dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 441 The slag with only 5 combat power!

Chapter 441 The slag with only 5 combat power!
call out!
Outside the earth, a white spherical aircraft is like a meteor passing through the void, rushing towards the direction of the earth at high speed, chi chi chi chi, the aircraft rubs against the atmosphere, a huge amount of kinetic energy is converted into heat energy, the whole aircraft The surface started to turn red.

With a loud "boom", the aircraft fell on a vast farm with a long tail flame.

Except for local farmers, few people have noticed the crash of the aircraft.


Could it be a meteorite falling?
The farmer was attracted by the huge impact, because it happened on his own farm, and the farmer hurriedly drove the tractor to the place where the huge impact occurred.

On the grassland a few kilometers away, the crisp green grass undulates like waves as the breeze blows.

When the farmer drove to the impact site, he saw a huge impact crater with a diameter of more than 20 meters in a flat grassland. The impact crater was about six to seven meters deep and hemispherical. The impact splashed, and the splashed dust covered a radius of [-] meters.

When I walked in, I saw hot steam rising from the edge.

"Is it really a meteorite impact?" The farmer cautiously approached with a cigarette in his mouth.

As he got closer to the edge of the impact, he saw what was going on inside the giant crater.

In the central earth and rock burial, there is a small spherical object embedded in the soil. The surface of the object is steaming, which looks like a UFO mentioned on TV.The farmer subconsciously swallowed his saliva, feeling that he had discovered something extraordinary, and ran back to the tractor to take out a musket to defend himself.

"Crack!" At this moment, the spaceship shook a few times and floated up slightly. After the hatch opened, a spaceman in a battle suit came out.

Raditz bent down and stepped out of the spaceship, looked around, covered his mouth and coughed lightly, and his body slowly floated up. At this moment, the energy detector next to his ear made a series of intense noises , Raditz glanced at it, and the data displayed on it was pitifully low.

"It's really a garbage-like planet. It's strange, why didn't Kakarot kill all the natives on it?"

Raditz floated into the air and looked around condescendingly, when he saw the farmer who was pointing a gun at him.

"who are you?"

The farmer raised his musket and looked at Raditz nervously. The black muzzle of the gun was aimed at Raditz, and he would shoot immediately if the other party moved slightly.

"Huh?" Raditz frowned.

Aim at the opponent and use the energy detector to detect it. After a few beeps, a weak combat power value appears in the frame.

Raditz glanced at it, and the disdain on his face became stronger, "Trash, the combat power is only 5 points, and this kind of strength is still alive on this planet, what the hell is Kakarot doing!"

Feeling dissatisfied with his brother whom he had not met, Raditz got a little angry.

"Stop who are you? If you don't speak, I'm going to shoot you." Sweat dripped from the farmer's forehead, but Raditz was unmoved, and walked towards him calmly after falling from mid-air to the ground .


The farmer pulled the trigger, and a bullet flew out of the gun barrel and shot directly at Raditz's chest. Seeing the bullet flying towards him, Raditz's smile grew even stronger. With a flick of his hand, he directly caught the opponent's bullet in the palm of his hand, and then flicked it backhand!
call out!
The bullet was accelerated to the extreme and shot directly through the farmer's chest, causing the farmer to fall to the ground with blood flowing all over the ground.

Raditz shook his head, "What a stupid life, dare to point a gun at this uncle, he deserves to die!"

"Let me see how life is on this planet?" I clicked on the detector to expand the detection range, and soon a series of dense data appeared in front of me.




Most of them are uninfluential energies. Raditz turned on the filter function of the detector to remove some data with combat strength below 20. Soon the messy data became clear, and a series of slightly stronger energy reactions were detected by him. arrive.




"A low-level planet is a low-level planet. It doesn't even have a little energy that can be seen. Hey, there is a value of 845 here. Could it be Kakarot? Well, it's 2300 kilometers away from here. Don't worry, let's go and look at it first." Look." Raditz was a little surprised, and the test also found a few good energy sources, but none of them exceeded 500 combat power.

After thinking about it for a while, Raditz has already determined that the energy with a value of 845 is probably his younger brother Kakarot.

After all, he is a low-level fighter with not very good qualifications, and it is already difficult for him to have this combat power.

Where is it like me, I have reached an astonishing 30 combat power in the past 3100 years. If I break away from the team and go alone, I can live very nourishingly in the universe.Of course, Raditz would not have such a high combat effectiveness in the first place, which is the result of Vegeta's tempering in recent years.

Raditz respects and fears Vegeta!
"Haha, Kakarot, brother is here to find you, I hope you can make a wise choice!"

Raditz laughed loudly, rose into the sky with a "swoosh", and then flew towards the energy target with a value of 845 displayed on the detector.


In the temple, God, Qiqi, and Su Nuo had already discovered Raditz when his spaceship entered the earth.

"Sister, does that seem to be a Saiyan?" Su Nuo looked at the lower world and asked Qiqi hesitantly.

"It is indeed a Saiyan, but it feels different from the Saiyans of the planet Sharada..." Although Qiqi has not seen too many Saiyans, she has heard of them. According to the agreement, the Saiyans of the planet Sharada After the demihumans entered the earth, they shouldn't have killed so recklessly.

"Maybe it's a single Saiyan, so the knowledge is limited." The old god guessed.

"Su Nuo, please go there yourself, and don't let that Saiyan make trouble on Earth." Qiqi looked at the lower realm and said to Su Nuo beside her.

Su Nuo showed a smile, patted his chest and said, "Leave it to me, and I'll go and catch him right away."

After finishing speaking, Su Nuo jumped up and jumped down directly from the temple. His graceful figure disappeared into the clouds and mist very quickly.Su Nuo, who had trained on the king of the world, had already surpassed 50000 combat power, and it was not easy to capture Raditz.


On the Kailin Tower, the Cat Immortal paused the training of the earth martial artists, took a far-sighted look at the distance, then shook his head and continued the training of the martial artists.

"It seems that a tough guy has come to the earth!"

"I'm afraid I'm not a fool!"

"Forget it, it seems that Goddess Su Nuo has already made a move, so there is no problem."

In a mountain village.

Tianjin Fan and Dumpling are practicing in the valley. Tianjin Fan uses the "Four Body Fist" to transform himself into four and attack the dumpling from different angles. Dumpling taps his fingers and controls the surrounding stones to hit Tianjin Fan. Boom, boom, the four Tianjin fans jumped up at the same time, crushing all the stones.

Suddenly, sensing a strange aura appearing on the earth, Tianjin Fan's sharp eyes glanced at the distance, smiled and didn't pay much attention.

"Ah Tian, ​​that air is a bit cold, and the combat power is about 3000 points." Jiaozi floated in the air with his hands in his sleeves.

"Don't worry, Su Nuo has already made a move."

(End of this chapter)

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