dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 54 The Magical Nation

Chapter 54 The Magical Nation

"You two, I'm really surprised by the way you appear. It's actually an ability similar to 'teleportation'."

A distant voice floated over, and there was a twist in front of them, and a person in strange clothes appeared in front of Luo Lan and the others.

Pink skin, big head, two very long ears, protruding eye sockets, wearing the costume of Sun Wukong in the original book when he returned to the earth from an alien planet, it is Yadrat who lives on the planet Yadrat Star.

The opponent's strange appearance made the siblings tense, and Sefilia reflexively launched an energy attack towards the opponent.

"Wait!" Luo Lan was about to stop, but Sephilia's attack had already been launched.

Chih, the sharp energy beam directly pierced the body of the Adrat star, and the attack landed on the rock behind, directly blasting the hard rock to pieces, but the Adrat star appeared on Luo Lan's body unharmed. around.

"Teleportation!" Luo Lan's eyes suddenly lit up with a bright light, and he murmured.

Sephilia blinked and looked at the Yadratt star, with some surprise on her face: "I can't feel his breath at all."

"What an irritable little girl. It is rumored that the Saiyans should have been extinct, but I didn't expect there to be survivors." The Yadrats are a peaceful race. As long as they don't show hostility to outsiders, they will welcome them Not specifically targeted.

"Saiyans are not so easy to become extinct."

It seems that the Yadrat star in front of him made Sephilia feel jealous, and his words were not as tough as before.

The Yadrat star laughed, and looked at Luo Lan, his two huge eyes only opened a crack, "The little brother's ability is very strange, I didn't know that Saiyans have the ability to cross the starry sky."

Luo Lan said: "This is the 'transfer technique' of the Metamorians."

"Oh, it turned out to be the martial art of the legendary Metamorians, which is similar to the 'teleportation' technique, so that's weird." The Yadrath star suddenly realized, "It is said that the Saiyans are a straight-hearted fighting nation, but I will also study the martial arts of other races."

"As long as it is a skill that is conducive to fighting and survival, I am willing to learn it. This is also the purpose of our coming here."

After listening, the Yadrat star nodded, his eyes suddenly opened, the dark pupils were extremely deep, "Do you want to learn the secret art of Yadrat?"

Luo Lan didn't beat around the bush, and directly admitted: "That's right."

"Your breathing and mood swings are very calm, and you obviously have a very subtle cultivation method. It seems that what you said before is not wrong. Only a race that earnestly learns the strengths of others can continue. Since you want to learn, then Just follow me."

The Yadrats are hidden, but they are not ignorant of the outside world. They are very clear about what kind of race the Saiyans are, so they feel that Luo Lan's humility is even more commendable.

Speaking of this, the Yadrat star turned and left.

Seeing this, Luo Lan and Sefilia were overjoyed, and hurriedly followed.

The Yadratt star walked in front and led the way, and Luo Lan followed behind. A few floating lights flickered, and the figures of these people disappeared into the sky.

Luo Lan increased his speed to the fastest speed, but he was still a bit behind the Yadrat star.If you take a closer look, you will find that the Yadrat star is not actually walking, but disappearing and reappearing constantly, just because the frequency is too fast, giving the illusion of movement to the naked eye.

Luo Lan murmured incredulously: "The teleportation technique can still be used like this."

Sephilia stretched out her hand to Luo Lan, and looked at him with bright eyes: "Would you like me to take you for a ride?"

Luo Lan shook his head: "No, let's follow."

The two continued to follow behind the Yadrath star. When Luo Lan raised his speed to the extreme, the Yadrath star in front suddenly stopped: "We have arrived."

"But this is a desert..." The surrounding area was full of yellow sand, and the flying gravel was continuous, and the wind blowing was dry and warm.

"Oh, it's just that you think this is a desert."

The Yadrat star chuckled, and drew an arc with his palm in midair, as if by magic, the scene in front of Luo Lan and the others suddenly changed drastically.The desert has become an oasis, and towering mountains and trees emerge from the ground like grass.

Even the air became humid.


Sefilia said softly, her expression became dignified. If she encountered such a situation during the battle, she would not even have the ability to distinguish friend from foe.

"As expected, it is a planet that can rival Star Metamor." Luo Lan sighed, and Star Yadrat was really weird.

"It's just some tricks. Come with me, you two. We welcome all visitors with good intentions."

The Yadrat star led the way and led Luo Lan and Sephilia into their city.All the scenes in front of me are false and real, half-truths and half-false, making people puzzled. If there is no familiar person to guide the way, it is easy to get lost in it.

It can be said that this city has gathered countless wisdom of the Yadrat star people, even if there are strong enemies besieging it, it will not be so easy to break through.

"You can stay here. If you want to learn secret arts, you can ask people around you for advice, but there is one requirement. No matter what you learn here, you can't pass it on to others." Strict, they allow others to learn, but they do not allow others to teach it arbitrarily. Anyone who wants to learn needs to pass their screening.

"The secret art of the Yadrat star is a technology that affects energy through the mind, and wrong learning will only destroy a person." The Yadrat star continued to explain.

"we know."

Luo Lan and Sephilia nodded together.

Then they lived in their city under the arrangement of this Yadratt star.

The secret arts mastered by the Yadrat star are all kinds of strange, there are many auxiliary skills, and there are also many skills suitable for combat needs.Of course, Sefilia chose those secret arts that could enhance the combat effect in battle.

Looking at the simple and elegant buildings in the city, Luo Lan immediately searched for the "teleportation technique". This secret technique has similarities with the "transfer technique" he mastered, and it should be very easy to learn.

But after the official study, Luo Lan realized that the two are completely different.

The "transfer technique" of the Medamore star is to mobilize the energy in the body through special skills, which can exert a power effect several times beyond the limit of the body. The "transfer technique" focuses on space transfer, which is a bit like the wormhole technology in science fiction. To open the space manually, you need to know the location of the destination in advance, and the preparation time is a bit longer than "teleportation". Generally speaking, it is not suitable for use in battle.

Compared with it, the "teleportation technique" of the Yadrat star is as flexible as magic. You only need to detect the opponent's breath, and you can directly teleport your body there through the breath. It is very good in daily life and actual combat. use.

The disadvantage is that the place where the breath is too weak or where there is no breath cannot be reached.

The combination of "transfer technique" and "teleportation technique" can play an unexpected role, but it requires a strong understanding to fuse the two things together.

With a sinking heart, Luo Lan carefully understood the difference between "teleportation" and "teleportation", trying to combine them...

(End of this chapter)

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