dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 437 Sunbula's Practice

Chapter 437 Sunbula's Practice
The King of the Northern Realm was speechless at this time. He spent countless years developing the vitality bomb, but the other party only took a few days to learn it. You must know that Monkey King spent several months learning it. But after thinking about it, the person in front of him is different from ordinary Saiyans, so it is understandable that he learns quickly.

It's just that if this is the case, I won't be able to experience the glory of being a teacher.

Bah, what was I thinking, why did I get carried away.

The other party is a Super Saiyan, so you must not act condescending in front of him, otherwise your pitifully small Kaiwangxing will shrink again.

Because the King of the Northern Realm was wearing sunglasses, Luo Lan didn't notice his expression, but even if he knew, he would just smile indifferently and ignore it.He is no longer the self he was when he first traveled to the Dragon Ball world. With the improvement of his strength, his horizons have broadened, his situation has also improved, and his attitude towards people and things has changed accordingly.

He can ignore the offenses of some people with low strength, or he can tolerate them more calmly.

All masters with extraordinary strength have an extraordinary indifference towards foreign objects.

Just like Frieza, he is very cruel by nature, but when facing the cosmic beings inside the legion, he can also show a gentleman's demeanor very gracefully, even showing his tolerance to the weak.

"Mr. Luo Lan's learning talent is really rare in the world. I thought it was amazing for Wukong to master the Realm King Fist and Yuan Qi Bullet so quickly. I didn't expect you to be faster than him." The King of the Northern Realm suddenly expressed his feeling.

"No, it's just because the foundation is relatively high, so the integration is faster."

"How humble."

"It's not modesty. If one day you see a guy who can learn any tricks just by looking at them, you won't think I'm fast."

"Haha, how could there be such a person in the world." The King of the Northern Realm laughed.

Luo Lan shook his head and didn't explain. When it comes to learning ability, who else in the universe is better than Majin Buu? What kind of tricks can he learn at a glance? Also confident, but compared with Majin Buu, it is much worse.

Of course, the King of the Northern Realm would not take Luo Lan's words seriously, and continued to exchange pleasantries for a while, before Luo Lan began to test the training results of Askali and Luo Fei.

The little girl Askali was already ready to move. When she knew that her father was going to test her academic achievements, she immediately showed it proudly like a child waiting for praise. Luo Lan watched her performance and nodded, then went on. Consider Luo Fei.

Judging from the test results, the performance of the two children is very good. Although they have not yet mastered the move of Kaiwangquan, they have at least started to master it, and they can fully master it in time.

Of course, considering the serious damage to the body caused by the High Power Realm King Fist, Luo Lan would not allow them to use the High Power Realm King Fist even if they learned it, let alone allow them to open up to the 20-fold Realm like Monkey King in the original book. Exaggerated like Wang Quan.

The Kaiwangken with less than 5 times is completely enough. With Askali and their combat power, the 5 times increase can already increase their combat power to more than 1000 million.

A too strong Kaiohken would actually hurt their immature bodies.

After all, asking Askali and the others to learn Kaiohken is only because the way Kaiohken is used is very similar to the transformation of a Super Saiyan. I hope they can use the bridge of Kaiohken to explore Super Saiyan on their own. The trick of transforming is not to let them use Kaiohken in battle.

Luo Lan is not worried about whether his child can become a Super Saiyan. With two mature Super Saiyans, himself and Sefilia, to guide him, the Super Saiyan will only be theirs. start.

Luo Lan was very pleased that the two children had a natural love for cultivation.

Then Luo Lan taught Sun Bula alone. This little girl is only three years old, and she is at the stage of ignorance of martial arts. A large part of the people present are qualified to teach her. But Luo Lan still decided to teach her personally.

Sun Bula has excellent potential, no worse than Sun Wufan in the original book, and he will definitely be a master in the future after he is taught well.

Time passed little by little, more than a month in a blink of an eye.

Askali and Luo Fei's practice on King Realm was almost over, and Luo Lan took them back to Planet Sharada at this time.

Also leaving behind was Sun Bra. After mastering a certain foundation of cultivation, what is needed next is a lot of actual combat experience. This is definitely not enough on the king of the world. Luo Lan already has an idea of ​​her next step. planning.It is worth mentioning that during this month, the relationship between Sunbra and Piccolo got along well.

The Namekian with a cold expression was very indifferent to everyone else, but he was at a loss when dealing with Sunbra.

Probably because Sunbula was only a three-year-old girl, she couldn't be beaten or scolded, so she could only reluctantly accept her harassment with a livid face.

Piccolo felt relieved about Sunbra's departure.


On the planet Sharada.

In Luo Lan's office walked into a short Saiyan with shattered hair.

"Master Luo Lan, you are looking for me." The young Saiyan walked in and greeted Luo Lan, and when he saw the purple-haired Sun Bra next to him, he couldn't help but take another look.

This young Saiyan is called Tabur, and is Vegeta's younger brother.

It has been more than eight years since Tabor entered the planet Sharada. With the nourishment of various resources and the vitality of the planet Sharada, even if he is not very talented in combat, he has gained a powerful force. In terms of energy, his The combat power has exceeded 8000.

If this was put in the past, it would be something that I would not even dare to dream of.

However, in fact, high-level combat power on the planet Sharada is already a very common thing.

With the widespread popularization of spirit tree fruits and fairy beans, and the accumulation of Saiyan bodies by the planet Sharada, the entire Saiyan family is no longer the same as before. Except for some newborn children, as long as they are It is not difficult for a Saiyan who has been trained seriously to become an elite fighter with a combat power of more than 10000.

We must know that in the sixth universe, as long as the combat power of an adult Saiyan can reach tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands.

"Tabur, I have a task for you." Luo Lan smiled at Tabur.

"Please order!" Tabor replied seriously.

Luo Lan glanced at Sunbula, and pushed her out, "This is Wukong's child Sunbula, you take her to the cultivation planet to learn more, you don't need to deliberately protect her, it's okay to let her suffer a little bit."

"Obey!" Tabor responded loudly as he obeyed the order.

The Cultivation Planet is the cultivation and production base under the Saifi forces, and it is also the first stop for young Saiyans to practice. Most of the Saiyans who come out of the nursery cabin will be thrown there to experience the cruelty of the battle.

Of course, in order to ensure the safety of the children, each child will arrange a protective person, who will not take action at ordinary times, and only intervene when the life of the child is threatened.

Luo Lan nodded and smiled at Tabor: "You don't need to be so formal, by the way, has your brother contacted you recently?"

Tabor scratched his head, "No, I heard that he led a team to a remote planet to perform a mission, and there will be no way to come back for a while."

"Yeah." Luo Lan hummed, "Bula, follow this uncle from now on and practice hard on the cultivation planet."

"Teacher who knows!" Sunbula replied with a crisp voice, and the little girl was very excited about the first planet to be experienced.

Luo Lan smiled, and then arranged for the spaceship to send them to the planet of cultivators.

The Cultivator planet is not far from the Sharada planet, and the spaceship will take a few days. In order to let Sunbula better experience the practice, Luo Lan did not choose to send her there by teleportation.

(End of this chapter)

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