place. This is Bulma's home, and there's no Vegeta you're looking for." The blond Lanqi waved at the boy in front of her and said impatiently.Isn't this kid sick? Why are you asking Vegeta to go to Bulma's house?

This time Trunks was completely dumbfounded.

No, his father, Vegeta, lived in his mother's house after returning from Namek, but how can Miss Lanqi in front of her not come back? Could it be that the parents in this world haven't returned from Namek yet?Or something unexpected happened?
Trunks groaned in his heart, feeling more and more uneasy.

"Sister Lan Qi, don't be so rude to people!"

At this moment, a black-haired boy came out of the room. Luo Fei saw Trunks with lavender hair at the door, glanced at the LOGO of the Universal Capsule Company on his sleeve, and said pleasantly, "You are the Universal Capsule." Are you an employee of the company? Come in and have a seat."

Trunks was startled, nodded, and then realized that he sensed a strong aura from the opponent.

"who are you?"

"My name is Luo Fei, tell me what can I do with my aunt?" Luo Fei saw Trunks' expression, and wondered when there was such a master on the earth.

"You called Miss Bulma just now... Auntie?!"

Trunks looked puzzled.

At this time, the blond Lan Qi pursed her lips, and said in a clear voice: "You don't even know how to be a company employee, the person in front of you is the son of Taisi, the eldest lady of the Universal Capsule Company, and one of the company's heirs. "

Oh, so it's Aunt Taisi's son... Eh, Taisi? !
Trunks woke up suddenly. His mother did have a sister named Taisi, but she died of a disaster shortly after the artificial man appeared.

This young man is the son of Aunt Taisi.

Trunks observed Luo Fei carefully, and when he noticed the tail behind Luo Fei, his face suddenly changed.This person is also a Saiyan, but the only pure-blooded Saiyans on earth should be Mr. Goku and his father Vegeta. Could it be that the boy's father is one of them.

It is not known who gave birth to the child with Aunt Taisi.

Naturally, Trunks automatically made up Luo Fei's life experience, no, no matter which one is not suitable!Then he smiled wryly, the world has changed, even if there is one more pure-blooded Saiyan on the earth, it will not be surprising.

"Brother, your background is unusual!" Luo Fei smiled lightly as he looked at Trunks whose expression was constantly changing.

"Hmm!" Trunks nodded humbly, hesitant to speak.

Luo Fei turned to the blonde Lan Qi and said, "Sister Lan Qi, prepare some tea for me."

"Tch, don't keep ordering me around. She's not as cute as she was when she was a child." The blond Lan Qi rolled her eyes and said so, but she obediently went to prepare tea.

Watching the blonde Lan Qi busy in the kitchen, Trunks sat opposite Luo Fei, "My name is Trunks... I come from an unexpected place."

"Hey, so you are Trunks, so you are from another world?"

"You know me?" Now it was Trunks' turn to be surprised.

"Yeah, I heard from my father, oh, my father's name is Luo Lan, and he went to other worlds a long time ago. You came here this time by taking a time machine, tsk tsk, auntie is really genius, even the time machine Everything can be invented, are you here to inform us about artificial humans?"

"Even know about artificial humans?!"

"I also heard from my father." Luo Fei couldn't help laughing seeing Trunks' surprised look.

"Well, there are still people in this world who know about the future..." Trunks opened his eyes wide and spoke incoherently.

"Yes, I am from the future world, but the situation here is different from what I know. Can you tell me what happened on the earth in recent years, um, just after Raditz came to the earth. rise."

"of course can."

Luo Fei nodded, and then told the major events that happened on Earth from the beginning to the end, especially Vegeta's invasion, the appearance of the Ginuit team, and King Crude's army leading the army into the earth and Monkey King becoming a super race. The demihumans challenged and explained everything in detail.

After listening to Luo Fei's narration, Trunks frowned.

Sun Wukong became a Super Saiyan on Earth, and later went to Namek to find Dragon Balls. Frieza and his son died in the hands of Mr. Goku one after another. Although the whole process deviates from "history", the overall ending It's about the same.

In this way, the general context of the whole world is similar to his.

But after listening to Luo Fei's description, Trunks always felt that something was missing. Raditz and Napa survived and were sent to the planet Sharada. Where is that planet Sharada?
Another unclear place!
Trunks rubbed his temples, feeling a little pain in his head.

Suddenly, Trunks realized what he had overlooked. By the way, where is his father Vegeta? After returning from Namek, where did Vegeta go?

"Vegeta, it seems that he is secretly cultivating somewhere on the earth, and sometimes he can feel his breath." Luo Fei took the tea from the golden-haired Lan Qi and took a sip.

"Who is the Sunbra you mentioned earlier?"

Luo Fei laughed, "She is my lovely cousin, the daughter of Uncle Wukong and Auntie Wukong."


When Trunks heard that he was struck by lightning, he felt dizzy and couldn't accept it for a while. Mr. Wukong actually married his mother, so wouldn't this world be without him in the future!
After a long silence, he suddenly let out a soft sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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