dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 543 Yay! !

Chapter 543 Yay! !
"not good!"

Facing the attack launched by Vegeta, Chambo's face tightened, and his expression suddenly changed. His originally handsome face was covered with scales in an instant, like pockmarks, and at the same time his body became thick, like a toad In the same way, the handsome appearance suddenly became ugly.

Shang Bo is a rare transformation race in the universe, who can use transformation to increase energy, but the price is that his appearance will become ugly. This price is actually nothing, but Shang Bo, who has always been handsome as a sign, can only use it in extreme cases. Transformation is only taken when it is dangerous.

"The energy has increased a bit, but it's not enough!"

"Did no one tell you that you look ugly?"

Vegeta laughed grimly, and a flying kick hit Champoux's chest directly.

The violent power poured on Shang Bo's body, and the battle suit failed to resist this force. There were several "click" sounds of bones breaking, and the bones in Shang Bo's chest were directly shattered, and several bone spurs directly pierced into the internal organs, causing serious internal injuries . With a sound of "Wow", Shang Bo arched his body in pain, spit out a large mouthful of blood, and looked at Vegeta with a face full of disbelief.

At this time, Vegeta's attack came again.

Make a fist and swing it hard.

With a crystal light.

Looking at the majestic bombardment fist, Shang Bo was still trying to struggle, but at this time his body could not move, and he could only watch Vegeta's attack fall.boom!The solid iron fist is like a rainbow, piercing through the void, and falling on Shang Bo's body like a mountain, it is unstoppable!

The powerful force directly landed on Shang Bo's head, and his facial features spurted blood directly, puffing, like the sound of a watermelon falling on the ground, Shang Bo let out a scream, and the sound soon stopped abruptly.

Looking at it again, his entire head has been blown off, and his entire upper body has also been blasted into powder by the thunderous force. He is so dead that he cannot die anymore.

"This is dead? Vulnerable!"

Vegeta was stunned for a moment, disdaining to put away his fist.

The cold gaze immediately swept to the surrounding cosmic people. Those cosmic people who followed Shang Bo saw with their own eyes that the aloof Master Shang Bo was directly blown off his head by someone, and they were all dumbfounded. They stared at the front with dull eyes. Time fell silent.

These cosmonauts are just ordinary fighters in Frieza's legion, and most of them are just the operators of the spaceship. With the energy cannon in their hands, they dare to be domineering. At this moment, in front of Vegeta, they were suddenly terrified and silent.

After a while, these cosmic beings finally came to their senses, panic spread all of a sudden, and they timidly retreated towards the surroundings one by one.

"Master Chambo is dead!"

"Ah, Master Chambo is dead..."

With a loud cry, these cosmic beings were completely panicked. Chambo's death made them lose their axis bones. How could they dare to resist Vegeta? They turned around and ran for their lives in all directions.

"Useless trash, I don't even bother to shoot."

Seeing those aliens scattered like birds and beasts, Vegeta directly ignored them. It didn't take much effort to deal with such a small miscellaneous fish with a combat power of one or two thousand, but Vegeta dismissed them.

Instead, he walked towards the spaceship, jumped into the spaceship, and Vegeta began to search for the whereabouts of Dragon Ball in Frieza's car, but after a long time, he still found nothing.

"There isn't a single Dragon Ball in Frieza's spaceship."

"Where are the Dragon Balls on Namek?" After getting out of the spaceship, he waved a qigong wave, and the boundless energy directly blew up the disc spaceship. Vegeta stopped for a while, and continued to go Find the dragon balls.


Gathering place of the Namekians.

Klin, Sun Bra and others led the Great Elder to join other Namek people. Compared with the Sixth Universe, the Namek people in the Seventh Universe experienced the climate catastrophe hundreds of years ago. The scale has shrunk directly. At this time, all the Namekians are added up, and there are only a few hundred people at full count.

"Great Elder, Great Elder!" Several young Namekians surrounded him.

"Elder, is your body okay?" The young warriors in the group carefully helped the elder to sit on the white stone chair.

"Our home is being invaded."

"Oh, I don't know when those intruders will leave!"

The surrounding Namekians were discussing in a hurry, and their words were full of worries. At this time, a fat middle-aged Namekian came up. His name was Muli, and he was the only one in the village of the Great Elder. The elder waved his hand towards everyone.

"Everyone be quiet, don't disturb the Great Elder's rest."

After glancing at Kelin and Sunbula, Muli said to Neilu, "We have collected the Dragon Balls as ordered, what should we do next?"

"Maybe we can consider using the Dragon Balls to find a new home." Neil said after thinking about it. In all fairness, Neil does not want to leave his home planet, but from the current situation, Namek is probably untenable.

"Give the Dragon Ball to these earthlings? They need it more than we do." The old elder's voice sounded.

Muli and Neil were startled when they heard this, but as the descendants of the Great Elder, they did not refute. The wisdom of the Great Elder has always been higher than theirs, so there must be some deep meaning in doing so.

The two looked at each other, and the clansmen brought up the dragon balls, bang bang bang, seven football-sized orange-red dragon balls were placed on the ground, and it looked spectacular when they lined up together.

"This is... the Dragon Ball of Namek, which is actually so much bigger than the Earth Dragon Ball." Klin and the others looked at the huge Dragon Ball with surprise on their faces.

"Looks like football."

"Hey, the stars in these dragon balls are red." Sun Bra picked up a dragon ball and looked at it. The whole dragon ball was bigger than her head.

"Actually, the Dragon Balls on Earth were also made of red stars a long time ago." Luo Lan smiled and touched Sun Brah's head. The Dragon Balls on Earth were only the size of a fist, but the stars inside were golden, which was transformed by him. the result of.

Sunbula blinked his eyes, and put the dragon balls on the ground again. The seven dragon balls gathered together, flashing and flashing brightly.

"Children, go and summon the Shenlong. The Dragon Balls of Namek only need 130 Earth days to be reused. Bolunga can fulfill three wishes at a time, which is enough to meet your needs." The elder drooped his eyelids, a little struggling Said quietly.

"Three wishes?!" Kelin and the others were overjoyed.

"The Dragon Ball of Namek needs the language of Namek to make a wish, Piccolo, you can summon the dragon." Luo Lan said leisurely.


Piccolo nodded, and immediately said: "When Shenlong came out, there was a lot of momentum, you all backed away a little bit, Neil, you have to protect the great elder."

"It's natural." Neil crossed his arms and said as a matter of course.

After everyone retreated a certain distance, Piccolo began to use the language of Namek to summon the dragon, which was the same as the steps for summoning the dragon on the earth. With a call similar to a spell, layers of dark clouds began to float from the sky, and the whole Namk Mei Kexing quickly fell into darkness.

Then amidst the lightning and thunder, the robust body of the dragon Bolunga appeared.

The dragon Bolunga is about a thousand meters tall, green all over, and covered with well-developed muscles. Compared with the slender red dragons on the earth, its size is not much different, but it has an alternative majesty that is different from the red dragons.


On the battlefield, Monkey King and Frieza were engaged in a fierce battle. Of course, Frieza with 6000 million combat power was no match for Monkey King, so after being beaten for a long time, Frieza still exerted 1.2 million combat power under pressure. This is considered evenly matched with Monkey King.

Frieza was panting violently, one eye was closed tightly due to a serious injury, and his body was already covered with scars.Because Frieza used 100% of his full strength, the muscles all over his body swelled, and his moving speed dropped slightly.

On the other hand, Monkey King, although the practice clothes on his body were broken, he was not injured as a whole.

Suddenly, the earth collapsed, and a strong force pierced through the air to form a ring-shaped vacuum. The mighty waves froze for a moment, and Frieza, like a bolt of lightning, directly attacked Monkey King.

Sun Wukong responded calmly, dodged to avoid Frieza's attack, and then appeared behind Frieza like a ghost.

Grabbing Frieza's tail, spinning and throwing it vigorously, Frieza immediately turned into a black dot and rushed to the high altitude of the atmosphere.

Suddenly there was a flash of lightning, but Frieza's figure immediately appeared on the ground.

At this time, Sun Wukong also shifted shape and came to another place, with his hands in claws, placed on his waist, and a ball of blue energy burst out with brilliant light.

"Turtle School Qigong!"

Sun Wukong pushed out the oversized Kamehae Qigong, and bright blue energy flew out.

"Qi Cannon!!" Frieza roared hysterically in the face of Monkey King's attack.


Two terrifying energies collided in mid-air, and there was a deafening bang, like a newborn sun exploding in the void. The dense energy was concentrated in one place and swept across the entire sky. The aftermath grazed the ground, and the entire Namek star immediately exploded. After trembling for a while, a thick layer of soil was blown up, and crimson magma spewed out.

Rustle... The world is hazy, and the vision is blurred.

When the aftermath of the energy gradually dissipated and the field of vision became clear, a hemispherical explosion crater with a diameter of [-] meters appeared in the vast area. The pungent gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the entire planet was on the verge of destruction.

Suddenly, the entire sky was plunged into darkness, accompanied by lightning and thunder, and a bang sounded in the ears. Frieza was shocked and looked at the sky with a puzzled expression.

"What's going on here, is it a sign before the destruction of the planet?"

A smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he laughed loudly, "Super Saiyan, even if your power is higher than mine, you will die this time, oh, oh, this king can survive in a vacuum, and you Withstood the impact of the destruction of the planet, but can only wait to die in the universe."

Faced with Frieza's taunt, Sun Wukong frowned and looked towards the sky, a flash of enlightenment flashed in his emerald green eyes, he already understood that this was not a sign of the destruction of the planet, but the scene when the dragon appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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