dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 40 Talent

Chapter 40 Talent

After more than 200 Saiyans gathered on Kaxia, Sephilia flew into the air and looked at the Saiyans below with indifferent eyes.

A strong sense of oppression suddenly fell from the sky, clasping everyone's chest, feeling the coercion from the sky, all the Saiyans calmed down, looked up at the majestic and domineering Sephilia in the sky, their faces turned pale .

"My name is Sephilia, senior soldier."

Sefilia introduced herself, looked around and saw that the Saiyans below were captured by her own power, and dared not make a sound, so she nodded with satisfaction.

"I know we have a lot of questions from you, but shut up now, I don't have time to answer you one by one. I brought you here just because I don't want the blood of Saiyans to disappear from the universe."

The tone was still very blunt, Sefilia continued: "Planet Vegeta has been destroyed, you are the only surviving Saiyans on Planet Vegeta, and you will temporarily live on this planet from now on. There is plenty of water and food, enough to meet your living needs."

"Planet Vegeta was destroyed because our own strength was not strong enough. I want you to keep this unwillingness in your heart forever. It is precisely because of our lack of strength that some people in the universe dare to attack us, and let the dignified Saiyan The human family has encountered a crisis of almost genocide."

"Although the vast majority of you are low-level fighters, and some of you are destined not to even reach 1000 combat power in the future, as long as the blood of the Saiyans still exists, there is hope."

Speaking of this, Sefilia's eyes suddenly burst into a cold light, and said cruelly:

"But I have something to say first. Infighting is absolutely not allowed here. This is the first iron rule. Anyone who violates this rule will be killed! Don't think I'm joking. Since you are here, be obedient and want to resist Yes, you must be prepared to be killed."

"Okay, whether you agree or not, let's accept the arrangement next, because the situation facing the Saiyans is very serious, so from now on, the adult Saiyans are responsible for training the young Saiyans, regardless of the intensity, Guarantee the normal growth of young Saiyans."

Sefilia is full of aura, like a queen high above, and the domineering air makes everyone below lift their heads.

The Saiyans below bear Sephilia's intimidating aura, and the Saiyans who have always respected the strong can already feel the power of Sephilia.This Saiyan who looks like a girl is much stronger than them.

Coupled with Sephilia's status as a superior fighter, his strength and status are enough, and soon these Saiyans have no intention of resisting, and they follow Sephilia's arrangement honestly.

Sefilia asked them to build a living gathering place, and they all followed suit, and then the adult Saiyans began to take the lead in training those underage children, and everything seemed to be proceeding in an orderly manner.

Seeing the reactions of those Saiyans, Hertz smiled and said to Luo Lan: "Your sister is born with the aura of a strong person, so she is very suitable to be a leader. When Planet Vegeta was still there, the name of genius It is already very prominent. If Planet Vegeta is not destroyed, it should accomplish a great cause."

Luo Lan nodded in agreement.

Although Sephilia's personality is usually cold, her aura is really strong, and she is ruthless enough. Standing by her side, ordinary people will definitely be very stressed.

Sefilia's talent is so high, even compared with the Saiyan prince Vegeta, it is not inferior.A Saiyan with such a talent for cultivation would never be tolerated by King Vegeta for anyone else, but Sefilia survived well, it should be said that it was thanks to her identity as a female Saiyan.

Such an excellent woman is best used to continue the bloodline. Perhaps King Vegeta has already made arrangements for her future in his heart.

Fortunately, Planet Vegeta was destroyed!
Looking at the majestic Sephilia in the sky, Luo Lan murmured in his heart.

After appeasing the Saiyans, Sephilia came to Luo Lan's side, "Let's go, let's go back to Planet Frye and let these people live here first."

"You just leave them alone?" Luo Lan asked.

Sefilia showed a flat smile: "My own cultivation is too late, so I don't care what they do, let them fend for themselves."

Luo Lan rolled her eyes: "Looking at what you said just now with so much enthusiasm, I thought you were going to recruit them."

Sefilia: "I'm not that boring. These low-level fighters will eventually reach thousands of combat power. What do I want them to do? Besides, who knows whether they will be convinced or not. Let's observe for a few years before talking."

Hertz shrugged and said indifferently: "As long as the blood of the Saiyans continues, their strength really doesn't matter that much."

There is a low-level fighter on Earth who can become a Super Saiyan in the future!

After Luo Lan heard what they said, she complained in her heart.

Of course, Sephilia and Hertz couldn't understand the plot like Luo Lan did. They knew that there would be a lower-level fighter named Sun Wukong who would reach a height that even the upper-level fighters could not match after practicing.From their point of view, lower-level fighters are no match for mid-level fighters and upper-level fighters, and this is really not a big problem.

The potential of a Saiyan is largely determined by the combat power at birth and acquired training, among which acquired training occupies a more important position.

Why Sun Wukong and Vegeta were able to break through the limitations of the body several times and reach the Super Saiyan level is by no means as simple as just the blood of the Saiyan plus a gravity room.

It is true that gravity practice has helped Sun Wukong and the others to a great extent, but it is only an assistance.You must know that there are many planets with high gravity in the universe. Saiyans fought everywhere, and it is not uncommon to encounter them, but it is not seen how much they have grown.

Sun Wukong and the others were able to grow rapidly, mainly because they knew advanced cultivation methods.

Look at Sun Wukong's experience. When he was young, he worshiped under the sect of the god of martial arts, the turtle fairy, and then received the guidance of the cat fairy in Kailin Tower. When he grew up, he also accepted the guidance of the god of heaven and the king of the northern realm.More importantly, Sun Wukong has a pure heart and can concentrate on cultivation without distraction. These gradual and gradual growth experiences have laid a solid foundation for him to break through the shackles of talent.

Vegeta, on the other hand, is a super genius born with the ability to cultivate. His rich experience and comprehension ability allowed him to quickly explore the use of "qi" just by fighting with Monkey King.

These are not comparable to ordinary Vegeta Star Saiyan.

Talent is something that is really important sometimes.

Generally speaking, these Saiyans on Star Vegeta should not be considered particularly good. For them, the Super Saiyan is a legend. There are very few Saiyans like Sun Wukong and Vegeta who constantly break through their own limits. At least, for them, more than 1 combat power is already top-notch, and to go further, they must go through advanced cultivation.

Ordinary Saiyan fighters cannot grow miraculously like Monkey King even if they have a gravity chamber without knowing the advanced cultivation methods.

It's impossible for everyone to want to be a Super Saiyan.

Of course, there is another saying about the talent of the Saiyans: it is said that the reason why the race of Saiyans feels powerful is entirely due to the light of Monkey King and Vegeta.Luo Lan felt that such a statement was biased, because from his understanding, Saiyans should still be very talented.

At least, their physical fitness and great ape ability are better than many cosmic people.


Closer to home, after Sephilia and Hertz ensured the continuation of the Saiyan bloodline, they no longer have so much pressure in their hearts. After some arrangements, they have no intention of continuing to manage it.

Although Luo Lan had a plan in mind to organize these Saiyans into a force, but due to his relatively weak strength, he didn't take the lead.

After leaving more than 200 Saiyans on Kaxia planet, the three of them returned to Frye planet with a flash of light and started a peaceful practice.

 The new book period has passed, but the signing is still far away. The book collection is 2700. It should be considered good to achieve such a result without official recommendation.

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(End of this chapter)

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