dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 37 Rapid Growth

Chapter 37 Rapid Growth

"Whoever told you to use all your strength when making a move, there is no room for maneuver in the battle, you just wait to be dealt with."

With a very dissatisfied scolding, Sephilia Pingting's figure suddenly appeared beside Luo Lan. She pushed her white palm forward, and the palm with great strength hit Luo Lan's body. The strong wind was blowing on both sides. The body staggered for a while, and suddenly flew backwards.

"Stand up for me, in a real battle, will the enemy give you time to rest?"

Without any surprise, the fierce attack came again.

With a puff, Luo Lan couldn't help spurting a smear of blood from his mouth, and when he raised his head, he met Sephilia's face full of evil spirit.

It was an ordinary morning, the sun was shining brightly, the clouds were light and the wind was breezy, and the weather was just pleasant, but for Luo Lan, this period of time could only be described as a nightmare.

For more than ten days, Sefilia has come to train Luo Lan every day. It is indeed different from before. During the training, he will teach him a lot of things that need to be paid attention to in the battle, so that Luo Lan can learn a lot at once.But the only thing that is unacceptable is that this woman really won't show mercy. Every time she strikes, she is very ruthless, and she will never stop until she beats him half to death.

According to Sefilia's words: the real enemy will not give you a chance to stand up again.

What a wise saying.

Luo Lan got up from the ground, looked at Sephilia with determination in his eyes, his body flicked, like an arrow shot out quickly, and appeared beside Sephilia in an instant.

Sephilia nodded slightly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth. Just when Luo Lan thought she was going to succeed, Sephilia leaned slightly to the side. After avoiding Luo Lan's attack, her slender arms drew a line in the air. Graceful arc.

The crystal light suddenly shone like starlight, and Luo Lan was attacked again.

The battle continues.

Luo Lan's movements gradually became more flexible, and he began to think consciously during the battle, summarizing the gains and losses in dealing with it.Under Sefilia's intentional instruction, the body quickly absorbed the fighting nutrients.

"Keep up with my speed, and I will compress my strength to the same level as yours. If you can withstand my attack, then you are already a qualified fighter."

In the howling wind, Sephilia's body kept flickering, her black hair fluttering, her eyes looked at Luo Lan in the distance, suddenly flashed, the figure on the spot became blurred, and the reappearance had already arrived By Luo Lan's side.

Turned around and punched out a straight punch.


Seeing this, Luo Lan narrowed his eyes, and the eyeballs kept turning, looking for the trace of Sephilia.

Suddenly, a slight air fluctuation caught his attention, Luo Lan reacted quickly, his body swayed, a false flash appeared ten meters away, and just after Luo Lan's figure disappeared, a slender palm came over .

"I've finally made some progress." Sefilia nodded and continued to attack Luo Lan.

"Hiss!" There was a sudden sharp pain in Luo Lan's chest, followed by a violent crash.

Luo Lan grinned, gasped heavily, jumped up quickly, and turned quickly when he was in mid-air. Just one step away from Sephilia, his body changed his posture again, and there was a blurry scene. The shadow remained in mid-air, but his figure came to Sephilia's back strangely, grabbing towards Sephilia's tail with both hands.

"The combat skills have reached the standard, but the experience is not enough."

Sephilia's cold and stern voice rang in his ears, and the warm touch made Luo Lan feel something was wrong, a trace of cold sweat suddenly emerged from his back, his body turned quickly, and he fled away.

With a chuckle, Sephilia stretched out her fingers, and put her fingers together with the sword.

Shouting a word coldly, the air seemed to be stirred and boiled instantly.


A wave of energy shining brightly was released.Facing such a situation, Luo Lan's eyes flashed with lightning, he raised his arms and clenched his fists, his immature face was full of seriousness.

"Star Cannon!" With a punch, infinite starlight flickered.

The surging power suddenly erupted, as if it had found a vent, it gushed out like a flood.

The two energies collided in mid-air, and suddenly there seemed to be a devastating bombardment. A huge mushroom cloud rose from the ground, and the ground cracked one after another. A strong shock wave directly cut off a layer of soil, leaving a circular depressions.

"Ahem..." Fresh liquid overflowed from the corner of Luo Lan's mouth, and the clothes on his body became tattered. Due to the overload of energy, his brain became dizzy for a while, and he passed out soon.

After Luo Lan fell to the ground, Sephilia's figure appeared beside him, picked him up and sent him to a lake, and then soaked him in the water.

call out!
A ray of light flickered, and Hertz finished his training in the gravity room and came to Sephilia's side: "Luo Lan has mastered all the skills in just a few days and has become a real fighter. This kind of learning The ability is really strong. You must know that I reached his level when I was almost ten years old."

When he was ten years old, he had perfectly mastered 1000 combat power, even among senior fighters, he was very good.

As a high-level fighter, Hertz has experienced countless battles, and he only reached 1000 combat power after he was ten years old, and reached 26 combat power at the age of 4000.

Sephilia stared blankly at Luo Lan in the pool, and nodded.Others don't know, but she knows very well that Luo Lan is not a high-level fighter at all, but an ordinary mid-level fighter.

But for such a middle-level fighter, his cultivation speed is actually faster than that of an upper-level fighter, which is simply unbelievable.

Even if the energy aspect can be explained by the cultivation in the gravity room, the combat skills and combat experience can only be explained by actual combat.Sephilia really felt that Luo Lan was growing every day, and in just a few days, it was like a sponge absorbed her fighting philosophy bit by bit.

Luo Lan, her younger brother, probably possesses a terrifying learning ability.


Soon, Luo Lan woke up from the pool. When he heard that Sephilia threw him into the water and just ignored him and went to the gravity room to practice, Luo Lan showed a hint of helplessness on his face.

Her enthusiasm for cultivation is no worse than that of Vegeta. Every time she can't find her, she knows that she has gone to the gravity room again.It is necessary to know that proper rest can better regulate the body, and the combination of work and rest is no worse than penance, but it is a pity that Sephilia can't hear it.

"Luo Lan, I have something for you."

After eating, Sefilia took out something like a USB flash drive.

"what is this?"

Sefilia said while eating: "When I destroyed the command room of the Yugal Stars, I copied them from the communication records between them and the Frieza Army, which seemed to record all the Saiyan mission information. "

"What?" Luo Lan was very surprised, and quickly wiped her greasy hands, took the USB flash drive and looked at it.

Hertz heard that it contained information about the Saiyans, and his expression became serious: "Does that mean that we can find those wandering tribesmen?"

Sefilia said: "Probably, if Frieza's army didn't have time to find them, there should be many survivors, but the large-scale Saiyan teams should have been destroyed along with Planet Vegeta. Most of the Saiyans living outside are low-level fighters, or weaker non-combatants."

The middle-level fighters or the upper-level fighters have their own squads, and they have returned to Planet Vegeta after receiving instructions from Frieza's army. people take care of.

Maybe they still exist on some remote planets.

(End of this chapter)

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