dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 496 Master of Universe 8

Chapter 496 The Master of the Eighth Universe

32th floor.

The purple thunderstorm lightning struck down from the deep sky, instantly engulfing all the space as far as the line of sight was concerned, and struck straight at Luo Lan's position. Silver snakes twisted and twisted in the void, bursting out with dazzling brilliance, striking at Luo Lan's position. There was a "cracking" sound on his body.

Bright white electric arcs flowed across the surface of the body.

"Whoo, whoo, whoo..."

The clothes on his body were instantly shattered, and there was a burning smell. Luo Lan let out a muffled snort, and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"This kind of lightning attack is no less than the energy intensity of Super Saiyan 2."

After sighing the attack strength of this layer of space, Luo Lan could only bite the bullet and fight. If the first 20 floors of Mie Shenxing are from 10 combat power to the level of ordinary Super Saiyans, then start from the 21st floor. The harshness of the environment has increased significantly. In addition to dedicating part of our strength to resist environmental pressure, we also have to face attacks from monsters and other extreme creatures.

Without the strength above the full body of Cell, it is impossible to last long here.

And rising to the 32nd floor is already a field that only Super Saiyan 2 can set foot on.

If it wasn't for the great improvement in strength during the period of practicing in the sixth universe, Luo Lan couldn't believe that he could persist here until now.

Roar! !

A huge monster with a flat head suddenly appeared in front of Luo Lan, as if seeing a prey, with a viscous liquid secreting from its mouth, and a pair of animal pupils became cold, it opened its bloody mouth and flew towards Luo Lan .

"Even if you are suppressed by an extreme environment, it's not something you, a monster, can underestimate."

A stern look flashed in Luo Lan's eyes, and he jumped up with a vigorous step, his body shuttled between the monster and the lightning, energy gathered in the palm of his hand, and he swung an attack towards the monster in amazement.

The power of this monster is stronger than all the monsters encountered before, even compared with Super Saiyan 2, it is not bad at all, but even if Luo Lan's full blow is suppressed by the environment, it is not so easy to catch it of.

"Star Cannon!!"


Ignoring the huge body of the monster, there was a huge collision sound, and the monster was hurt by Luo Lan's attack, mucus splashed from its mouth, and it let out an angry roar.

The angry monster became crazy, a few sharp fangs shone coldly in the air, raised the sky with a roar, and its huge body suddenly shone with thick black lightning, and a daunting and terrifying aura rushed over. With a flash of light, he came in front of Luo Lan in an instant.

"What a speed!" A thought flashed through my mind.

A sharp claw cut across the air, making a piercing "hissing" sound.

Luo Lan subconsciously made a defensive move, but the sharp claws of the monster had already torn off the super Saiyan's flame protection, directly scratching the flesh, and a large amount of blood spattered out, and a heart-rending pain rushed to his heart.Luo Lan's expression changed, and then he dragged his injured body and flew backwards.

Looking at the chest, the blood in the wound was soaring, and the place scratched by the claws of the monster had turned brown. The strong monster energy stained the surface of the wound, burning the surrounding intact cells like a corrosive liquid.

Seeing this, Luo Lan quickly took out a celestial bean and swallowed it, but at this time the effect of the celestial bean was not as miraculous.

Xiandou only recovered his physical strength, but the wound that was scratched by the monster's attack still looked hideous and terrifying, and had not recovered.

"The fairy bean can't resist the corrosiveness of the monster's energy."

His face changed, and his heart sank.

This is the most dangerous place for the monsters in Mie Shenxing. Their attacks are highly corrosive, and they are born to contend with the energy of the universe system of the whole king.

Many experienced gods were injured by such attacks.

Just when Luo Lan was at a loss, a burst of energy suddenly surged out of his body, and the two dragon god powers residing in Luo Lan's arms were operating, driving away the monster energy from the wound bit by bit, and began to treat the injured cells. Repair, let Luo Lan's body recover temporarily.

However, in such an extremely harsh environment, the speed of recovery was obviously not as fast as the speed of destruction. Before Luo Lan could recover, the monster attacked again.


In the full power state of Jintong Super Saiyan, Luo Lan's face was gloomy, his complexion was like frost, and he used his energy to form a huge shield around him.

"Empty Slash!!"

Pieces of crescent-shaped energy blades suddenly appeared, forming a closed protective net. The energy blades as thin as cicada's wings resisted the monster's attack. At this moment, Luo Lan grinned at the monster expressionlessly, and looked back before After breaking through the 30th floor space, his gaze suddenly became sharp.

Calm down and get ready for a long struggle.


Luo Lan struggled on the 32nd floor for a total of a month before finally reaching the 33rd floor. The environment here is very different from the previous ones. The strong gravitational constraints have disappeared, and instead it is a spiritual one. Suppression, for the weak-willed, is prone to hallucinations.

Here, what is scary is no longer the monsters, but the negative effects on the mind.


The bones of his whole body made crisp sounds. As soon as he entered the 33rd floor, his body, which had been in a high-pressure environment for a long time, was temporarily liberated. Luo Lan suddenly felt a sense of relaxation all over his body, but the next moment, the beautiful moment was over. A dizzy pain suddenly hit my heart, and I suddenly felt dizzy.

Luo Lan's face turned pale, and he was powerlessly half-kneeling on the ground.

"How could this be?" Luo Lan's forehead burst out with crystal beads of sweat. He gritted his teeth and wanted to stand up, but he fell to the ground.

This feeling reminded him of his experience of cultivating in the spiritual tower of Star Medamore. The complex lines depicted in the tower were also disgusting after a long time, and made people feel irritable and negative emotions, but The difference is that there is no need for lines in the environment of Mie Shenxing, and the oppression that permeates the air directly acts on the spirit.

"Don't do such useless work. Without enough realm, it is impossible to resist the impact of the environment here on the spirit."

At this moment, a sudden voice sounded, and a middle-aged man in a gray robe appeared in front of Luo Lan.

Anyone else here?
Luo Lan was shocked!Looking directly at the man who suddenly appeared, he was a tall, middle-aged man with red skin, golden vertical pupils, ears like two flesh flaps, and his appearance was very different from that of people on earth.

What surprised Luo Lan was that he couldn't see through the strength of the person in front of him at all.

"Who are you, why are you also on Mie Shen Xing?"

"This is a place for refining gods, a place for cultivating fighting gods, and you are not the only one who can come in." The middle-aged man looked at Luo Lan with a strange expression, and asked strangely: "Don't you know that Mie Shen Xing is still connected? In other universes, as long as they are practitioners who embark on the cultivation of fighting gods, can they come in?"

Mie Shen star is connected to other universes!

And this time?

Marcarita hadn't told him that.

"I don't know about this." Luo Lan shook his head.

"Which universe are you a cultivator from?" The middle-aged man frowned. Practitioners who can enter Mieshen planet are considered outstanding in their universes. It makes no sense that they don't even know the basic situation of Mieshen planet.

"My name is Luo Lan, and I'm from the Seventh Universe."

"Oh, Universe Seven, it's no wonder that there have been no newcomers in your place for tens of millions of years. Let me introduce myself, my name is Osig, a practitioner from Universe Eight."

The red-skinned man named Osig introduced himself.

The Eighth Universe, one of the All-King Twelve Universes, ranks fourth, and its strength is far superior to that of the Seventh Universe. Even in the "Conference of Power" in the original work, the Eighth Universe also relied on its powerful Its overall strength eliminates the need for competition, and it is one of the universes with the highest overall strength in the Twelve Universes of All Kings.

This red-skinned man named Osig is from the eighth universe, and his strength is naturally extremely strong.

"Did you just say that Mieshen Planet is connected to several other universes?"

"That's right, it stands to reason that your angels should have explained this basic knowledge when they sent you in. Uh, the angel of the seventh universe is Mr. Weiss, right? That gentleman has always been rigorous, so there is no reason why he should not talk to you. The explanation is right."

Luo Lan smiled wryly. It would be great if he was sent in by Weiss, but the person who sent him in was Makarita from the No.11 universe.

I don't know her at all.

And he didn't even say a few words!
Angels from one universe sent practitioners from another universe to try out. No one would believe this.

Put it in the big environment, that is to cultivate competitors for your own universe.

Although the relationship between the Twelve Universes of All Kings has not been tense to the point of mutual hostility, frankly speaking, it is not particularly harmonious.

Afterwards, Luo Lan asked the man named Osig about the situation of Mie Shenxing, but the information he got surprised him.It turns out that Mie Shen Xing turned out to be a public trial space. Every angel in the universe holds the channel to open the trial space. When sending the trialists in, they will give them a trial token. It is true that there are 108 floors, but if you want to go out, you only need to hold the trial token, and you don't need to go through the specified floors at all.

Marcarita never told him about this.

During the conversation, Luo Lan also learned that the Osig in front of him was actually a god of destruction in the eighth universe.Later, I also learned that the other party had completed the first 105 challenges of Mie Shenxing, and now he was preparing to return to the eighth universe to recharge his batteries. After discovering himself, he came out to show up.

Preparing for the God of Destruction is several grades higher than yourself.

Luo Lan was immediately in awe.

"Well, your strength is a bit low, and it seems that you are still in a strange transformation state, which is not advisable. Mie Shenxing is a place to train real fighting gods, and the last thing is to return to basics!"

Transformation is a mutated form obtained by living organisms in the long-term evolution in order to adapt to the cosmic environment. Most of these forms are temporary and not permanent, so for high-level practitioners, this kind of transformation ability is very important. It's tasteless, relying too much on it will even affect the improvement of normal strength.

"Thank you for your advice." Luo Lan said politely.

Osig nodded, "From the 33rd onwards, the trials for practitioners are no longer physical and strength tests, but more importantly, spiritual."

"The realm is hard to explain, but it's very important for the improvement of strength. You should work hard here!" As he said, Osig waved his hand, and the figure had disappeared from Luo Lan's side.

Luo Lan watched the other party leave, took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly.

Gods, especially the gods in the Dragon Ball world, whether they are the lowest-level planetary gods or the kings of hell, kings of the world, and gods of the kings above, are all responsible for the rules of the universe, and every move is to maintain the operation of the universe.

Although this god-destroying star is specially used to cultivate fighting gods, for fighting gods, advanced realms are also essential, so it is necessary to increase the cultivation of realms.

After being silent for a while, he suddenly laughed. After Osig's reminder, Luo Lan seemed to have found a way to break through.

"If it's spiritual power, then 'mind space' might be able to play an unexpected role here."

Just do it, Luo Lan immediately closed his eyes and concentrated, and started to activate the "spiritual space", a wave of microwave spread out, and suddenly formed an independent space in Mie Shenxing.


A certain planet in the sixth universe.

On the rocky plain.

Macarita is leaning against a stone wall with her scepter, dragging a dark virtual water polo in her hand. The virtual water polo is flickering, bright and bright, like a miniature universe. If you look carefully, you will find that The virtual water polo is divided into 108 layers, which is the virtual image of Mie Shen.

The breeze was blowing, causing the hem of her skirt to fluctuate slightly, and the two locks of hair on her forehead swayed from side to side.

"That Osig is meddling in his own business. The path of cultivation should be explored in unknown areas. There is no need to explain too clearly." Macarita shook her head with a faint smile on her face.

Every angel has a different pointing method, Weiss is good at guiding, and Vados is good at correcting, but in Macarita's view, too much pointing is overkill, and it is easy to ignore the refinement of details, so she likes stocking and accepting Trained people create specific difficulties.

This is also the reason why Makarita often bickers with Weiss and Bados. It is purely because of the different ideas of cultivating gods.

(End of this chapter)

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