dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 505 Experience the Fear That Comes Well!

Chapter 505 Experience the Fear That Comes Well!

A satellite city near the Eastern Capital.

In the city, people are busy working as usual.

Suddenly, a rumbling sound resounded in the sky, and the deafening bang hurt the eardrums, causing the glass outside the high-rise buildings to shake faintly. Everyone raised their heads and saw three fireballs with long tail flames like fire snakes Break through the sky and fall from the distant outer space.

Chi Chi!

Three fireballs quickly crossed the sky and flew towards the center of the bustling city.

boom!boom!boom! !

The fireball fell on the streets of the city, splashing gravel all over the sky, the ground shook violently, and three huge circular craters were smashed out in the middle of the street. Three steaming aircraft were embedded in the big crater about five meters deep. middle.

"Something fell."

"Is it a meteorite?"

"It doesn't seem to be. There is a white object in the middle of the impact point."

People watched curiously, and some people with a strong sense of danger were the first to notice that something was wrong, regardless of whether it was a meteorite falling or not, and began to drive away.

But most people don't have such awareness, instead they stop to watch curiously, take out their mobile phones to take pictures from time to time, and post them on the Internet.


The hatch of the aircraft opened.

Vegeta coughed lightly, and walked out of the aircraft. Afterwards, Napa and Kaggis also came out of the aircraft. The three of them stood together and slowly raised their positions.

"Someone came out of it."

"They can also fly, could they be martial artists...ah, they have tails, they are Saiyans!"

Someone in the crowd shouted that because of the popularity of Taisi's novels, people more or less know about some alien planets, among which the setting of Saiyans is the most familiar.People were talking a lot, and most people already knew that the aliens were coming, and they started to panic, either driving or running, shouting and fleeing from the place of right and wrong.

There are also some courageous people who stay where they are and continue to shoot with cameras.

"Hey, this is the earth, and it doesn't look like much, the air quality is too bad." Napa glanced at the fleeing earthlings below, took out the energy detector to take a photo, and his face immediately became full of disdain .

"It's rubbish, the combat power doesn't even have double digits."

"Idiot, don't underestimate the natives here. Raditz has suffered here because of this. These natives seem to know how to hide their fighting power."

Vegeta watched coldly, always feeling that something was wrong with this planet.

"No way, their energy is obviously so low..." Napa was about to say something, when he met Vegeta's cold eyes, he immediately shrank his neck and laughed.

Vegeta warned Napa coldly, and then sensed the energy fluctuations on the earth, and soon some pretty good energy breaths entered his detection range, with an intensity of about 1000 combat power, gathered in the northwest direction, "This There are six or seven natives with good fighting power in the direction, without Kakarot's energy response, they are probably hidden."

"Find those natives first, and then ask Kakarot's whereabouts from them." Kaggis suggested.

"Wait a minute, I'll clean up the noise here first!"

Licking his lips, Napa moved his arms and landed on one foot.

The body is half-straddled, the muscles of the whole body are stretched, and the two fingers are stretched out with a cruel expression, and amazing energy is gathered between the two fingers.

"Ho!!" The finger was lifted up suddenly, an astonishing energy gushed out from the ground suddenly, the earth bulged upward in an instant, and a terrifying energy burst out.

A fiery explosion shot up into the sky, and in an instant, the whole city fell into despair. A huge mushroom cloud broke through the sky, and an area of ​​tens of kilometers was completely razed to the ground. All the lives living in this urban area followed the city. Turned into powder.

In the thick smoke, Vegeta, Napa, and Kaggis came out coughing lightly.The scorching grit splashed on their bodies, but their battle suits didn't show any scratches.

"Haha, those annoying noises are gone, now it's quiet, I think Kakarot would be too scared to come out if he knew the power of my uncle!" On the hot, scorched earth, Napa opened his eyes and laughed.

Vegeta watched coldly, and said indifferently: "Don't be too complacent, judging from the information you have, you may not be Kakarot's opponent."

Napa shouted: "How is it possible, my uncle's combat power can be as high as 12000!"

"Stupid, turn off the communicator first."

"Oh, I almost forgot." Napa stroked his hairless head, and laughed foolishly. Vegeta's face turned cold, "I hope Frieza didn't hear your words, or I'll kill you first." He has never had any illusions about Napa's IQ, but Vegeta still couldn't stop his anger from exposing his strength in this way.

For a long time, they hid their strength under Frieza's nose, and they hid secretly, looking for opportunities for revenge.

Napa smiled mischievously, knowing that he touched Vegeta's brow.

"Ah, Vegeta, look, there are several powerful energies approaching us." Kargis detected several signals of energy movement.

Vegeta said: "Hmph, it must be Kakarot and the others."

"They actually delivered it to the door by themselves."

Both Napa and Kaggis sneered, and then the corners of their mouths curled slightly, and they stood with their arms folded and waited.


After a few minutes, a few figures came over the satellite city of the eastern capital.

Piccolo, who was alone in a cloak, arrived first, followed by Monkey King in orange-red martial arts uniform, and Sun Bra, who followed Pidianpidian, and then Kelin, Tianjin Rice, Dumplings, and Earth's God, Qiqi and Su Nuo.

Looking at the ruins of the city that had been destroyed beyond recognition, Qiqi's face became cold, and a sharp energy roared out and turned into a whirlwind lingering around her.

Qiqi's face was frosty, and her icy voice squeezed out from between her teeth, "Saiyans, you actually destroyed the city as soon as you came."

"Earth natives? Looks like they have good energy."

Vegeta paid attention to Kiki, attracted by the energy on her body, and turned to look at the group of people next to him. He was a little surprised when he saw Piccolo. That guy is a rare Namekian, right?To live on the earth, it seems that there are indeed some different places on the earth.

His eyes fell on the young Sunbra, Vegeta's eyes lit up, she must be Kakarot's daughter!

"Little devil, you are Kakarot's daughter! Tell me, is your father here?" Vegeta asked coldly.

Because the Saiyans look almost exactly the same as the people on Earth, Vegeta couldn't immediately recognize which one was Kakarot.

Sunbra pursed her mouth and ignored Vegeta, because Vegeta exuded an aura that made her feel uncomfortable.

"Looking for death!" A cold light flashed in Vegeta's eyes.

At this time, Monkey King stood up, "I am Kakarot, but my earthling's name is Monkey King, and you are that... Vegeta?"


Vegeta took a deep look at Monkey King, but did not sense any trace of energy from him.

"Sun Wukong, this Saiyan is my prey." Piccolo stood proudly, his cloak swaying around in the violent whirlwind, making a rustling sound.

Vegeta raised his brows, and a murderous intent appeared between his brows.

"Vegeta, let me take the shot?"

Napa couldn't wait to jump out.

"Okay, teach this Namek a profound lesson." Vegeta stood in front of Napa, taking a few steps back with Kargis.

"Okay!" Napa licked his lips, moved his wrist eagerly, and his bones made a clucking sound.

"Namekians, experience the fear that will follow!"

(End of this chapter)

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